Thursday, 21 February 2008

McCanns in row over girl's picture

Monday February 18, 2008

Gerry and Kate McCann may face legal action

Gerry and Kate McCann did not ask permission to use the picture of a missing five-year-old on a publicity poster for Madeleine, it's been claimed. They should not have featured Spaniard Mari Luz's image, her father Juan Jose Cortes said. He may now take legal action against the couple, from Rothley in Leicestershire. The McCanns printed thousands of the posters for a Valentine's Day campaign.

A spokesman apologised but said he thought permission was given. Mari vanished last month in Huelva, Spain – 200km (120 miles) from Praia da Luz, where Maddie went missing in May.
Mr Cortes said: 'They are two distinct cases, two different countries and two lines of investigation.'

Meanwhile, Portuguese police union chief Carlos Anjos said the investigating force is weighed down by bureaucracy and few resources.


The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

The fact that Mr Cortes wants to sue the McCanns for using his daughter's photo on Madeleine's posters seems very strange to me. Surely the more people see the picture of Mari Luz, the greater the chance of her being found.

Suing people who are trying to help you seems very low to me. What would happen if someone saw one of these posters and recognised Mari Luz? Would the parents then "unsue" them again?

Tinkerbell43 said...

I must admit I do not understand the mentality of Mr. Cortes if this is the case. To me, I wouldnt look a gift horse in the mouth. He more than anyone else should know what the McCs are going through so why he would want to sue them for trying to help makes no sense to me. I honestly do not know what there is to be upset about. I do not believe the find Madeleine campaign would have spent the additional monies with out believing they had permission. Maybe it was a genuine misunderstanding, why the need to sue!

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

Hiya Tinks

Maybe because their fund had the grand total of about 400 quid! People have been saying that the Cortes family wants to sell their house and belongings to get money together and that unlike the McCanns they are not asking other people to finance them, but the fact is that they did! They were just unsuccessful!

Tinkerbell43 said...

Hiya Sass, It makes it even more unbelievable then that having received a lack of financial donations, they then turn on the very people that have helped to publicise their plight. Its a strange way of encouraging people to donate with this kind of attitude.

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...


I wonder how much they could realistically hope to win in a lawsuit? Also how long does it take for a case like this to go to court? Do they really want to wait that long before they can concentrate 100% on looking for their daughter?

Rosiepops said...

I think these parents have been put up to this by the Spanish papers. These are poor people they need money, it hasn't really come in like the Find Madeleine fund. The Spanish press have consistently been against the McCann's and a story like this would help them sell extra copies, think about it, Madeleine AND Mari story? An offer from a paper say this and threaten to sue and we will pay you ex amount? A very large cheque could sway their opinion, they wouldn't turn it down I don't think.
Also they may be a bit peeved because Madeleine is still getting attention and they feel their daughter isn't, you can't blame them for thinking like this.
I don't think this will ever get as far as court, what can they say? I want to sue them for trying to help me find my daughter? A court would say why is it so bad they paid for a photo and placed it on theirs and then paid for the distribution? There is no way this would go to court.
Also their state of mind cannot be very good, they must be in a dreadful state.

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

You said they must be fed up with the amount of attention Madeleine is getting, but how much is Madeleine in the Spanish press do you think?

It is obvious why the story is in the Portuguese and British press, but I wonder how much people see about Madeleine in the Spanish press.

Rosiepops said...

I was talking more on an international level, my daughter said that there had been demonstrations across Spain demanding Mari be returned home and that she was in the papers. I found this odd as every time I asked on the DE I was told there was not much in the papers about Mari. This may be because my daughter lives in Tarifa and that is very near Huelva, so it may have got more local coverage.

Rosiepops said...

The antis on the DE forum loved this and wasted no time in rubbing it in. I thought Claudia79 was going to hyperventilate over it, what an odd thing to get happy about? Anything it seems with which they can bash the McCann's over the head with.

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...


I was just about to write "I take back what I just said"!!!

In one Spanish paper I looked at Madeleine wasn't mentioned, but then I checked out El PaĆ­s and there was loads! Mari Luz's disappearance wouldn't have had the international coverage it has had (which as you say, isn't much in comparison with Madeleine's) if it hadn't been for the McCanns making sure that their daughter's disappearance stayed in the public eye.

Rosiepops said...

I think it is very odd the way this man has behaved and it is him, not heard what his wife has said about it.
I do think they have been put up to this. I just feel so sorry for the McCann's, it seems that no matter what they do they cannot do anything right and I hope when it comes out what has happened to Madeleine that the people that have caused this dreadful ill feeling for them, feel really sick with themselves.

Tinkerbell43 said...

Just out of interest, I didnt manange to get on HYS today, was there any particular reason why it was pulled when it was. Had it become excessively abusive or something ?

Rosiepops said...

I hadn't posted either only on yesterdays thread was just about to when it went off but there was this post just before it went belly up.


21.02.08, 3:12pm

Could be wrong of course, but you don't suppose the same Portuguese perverts and paedophiles are coming over to the UK to do their dirty deeds? After all there has been a lot of disturbing incidents in Portugal just lately, couldn't be your bretheren are looking for fresh pastures in the UK by any chance?"

What do you think? I thought it may get him banned! there is some other HYS stories going, will go on there see if anyone is lurking.

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

No idea, Tinks.

I suppose they were building up to it in a way. They stopped putting articles about Madeleine online - they were just in the paper. I suppose they thought HYS would die a death, then they realised it wouldn't!

As everyone just moved to an article and carried on the so-called debate there, they seem to have thought that more radical measures were necessary!

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

I'm wondering what on earth Viv is going to write about now that there is no HYS!!! Who is she going to insult??? She must be devastated!

Tinkerbell43 said...

I smiled at the thought of that earlier. God knows where Vile will get her kicks now her lifeline has been cut off. Hopefully she'll shrivel up and disappear completely.

Rosiepops said...

LOL sassy, never thought of that, she is going to need treatment. (Oh she already does) It will only be a matter of time before they find this little sanctuary now, still as long as they don't get overly abusive, what the heck, let them have a run, after all we have never been afraid of them HYS have we? We do not stifle debate because we do not agree with them.

Rosiepops said...

Nevr mind Viv look at all the free time Alsabelia and Claudia79 will have now!!!!!! lol they will probably take a dive in wages!

Rosiepops said...

By the way, have left a message for HelenM who was looking for me and for laz, melbel etc al, to keep going back to the Paul Gascoigne story until I catch them, when I do I will put this addy up in my profile and hopefully get them on.

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

Claudia will "go out with friends for a coffee".

Tinkerbell43 said...

Does anyone know whether there has been an update from the McCs on the French sighting. I know on GMTV this am, CM said they wanted to view the CCTV footage. I understand a French source has dismissed it, but I was reading earlier how rare Madeleine Colomba is and the Dutch girl was adament she spotted this mark.

Rosiepops said...

I think it will come back when there is another story, because all of their news stories carry an HYS. So if tomorrow there is a Madeleine story, it will be back, unless they have decided to stop them all! What about breaking news?

Tinkerbell43 said...

Good thinking Rosie. I noted Big_l told everyone to go to the first HYS at the top of the page.

Rosiepops said...

I don't know Tinks, it seems that the French police have dismissed it. I think perhaps they may have sent the footage to the McCann's to view.
It is certainly a very rare condition and the Dutch girl was very sure.
People say that she should have grabbed the child, all very well for them to say that, but if it is not Madeleine, you stand to scare the life out of the child, how would you do this? The parents would attack you! Unless they turned and fled!!!

Anonymous said...

here, yes, agree....what's going on. 0 stories on madeleine on #dE. I know this might be off the waLL, I think they know where she is.



Tinkerbell43 said...

At least she had the presence of mind to call her name and alert the police there and then. It will probably come to nothing but these people need to be encouraged to come forward not ridiculed like the antis have done. Honestly it makes me wonder whether they really want Madeleine found.

Tinkerbell43 said...

Hi Jane, you may not be off the wall, for some reason I have a very similar feeling, I cant explain it but I cant seem to shake it off.

Rosiepops said...

Too true Tinks, how do you expect anyone to come forward to give information on any crime if they are frightened of getting ridiculed? I have always said this was a very dangerous precedent that the antis were setting.

Jane, I don't think so, if they knew it would be on every news station across the world, not a news blackout.
The DE done this the other week too, although it went back on after a few hours. Don't know about this, sounds a little more permanent!

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

Jane and Tinks

If that was the case, why would they need to remove every single Madeleine post?

Rosiepops said...

Sudden rush of realisation!!!

What if Jane is right and they have found her? The French police saying this was not Madeleine was just a story, and they closed in and got her?

Please dear God let this be the case Please amen

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...


In answer to your question about Madeleine and France. This is taken from

"Despite reports that the girl is definitely not Madeleine French detectives are still examining the footage at the Forensics laboratory in Rosny-sur-Bois, just north of Paris - where the evidence surrounding the car crash which killed Princess Diana was also examined. "

Tinkerbell43 said...

Sass, I know it doesnt make any sense and I dont even think there would be a news black either, but I've just got this feeling and I cant shake it off. Maybe its wind, lol.

Rosiepops said...

Just had an eamil from mum and she will be jpining us soon!

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...


It would be great if that were the case - I'm not knocking it!

After all our gut instincts have been strong enough to have been insulted night after night on HYS! I hope your (yours and Jane's) instincts are right now!

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

Tinks and Jane

You remember Reina?

Well, she used to get her "information" from this site (I believe). In a way, it reflects what you and Jane feel.

Tinkerbell43 said...

Thanks for that link Sass, very interesting. Going back to the sighting, I would imagine from the CCTV footage they will be able to trace the registration of the car anyway. Maybe we will have a picture in the paper tomorrow of the little girl that caused all this furore.

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

By the way, Jane and Mum21 when you get here, if you want your name to appear as something other than "anonymous", then under "Choose an identity", choose Name/URL and you can use your names. We are keeping to the DX ones just in case Vile and her "buddies" turn up!

If you don't want to have to keep signing on, then you can sign on with google (top right, you will see "register". All you have to do is register your existing e-mail account with google and choose a password (not your e-mail one - just one to sign on here).

Anonymous said...

I have found this case totally abnormal from start and I feel there will be an abnormal or unexpected ending to it. I do not believe in my heart she is dead, My head says yes, and paedos too. My gut reaction is no, no paedos. No rewards taken up. not normal channels. no odd. this is really different. can't explain, but I feel she will be found. also, why no 'news' of Gerry's first year anniversary 'concert' or some such ridiculous trashy idea????? It would be well into final planning now, it is not. why not? I think behind the scenes someone knows.or suspects. As I posted ages ago, whilstlooking other way we will find Madeleine, and I feel alive. My heart says this.

My head says gone, pervs, paedos, killed coz of eye. but, I cannot accept that for some deep, strong reason. Can't ok it out. Just can't.

hey ho. well that's a lot of steam out my ears now.


OR ANONYMOUS THAT COMES UP. FAR FROM IT. me//hey i will ue. don't call me that it's libellous. hee hee hee

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

Tinks, this is also from

"But French police have tracked down the man after the number plate of his car appeared on the video footage.

A police spokesman said: "We located the driver after his number plate appeared on video footage taken at the service station provided a plausible explanation of what he was doing there with a young child.

"As far as we are concerned, this matter is now cleared up." "

Anonymous said...


if they 'knew' that is precisely FOR ONCE why they would NOT put it on news, if blackmail could be involved. a HANDOVER OF LIVE CHILD NEEDS CARE AND BLACKOUTS. i BELIEVE THERE HAS BEEN A BLACKOUT FOR MONTHS NOW. Smokescreens, yes press manipulation, yes. pj bribes false info yes. govt? a little bit but not now. too hot. no. the fact that it is NOT in the news encourages me. my heart wants it to be so. My head says no. daft bat. ho hum. so.......................dunno.

Rosiepops said...

I think this concert idea was never on the cards, probably something put about by the antis, to cause mischief.
So much of this stuff that the McCann's were supposed to be doing was just a lot of rubbish.
I feel so sorry for them, their daughter abducted if that isn't bad enough no one including the incompetent keystone Kops will not believe them and haven't been looking for her and i think it is an absolute disgrace, a bungling disgrace by a police force full of egos!

janegt said...

what ca we do to tell others from de site we are here????

hi got an id now.


Anonymous said...

Hi Girls. I quietly crept into Alsabelia's blog as a spy before coming on here. thought this post from her may interest you.

alsabella said...
The star too?? WOW...So the British papers are going to act like Madeleine no longer exists? How truly sad...they could at least have kept the articles..
I wonder if this is because their is news on the letters and they are trying to hush something up... Nevertheless, never fear...At least news from Portugal you will always have...because if they shut down forums, and even blogs, there will be others that we will open...kind of like a new-age cyber-version of the French Resistance...but Portuguese style! :-)

21 February 2008 22:03

Rosiepops said...

Mum great to bring that over. Well I hope all the British traitors are happy with the Portuguese resistance! I could actually talk about the french resistance but I will not that is for another day!!!

And so much for the brains of the Portuguese resistance, the Daily Star is a sister paper of the Daily Express!

Rosiepops said...

If they have pulled the Daily Star too, I don't see the forum coming back!

Anonymous said...

I also checked Vile's blog. She has an announcement about the DE pulling the forum in RED writing. te he he

Rosiepops said...

Mum, I bet she is having withdrawal symptoms lol

They wont have anything to talk about or run down now, perhaps they will when the find us (that should be interesting !

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

ALL the HYS board has been removed and there are no profiles anymore. We have all disappeared!!!

Rosiepops said...

I see a psoter named supertroll is giving her hell, has everyong been on supertroll's site?

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

Hiya Mum21

Glad you could join us!

I had a quick look at Alsabella's and saw the same post. As it is in the DX all the HYS have disappeared now, along with our profiles.


Anonymous said...

If you want to get a message on the DE for other pro's to join us. You could tell them to email for the link. Seeing as that email address is already in the public domain on my site we are not giving out our private email addresses.
That way we can be selective in who we let join.:-)
Just a suggestion

Rosiepops said...

sassy no you can still sign in and actually access your last 20 posts!

janegt said...

rosiepops, it was Gerry who said he wanted a first anniversary concert for Madeleine. I recall because I was incandescent....with rage at that guy. So many people do not like him Why no press stuff on his and Kate's past? There iT COULD LIE. as blackmailing someone like Gerry with such a contradictory lifestyle and so arrogant with it. Catholic yes ivf no but yes for him who was present at Madeleine's birth? JANE TANNER ..why? where was gerry? masons? not if catholic either. nuclear committee with Labour govt unde Blair. yes. Someone migt not like that. IVF in Switzerland was it? Why not here. New way? M's birth was almost on same day as Jane Tanners? or something like that.......Is there an IVF V cATHOLIC cHURCH, V mASONS HERE??????


I also totally accet the mn at 4 a on 4 May who saw he thoughtM. dragged across road by blone woman and scruffy man. Michaela? and who????? towards Marina at Lagos. time fits. man had no idea, no gain. I believe it. Sergei M. had boat there, it left harbour that night. in dead of night. Alroy and Doby were to me right. I agreed. Can;'t say why. Just do. guts........not head. so wrong? maybe. time will tell but I think we will know soon. Well, within a couple of months, not another 10-;/.......

Gerry's idea of the Maddie pop concert turned my stomach so much I remeber it in detail. It disgusted me.


Rosiepops said...

Have you all tried to sign in the DE yet?

This happened the other week too and it all came back. I think the HYS will come back but have no idea if the madeleine foruems will.

You remember this don't you Jane?

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...


Just tried and got a blank page!

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

Thank you for the offer, Mum21. If the DX gets the HYS stuff up and running that would be great. I also have a throwaway address so it wouldn't matter if Vile and Quackmac wrote!

Actually we are listed on Google but unless you knew the full name of the blog you wouldn't find it that easily. You would have to type in Madeleine McCann, then you would find us!

janegt said...

well for once the antis, pros, fencers, doubters, slaggers, and multi id ers. have a lot in common



I thought when mirror closed we would too within days. I am surprised we lasted longer, but we were, to be frank the most used, vociferous bunch. no, we must 'rise again' like phoenix......

I am having withdrawal symptoms from the abuse.

ha ha



The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...


Gerry's idea of the Maddie pop concert turned my stomach so much I remeber it in detail. It disgusted me.


But you hid your dislike of the idea very well!!! ;-)

Rosiepops said...

Jane, perhaps there is nothing on Gerry because there is nothing he has done that warrants anything? Let's face it the worse they could bring up from Kate's past is she was called Hot lips in uni and like to party, so what so do the majority of students.

I think this conspiracy concerning the government is just crazy, no cant see that at all. For many reasons too numerous (and boring) to mention. Jane if Blair's government and Browns government were involved along with a long list of conspirators, it would mean around 80 people sworn to secrecy and that is not going to happen, someone wold have blown the whistle on government long before now.

The reason why people do not like Gerry is because he does not photograph well and does not come across as cuddly on TV and because people are absolutely determined to condemn the poor man.
Much of what is said about him is complete and utter rubbish, I remember he said about the concert but I thought that was something take and run by the press, which bore very little in the way of facts.

Rosiepops said...

Just got this off of the DE.

Published: Thursday February 21,2008 by Rosiepops

Sorry mark I was off when you came on.

21.02.08, 2:04am

Gina did some research showing that most people in the uk no longer thought about the case , and that reinforces what I find . I have said before that my son is a medical student at Liecester .He says that no one talks about the case now , but when they did , everyone had sympathy for the McANNS .

• Posted by: mark55 • Report Comment

I agree with what you and Gina have written, I have also found this to be the case too. People in the playground picking their youngsters up talk about anything but this case. My professional contacts talk about it only occasionally and when they do mention it, they express concern about the children being left like we all do, but have an enormous amount of sympathy for the McCann's, also some have confided that they have done exactly the same as the McCann's while eating out at night but because of this will never ever ever even think of doing this again, they too thought it was safe enough thing to do. How many people would admit to this if they were not now so frightened of be accused of being terrible neglectful parents? I think many, but who can blame them for keeping quiet?

I am very doubtful if the Pj will come here, reluctantly I say this because I wanted this questioning to happen, I thought it would be good for the McCann's, bit it seems they are even to be denied this?

janegt said...


yes I remember DE site closing temporarily.

I just feel this is and has been a 'blackout' for months. I now feel someone somewhere knows something and tentatively all shut down till resolved. Discussions ongoing??. Also Susan Healey has quoted for first time in many months now again. Family took back seat for ages now. Don't know. I just 'smell' something.


Anonymous said...

The whole of the DE site is having problems it this could be just a blip. But somehow I don't think so. I did manage to sign in though.

Rosiepops said...

Have you tried again sassy? I have and just signed in again and accessed my last 20 posts.

Just seen that Chinadoll made a post on the Gascoigne HYS at 10.41, drat I missed her and I have been looking.this must have been when the whole site went pear shape.

Rosiepops said...

Drat now I am getting a blank page too!

I do however think this will sort itself out, HYS will be back, maybe minus madeleine stories though.

janegt said...

I agree rosiepops, that the Govt does not have a conspiracy as such at all. but the 8 or 9th member apart from McCanns???? And Clara was there for another reason but got wrapped up McC's dilemma. I am not saying more than that. I am certainly not saying the Govtis corrupt. Not at all. It has been 'convenient' and perhaps 'expedient' in things.

I have posted for months now about my strong feelings about not only a press blackout, but disinformation. I now believe this has stopped. For a reason. Because now, we are told 'NOTHING AT ALL' i BELIEVE SOMETHING OF EVERYTHING IS HAPPENING BEHIND THE SCENES. strong feeling, can't shake it off, no reason, no logic, just gut reaction.

Gerry rubs people the wrong way. There were statements from his colleagues, some who apparently left LGH coz of it. Don't know if I believe that, but I do know his manner does not come across well at all. I do not dislike him he went to school only 4 miles from my old home.........that's why I can 'read' him I feel.

Don't know. None of us do. The odd thing is the linking of a previous poster to Diana. The same symbolic lovely blonde image....innocence......that's what has grabbed the attention of so many to her plight. I cannot accept she is ead. I have to have absolute concrete proof. No less. Why?

I don't know at all.

Can;'t back it up.

The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

Hiya Rosie

Yup, it worked this time!

Anonymous said...

de site up and running now with all maddie articles. and hys...see you there????


The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...


Check your e-mail. It's important (or as my students always say "impotent")!


Rosiepops said...

LOL sassy it is working for you but not for me now ! Nice big blank white page!

I really want to get on and leave messages for the others. If I put our blog up there we will get a visit from Viles lot, pretty soon, although i do think they will fins us anyway as more people post.
if someone types my name into Google and I have been posting here it is going to come up and they will find us that way. apparently Betty does this as a way of finding the day's story in the DE and then she put it up on the forum so everyone could too! LOL so expect a visit or two shortly.

But I will put it up in my profile and take it back down again when I can manage to catch any of them.

Anonymous said...

sorry, it has gone now. only listings of stories, all deleted...................oh dear. sorry I got it wrong.


janegt said...

sorry folks, got it wrong it seems, cannot access DE at all, it only lists all madeleine stories, but you find 'deleted' at them all.......sorry.


Rosiepops said...

This is what the Saint Alsabelia wrote.

21.02.08, 4:44pm

Are selling all their possessions to increase the size of the reward for their missing little girl.

As you can see, this is exactly the same that the McCanns have done, isn't it?

• Posted by: alsabelIa • Report Comment

I have to say this Alsabelia and I do hope you read it sometime. I am a normal woman, not taken to arguing the toss over the internet, but you (amid a few of your other little playtime pals) are one of the nastiest, spiteful, vindictive, most sly and devious people I have ever come across.
You are a racist, you pretend to be something you are not and you are a born liar. You have lied so many times and been tripped up by your lies and they are there for all to see.
I cant stand you Alsabelia you are sly and manipulative, you have people taken in, they may not see you for what you are but mark my words there are plenty that can.

That awful petty vindictive comment above is a despicable thing to say and who the hell do you think you are to say this? Shame on you and you a mother?

Some mother you are, you spend so much time on the internet you kids must come a very poor second and you have the gall to accuse Kate and Gerry of being bad parents? what do your children do when you are on the PC 24/7?

Anonymous said...

apparently cnn usa have just carried news of M in France. after no news for months. this ismore important than we have been lead to believe. also ths david payne connection the tapas one, plus the us id fraudster one also david payne. something there plus the playground picutre with david payne us in it. and someone ducking down behind te kids play things. I keep getting drawn to thie so strongly and don't know why. spoooooky. can't let it go. don't know........???

how many 'doubles' can this story take? we have had so so so many.....TOO TOO MANY one has to be the link.


Anonymous said...

cnn stuff was me, jane gt lost my identity again. yet again.

omg can I do nothing without having my id taken???aaaarrrggghhhh. it worked before, doesn't now. you know it's me.


janegt said...

am i id strong now??? f g's sake....


The Candy Floss blog really sucks said...

Re: Mari Luz's parents selling their stuff to raise money for their daughter's search.

Apart from that they did try and get a fund together, but they only had about 400 quid in it.

Anonymous said...

Hi All,
Just another DE refugee droped in from cyberspace.......wonder what's going on........all very odd.........hoping that something positive is about to break


Anonymous said...

Hi Jojam...good to see you. Not sure if we will ever get the DE forum back

Anonymous said...

Hi Mum21

I doubt it the way some are abusing HYS.......Still I know were to come now.........I cant be doing with the other nasty sites'


Rosiepops said...

Hi Mum and welcome jojam.

What is going on at the DE? Can't understand why they put a story up then pulled it off.
What was todays story about?

Anonymous said...

Hi Rosie. It was an old article going backs months. Something to do with Kate smiling. I don't actually think they put it up...more like they missed taking it down. Hope4You started being abusive towards the DE..stating they could not shut people up.
Her account was then rightly suspended. She has now accused me of being a DE Mod on the forum and believes I had it shut down. She said there is more to Mum21 than she lets on. te he he

Anonymous said...

Also after looking into Alsabelia's profile I tracked the postings yesterday. It seems there was a very bad confrontation between her that the new Janetct1...both has comments removed. Shortly after that the articles and the forum were pulled.

Rosiepops said...


What is the matter with that person? i would not take that much notice of her she reminds me of a ventriloquists dummy, like she is being worked by someone else.

What a really intelligent thing to do, the DE leave one article up and on she goes being abusive to the staff, so she managed to get it pulled and get herself suspended and yet someone this is your fault?

Does her brain go all the way to the top do you reckon?

I bet the DE put that article up to see how it went and she managed to get it pulled.

Rosiepops said...

alsabelia taunts people and then acts innocent and if someone has a go she puts on this act of being demure and acting like a victim, she really annoys me. I would rather have the likes of Ginam launching at me and giving me an earful, at least I know where she is coming from and where I stand and I really do not mind that in a person if they can manage to do it without being too abusive, it is the likes of Alsabelia that really annoy me, did you see my post on this thread about her? I have been waiting a long time to do that, I was saving it for when Madeleine was found when it didn't matter if I was suspended. If I knew it was coming yesterday I would have got on and done it then! LOL

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