Has Viv now totally lost the plot?
Captured last night on Viv's blog by pure luck. Knowing it wouldn't last we took a screenshot, the post did not last long, it was later edited and had all its content removed and finally removed this morning. We have decided to keep the identity of the poster secret.
It looks like some of the posters are not happy with the way things are being run on the blog, we have suspected this for a while, received the odd email and anonymous post, however voicing protests in this way had not been seen before. This post, even though it didn't last long, was a breath of fresh air.
Unlike Viv, we publish all comments, all theories, as long as they are not libellous, even those from Viv herself.
1 – 200 of 1034 Newer› Newest»Thanks Mum for doing this!
Oops sorry meant to include this in the baove post.
I have carried it over from the past thread.
Rosiepops said...
Just in case there is any shadow of a doubt.
JJ is not JayJay.
I, 'Me' Rosie AKA Rosiepos is JayJay.
I apologise unreservedly to JJ, I really did not intend this to happen. When I joined the 3A's to make that one post, I joined under a different name because I thought their system may kick me out if I tried to join under Rosiepops.
I just the first thing down that came into my head and actually Jay is the name of a bird and I like wildlife, so this is why I used it. I really did not think of JJ, if I had I would have chosen a different ID.
It was never my intention not to reveal my true ID and I signed the posts Rosiepops Rosie and then came back and put he same posts here under my ID to make sure there was no confusion.
Sorry JJ, I really did not mean to cause this problem for you.
Viv for goodness sakes get a grip and if you are going to keep accusing me of being someone else, please, for goodness sake choose one ID and stick to it.
Just the past 7 days, according to you I have been all of these people:
Michael Wright
Jon Corner
Gerry McCann
Phil McCann
Kate's Aunt
In the past you have accused me of being many other people too.
But now JJ? Why? Just because someone has had the guts to stand up to you, you automatically think it is me?
Why don't you show a little more faith and loyalty to your posters? Many of which have stuck by you through thick and thin, is this how you repay their loyalty to you?
I am not JJ and JJ is not me, check the IP you foolish woman ans stop making an ass of yourself.
12 February 2009 12:25
you just got yourself a ban Rosie!
JJ if you are looking in here or any one else is who has JJ's points of view, post them here, anon if you want. Let JJ have his/her say. Show that stupid bat that other people have a right to their opinions too. I am not guaranteeing that people on here will agree with them, but they allow them to be viewed.
Good afternoon to everyone
I would just like to thank Rosiepops for her apology to me and to thank the person who put the thread about me on Viv's blog.
I did see it this morning, but by then the content had been removed. When I looked again, the whole thing had gone.
I still don't understand why Viv has banned me. But it's her blog and she has every right to do that.
Apparently, she now thinks I'm a plant.
I'm actually an orchid!
Thank you for reading this.
Oh Dear,
Viv is angry.
After having a go at JJ for posting comments about threads that have nothing to do with the 'debate', what does she do today?
Yep, she goes and posts a thread about Rosiepops/supertroll and picks out the most offensive comment.
viv said...
Hiya again Zodiac
Interesting thread on 3 As here about Rosiepops/Supertroll, don't know whether you have seen it.
Ironside warns about "pure evil", he is certainly not wrong about that!
Thursday, 12 February 2009 12:00:00 o'clock GMT
viv said...
Actually from that thread, bigl I know he is a bit naughty but he just makes he howl with laughter:
PostPosted: Mon Nov 17, 2008 5:47 pm
Hardened Criminal
Joined: Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:58 pm
Posts: 1721
Location: brigadoon scotland
HI IRONSIDE glad your back and i hope you and yours are well :D
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh sweet old rosiepops a friend in need is a friend in deed a very misunderstood poster in my opinion with her/his heart in the right place.
my a rse what an utter c_nt he/she was on the DE totally f_cking hated me :D :D mind you i did get on alright with tinks (maybe that was because i wanted too pump her avatar) ;)
yip rosiepops def a nutter related too the mccanns imho :D
Thursday, 12 February 2009 12:12:00 o'clock GMT
Hi Anon, surely Viv could have come up with something a bit more original. That thread on the 3A's is history.
viv said...
you just got yourself a ban Rosie!
12 February 2009 12:35
Go very careful Viv, you are getting very close to a ban yourself...and I don't mean on here either.
You are welcome here whenever, if ever, you feel the need, obviously we do not agree on many things, but hey that's life, people are like this and it is no reason at all why you should not post here. I am sorry I have inadvertently caused this problem for you, if Viv would only care to check her IP numbers she would see this for herself, but no as per usual she has jumped in with both feet flinging her silly accusations around.
At least this time you know you are not me, so you know I am telling the truth. As I have been telling the truth all along.
There was no need to ban JJ for his/her posts or delete that thread. The thread was simply someone stating an opinion which happened to disagree with the way the blog is going.
Unlike the majority of Viv's threads it was not offensive or libellous (a breath of fresh air in that foetid place), just an opinion. It should at least have been debated. Deleting and editing it in the middle of the night shows Viv as a control freak and a dictator.
Viv is a megalomaniac, for people to be able to post there they must be either too dumb, too mad or too afraid to challenge Viv as she goose steps up and down her blog posting copy and paste after copy and paste.
Can't the posters left there see that they are being made to look like complete and utter gullible fools?
Bonny, if it is any consolation I am seriously going back to what I originally thought that they did somehow kill Maddie, but sometimes it does help to think outside the box and look at things from every angle. It would seem that when he carried Maddie down to the beach she was probably more than "deeply asleep". I just want to be wrong about that but..
Make your mind up woman. Or are you just trying to get Bonny back on side. Oh dear just had a thought, imagine Viv being promoted to mod on the 3As? Now that would be fun.
Hi Mum
I do not think the 3 A's are particularly glad Viv has resurrected that foul post, with its foul language, from that foul member of theirs.
How proud has the admin of the 3 A's got to be that such a highly unnecessary and foul post ever saw the light of day over there?
Ironside, we all know had his mind warped about me by Viv a long time ago.
Big_L is a complete foul nasty sewer minded poster, one has to wonder why he frequents this story, especially when he is so obviously sexually deviated enough to want to "pump an avatar".
I just wonder why the 3 A's allow him to make posts like this, they really are nasty and offensive and bring their forum down.
Viv and Big_L, now there is a match made in hell!
If Viv thinks we are going to start a feud with the 3 A's, she can think again.
We are not stupid Viv, we know what you are tryong to do and we know you are trying to cause trouble and we are not buying it, so go away and get a grip on your foolish narcissistic ways.
Anonymous said...
Bonny, if it is any consolation I am seriously going back to what I originally thought that they did somehow kill Maddie, but sometimes it does help to think outside the box and look at things from every angle. It would seem that when he carried Maddie down to the beach she was probably more than "deeply asleep". I just want to be wrong about that but..
Make your mind up woman. Or are you just trying to get Bonny back on side. Oh dear just had a thought, imagine Viv being promoted to mod on the 3As? Now that would be fun.
12 February 2009 14:18
My goodness if they ever promoted Viv to be a Mod on the 3A's, those people that have been trying to get the 3A's off the internet would shout with joy. Viv would kill the place stone dead within a couple of weeks.
We all know why she is crawling up Bonny's backside, she is trying to get back in favour with her, and the reason she is doing this is because suddenly Viv is finding herself without any friends.
It is embarrassing to read her posts sucking up to Bonny, hasn't Viv got any pride at all?
I wonder if the 3A's will fall for it, or will they see through her? I know that a few have seen through her, but one mod in particular seems to have been sucked in to Viv's vortex!
Remains to be seen I suppose.
However, again we see that Viv has changed her mind!
Make your mind up Viv, you loony, what do you actually think?
At lease we over here have stuck to what we believe in and have not wavered from those beliefs.
Hi JJ so glad you posted. If you were a plant it took her long enough to work it out.
I will tell you why you got banned. You said you wanted to digest and think before posting. That was your big mistake, you are not allowed to think for yourself you just have to agree. You then went too far and actually posted a view of your own, suicide matey!!
I have made many comments about the McCanns and have taken plenty of stick because of it from posters on here. I cannot remember exactly how far you used to go with it all and whether you went along with the "they murdered her" accusations so I know you will feel it two faced of you to now post on here. I felt that way, coming on here when I got banned, but sometimes you just have to do what you have to do. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, something Viv will not allow and I was not prepared to just stand by and allow her to make accusations about posters or anybody else for that matter without trying to make others see how they are being manipulated. She has such a hatred for the pros which she has dripped on her posters so they will not even stop to think for one minute that some of the points they make are valid. However there is always a glimmer of hope if they read views of someone they used to
chat with on her site. There is nothing wrong with opposing points of view as long as everybody remembers they are only points of view. I know it is frustrating when she makes personal comments, takes bits of posts to suit her own agenda, and you are not in a position to tell the others how you feel but at least on here they are giving us that opportunity. I just hope posts remain polite, reasonable and valid.
You have mail.
Gina, I agree that the opportunity is being given for us to give our points of view, but some of us just have not got what it takes to do that and find it even harder because we have gone along with Viv's accusations. I admire those of you who can take the abuse Viv throws at you. This is as brave as I can get, and I hope she cannot never finds out that I have posted here too
Hi Anon 17.04
Don't worry about it, she will never find out from us.
I think that others feel as you do, they feel stuck between a rock and hard place and I can understand that.
However, no animosity is held over here.
Just wanted to say that I am sorry your posts got deleted. I for one, would have liked to have seen what you had to say and I don't see that what you posted was inflammatory in any sense.
If the blog owner doesn't mind, could you post here what you wanted to say?
The problem I have is that Viv was at first extremely friendly and helpful and I have confided in her about many things. She has my real name, the names of my partner and children, the names of my pets, she even knows where I work. I was lonely and she was there for me. Now I realise that I have been used and what a spiteful and vindictive person she is, but I am scared to speak up because she knows too much about me. I used to post there and now I am ashamed I ever did, I used to believe her theories because she was apparently lawyer and Docmac was a doctor and they knew better. I confided many things in him too.
I will not give my name, but I want my old friends there (Di, Hope and especially kind Dylan, please don't be too hard on them), to know that they are being used, Viv is just a bitter person with an unhealthy obsession, if they want to discuss the case the 3A's is a lot better and that they should get out of there because Viv is dragging everyone down to her level.
if I remember correctly didn't you say you were Rosie posting as JayJay when you posted on 3A's?
I am still a member on there, and they love me PMSL.
Anon 17.04 Silence can be golden too. Many of Viv's posters have said nothing and just do not post there anymore. She has few posts at the moment, so expect a rally the troops email. Remember you do not have to argue with her to show your feelings but you do not have to agree with her either.
Hi Chris,
Yes I did tell them who I was, I think I put something like "the dreaded Rosiepops here" and I also signed my posts with my correct ID and to make it extra clear that it was actually me posting, I came back here and pasted a copy of the post I had written on the 3 A's.
However, this is not good enough for Viv, she still has to accuse JJ of being JayJay. (me)
Honestly, if I were JJ and going to pull a stupid stunt like that, I think I would have gone for a completely different name.
Viv must think we are all as daft as she is!
How could you?
'tis the Green Blog; I will now have to get an exorcist in to bless my poor little comp!!
Woe, Woe and thrice times woe;)
viv said...
you just got yourself a ban Rosie!
12 February 2009 12:35
You is the Green Blog one.
viv said...
Hiya Nancy
Well there are some basic facts we know, the Police were as at the last we heard of it officially, only investigating the TAPAS 9 as being involved in Maddie's disappearance.
Courts can actually determine facts from enough lies and inconsistencies. Sooner or later this lot will face trial, there can be no doubt about that. I still think the major reason for the delay is the complexity of the investigation involving serious and international fraud and also possibly sysemtatic sexual abuse of children. Those pictures of Maddie wearing make up and in a sexually provocative pose are a fact. Of course, I am sure the police still want to try and locate little Maddie, dead or alive, that has always been really crucial from both a moral and a legal point of view.
I am confident there will be justice, eventually, this is altogether just way too serious for the police to give up!
We should remember, Gerry still needs to consult his lawyers and that is also a known fact.
As for Tanner, I would be quite happy to see her get 4 years!
Thursday, 12 February 2009 21:19:00 o'clock GMT
Jeez, these are the words of one very sick woman. No wonder her members have done a runner.
I cannot think of anyone (including the 3A's)who would want to be associated with this crap.
Viv appears to be obsessed with sex offenders. You know how the saying goes "It takes one to know one".
She does seem to enjoy imagining these things, doesn't she?
Viv said (excerpt)
Courts can actually determine facts from enough lies and inconsistencies. Sooner or later this lot will face trial, there can be no doubt about that.
Here she is back to pretending to be a solicitor again.
Viv stop it, NO ONE believes you!
By the way you are not and NEVER were a probation officer either.
Yes she is back to this again, she just cannot stop it, she cannot control herself.
Yes she is back to this again, she just cannot stop it, she cannot control herself.
Too far gone in this cult of child death and paedophilia, none of them can stop themselves
Nancy will now start to spit more self righteous poison,
Hope will get more inspiration for violent posts,
Dylan will name her kids again,
BT will post more creepy nonsense,
ICTOAN will seize the opportunity and will search through the night for sick posts to match sick Viv's ideas,
They are all horrible disgusting people.
To All Anons.
I understand why you are all posting anon but it is very difficult to know how many different anons there are. Can I please suggest that if you want to post anon you add on eg. Anon ABC or something otherwise it gets so confusing. Thanks
Anon 17:44
I am so sorry that you should feel scared to speak out but I fully understand your reasons.
It is not your fault, Vile is a professional stalker.
Unfortunately your lonliness was a weak point and a predator like Vile would exploit that. There is only one person that should feel ashamed of themselves and that is not you.
Put it down to experience and move on with your life, at least you have one, unlike someone else I could mention!
Viv as this blog allows you to post on here, and I am open minded on the case, perhaps you would like to explain to me what you mean by this:
viv said...
Hiya again Nancy
Gerry just wanted to get back to "normal" as he calls it, wealth and happiness minus a troublesome child..
Can you please show me where it has ever been written or said by him "minus a troublesome child" I have little time for the man but you cannot win people like me over to your point of view this way because we insist on facts and proof with statements like this. We do not accept just because you said it is must be true.
Viv can you please explain so there is no misunderstandind on my part what you mean by this excerpt from your post
" Those pictures of Maddie wearing make up and in a sexually provocative pose are a fact."
Which part is a proven fact. IMO Yes there was a picture of her wearing make up that is a fact. How do you prove as fact she was in a sexually provocative pose. I just don't want to confuse opinion with fact, so asking you to explain please
Pictures of Maddie in a sexually provocative pose aged about two and half; pictures of Maddie with highlighted hair, eye liner and mascara.
Another vile statement by Viv posted on the 3As. What a nutcase this woman is.
Hi Gina
Good questions.
No one ever called Madeleine a 'troublesome child'. This is a figment of her imagination.
And the only fact about the sexual nature of that photo, is that is all in Viv's mind.
Anon 22.39, from anon 'A' (for Gina),
I would ask you not to cast aspersions about each and every one of Viv's bloggers. Not all have followed lemming-like unto the abyss (if that is where you feel that blog belongs) and most have persevered with their beliefs, be them Viv friendly or not. There are some very decent and humane people who comment on that blog and Viv herself, whilst not having had the best of times recently, is a very sensible and usually just person.
However, carry on with your predictions and follow the green road, and you will see that your crystal ball is a little cloudy.
I am sure it is just a blip in Viv's case and I sincerely hope that she can find her way to treat her bloggers as she used to. Fear not, if it happens that the blog has to close, there are other places that are just as welcoming and non-judgemental. I am sure that if you met Nancy, Dylan, Hope, BT and ICTOAN in a coffee shop in passing, you would consider them as no less than ordinary decent people who happen to care about justice in this world.
Good morning Anon A.
I agree with many things that you have said in your post. Speaking from experience I can confirm that I had some really good conversations with posters on Viv's site (not all of them)and I am sure once away from the computer they are just normal decent people. However it seems to me that once people "hit the keyboard" they enter into another world and they seem to forget the written word cannot be denied for it is there for all to see.
My main issue with Viv is that she states things as FACT instead of theory, and whilst she says her posters are free to put their points of view, it has been demonstrated on many occasions this is not so. When they do, they get banned, followed by another one of her "I knew all alone" statements. She also seems unable to answer any reasonably put questions and she failed to see that her posters were trying to ask her to rein in for all your sakes. She may genuinely believe she is fighting for justice, but she is going about it in totally the wrong way IMO and actually making a fool of herself which is now reflecting on her posters too
Anonymous (12 February 2009 22:39)
There must be something wrong with Viv's mind, for her to keep inferring that this child was abused simply by looking at a couple informal normal photographs!
Little girls love to dress up in their mummy's clothes, and they love to play with their mummy's make-up, it is quite normal, so very, very normal. I would bet that the majority of little girls have done this. I have images of my own daughters with my make-up on and I treasure those. I remember once they got into my cupboard and got the glass bottle of my very expensive perfume and dropped it, the house smelled lovely for weeks - lol
How sick is Viv's mind that she looks at a photo of a tot and infers that the child is posing provocatively?
If you look at what Viv herself has written, on how she bullied her own sons when they were young and not allowing them to have any of their own thoughts, or make any decisions, then it is not surprising.
Viv you are sick, narcissistic and sick!
Nancy is another who will try and match the venomous traits of her leader. Viv the cult leader has got inside her mind and unless Nancy wakes up pretty damned quick, she will go the way of poor 2345 and so will the others.
Note the people that are left on there are weak willed people, people that are OK with allowing other people to think for them, Hope, Di, Zodiac and Dylan are classic examples of this. Although the level of violence in Hope's posts is quite alarming. I mean one would not want her to be taking care of one's children anytime soon would we?
Most of these people make posts in reply to Viv's, not because they have anything to say, but they write their posts because they have to, Viv requires them to! Because they haven't anything of any value to say, they end up writing any old nonsense and this is acceptable to Viv, just as long as there is sufficient sucking up compliments to their leader, in there somewhere too!
Personally I do not think that there is much hope for any of the remaining posters, they are too brainwashed, Look at the members of any cult, everyone on the outside can see what is happening to them but they themselves are completely incapable of seeing it. Even to the detriment of their own blood families. Often these people's minds are so damaged and they are so compliant that they do not care what their family says to them and they nearly always turn their backs on their real families, preferring to be with their leader and their other cult family members.
Dylan is a prime example of this, she has written herself how her very own father and sister are worried about her involvement with Viv and the internet. Dylan has written that they think she is wrong about the McCanns, but none of it is having any effect, this is because Dylan has been brainwashed by Viv.
The only hope for Dylan, is Dylan herself, no one can help her unless she begins to realise what is happening to her on that blog.
BT and his creepy nonsense is just a joke, as BT is himself. He says he is a primary school teacher, well if this person was teaching any child in my family, I would go as far as to complain to the authorities about him, he is not right, there is something intrinsically wrong about this person and who he says he is.
ICTOAN and his jaunts around the internet looking for this vile stuff is another worry, he does this with a passion to back up his leader.
If you look at the people who are left in that place, just like a cult, they all have their jobs to do, tasks that must be completed daily.
They will only see what they have become when they want to see.
I am doing what you did to me Viv taking a small part of your post and giving you credit for saying something sensible and possible that should be considered along with everything else before accusing
Viv said...It is possible that the McCanns suffer from certain psychiatric designations that causes them behave in a manner which makes then look guilty of involvement in the disappearance of Maddie when in actuality, they had no part in it.
viv said...
Hiya Nancy
Paedophilia is very much a "white collar" crime sadly among professional people as this clearly demonstrates.
It is the educated and money grasping tory type of offender that poses so much more of a risk to children than the sex offender on the dole. He may just be targeting one or two but he is not the one who is getting thousands of children seriously abused and putting that on the internet for sale.
That is a "business" that all decent people should be right behind government/police efforts to seriously close down, even more so than drugs IMO.
So why, I ask myself do we have so many people criticising the police and the government in relation to this case, given it is beyond any doubt about some form of very serious child abuse. I think such criticism is seriously misguided because we in the UK do make a determined effort to catch child abusers, and continuing arrests like the one above just go to prove it and certainly prove that just because you are a "doctor" does not give you any form of protection from the law at all!
Thursday, 12 February 2009 22:38:00 o'clock GMT
Anon A...so you would call the above comment from Viv as being just and rational?
Give me a break, please!
Viv said.."It is the educated and money grasping tory type of offender that poses so much more of a risk to children than the sex offender on the dole."
What the f-ck has a persons political beliefs got to do with it? Is Viv now trying to convince us that the Labour party have no educated and money grasping, white collared members?
Viv...I sum up this statement by you in one word.......CRAP!
Anon A,
Would you also say that the very long ramblings on the front of Viv's blog...ramblings that are so long it would take a day to read them before you even get to the posting link, as being the words of a rational person?
Do you agree that Viv now has just a very few posters...and the rest gave up on her?
If so, can you give a truthful reason as to why they all left?
Hi Mum and Rosie
As Viv has not come on here and answered any of my reasonable questions I am beginning to seriously believe that she is not interested in facts, other peoples views etc. she just is out to make a name for HERSELF and doesn't give a damn how.
I think my last post got lost. Within in I said I agree with something Viv said although I would not have put it as strongly as she has....."It is possible that the McCanns suffer from certain psychiatric designations that causes them behave in a manner which makes then look guilty of involvement in the disappearance of Maddie when in actuality, they had no part in it."
...................................Yes Viv, as I have said many times, anything is possible, and the above could well explain why many of us found their reactions odd to say the least. However these sort of statements from you are rare and you still seem to have some "psychiatric designations " yourself with regards to unfounded comments on sexual abuse toward their child
This has really made me laugh. Viv is now copying reams from interviewing and interrogation courses at the FBI Academy.
What the hell for??? Is she now saying the police have missed vital clues because of their lack of knowledge or is she just running a training session for armchair detectives!!!!!!
Below is a small part taken from the latest thread on Viv's blog.
"There can be no doubt that many "Pro McCann" bloggers are American and we have seen language used that we Brits may find pretty offensive, more often than not. They add to those employed right here in Britain to paint an entirely perverse picture of innocence for those who are quite clearly guilty. They have no shame in the bizarre claims they are prepared to make or the level they are prepared to descend to ridicule, abuse and insult.
This is a gross insult to justice in the ordinary way that we understand it. A process conducted by the police, they bring a suspect to court, the suspect has their lawyers to defend them, but now we seem to be meeting a far more insidious form of "justice" where the guilty use every foul trick in the book to ridicule and insult their way out of trouble."
Apart from being racist...the above is beyond being STUPID!
According to Viv this article was written by Bath Theory...which I can quite believe.
So, are we supposed to believe that it is not alright to ridicule the anti brigade...but it is ok for them to ridicule not only us but the McCann family as well.
Talk about double standards!
My God, Viv....you really have hit rock bottom with this load of bullsh-t.
You have lost all credibility now...you are a sinking ship.
I have just posted elsewhere about Viv commenting on Madeleine wearing eye make-up. My daughter has striking eyes and I often think to myself that when she is older she will not need to wear any eye make-up. Her lashes are jet black and very long and can sometimes give the impression that she is wearing mascara/eyeliner.
Vile is probably just jealous that Kate and Gerry produced a child who is so beautiful, then again I don't think Viv would recognise natural beauty if it hit her in the face.
Anon 12.38 I agree with you and I also agree with Rosie when she says kids dress up etc. The whole point is whether it is make up or not, it in no way points to sexual abuse. If that were the case everybody would be pointing the finger at parents of children who are seen in "play time" make up
I said...
This has really made me laugh. Viv is now copying reams from interviewing and interrogation courses at the FBI Academy.
How would an interview with Viv go on this case, Like this maybe..
Police. You have accused the McCanns of killing their daughter, did you witness this, were you there
Viv.. er um No
Police.. are you privy to any vital information that has not been forwarded to us,
Viv, er um No, er well docmac told me he knew.
Police: You also state that Mr McCann carried his daughter away alive & she is still alive, was this before or after he killed her.
Viv,,before, no after, er um well I am not sure really.
Police so what you are actually saying is that you do not know what you are saying and that you change your mind daily.
Do you want me to go on Viv there is plenty more where this came from
Vile Viv. 13 February 2009 11:59
["There can be no doubt that many "Pro McCann" bloggers are American and we have seen language used that we Brits may find pretty offensive, more often than not. They add to those employed right here in Britain to paint an entirely perverse picture of innocence for those who are quite clearly guilty. They have no shame in the bizarre claims they are prepared to make or the level they are prepared to descend to ridicule, abuse and insult.
This is a gross insult to justice in the ordinary way that we understand it. A process conducted by the police, they bring a suspect to court, the suspect has their lawyers to defend them, but now we seem to be meeting a far more insidious form of "justice" where the guilty use every foul trick in the book to ridicule and insult their way out of trouble."]
Why you jumped up facetious little weasel you. How dare you speak ill of people who care for Madeleine; which, I might point out, you very obviously do not. You Vile, are what's termed as a paedophile's dream. Getting people to name their children on your green slime of a blog. You are also very stupid if you harbour the thought you are Anon.
I can with conviction say you are not and haven't been for some time. It was yourself who brought the attention but, it will be others who will officially bring you to task.
Sorry cannot resist this one before I go out. continuation of interviews
Police: We have in our possession 2 pictures which have been analysed by experts to determine whether either should be considered sexually provocative. They have concluded that neither are. The one of Madeleine appears to be no more than a family snapshot and the one of you on the beach on holiday made them wonder why you actually wanted anyone to see it.
viv said...
Hiya Nancy
Paedophilia is very much a "white collar" crime sadly among professional people as this clearly demonstrates.
It is the educated and money grasping tory type of offender that poses so much more of a risk to children than the sex offender on the dole. He may just be targeting one or two but he is not the one who is getting thousands of children seriously abused and putting that on the internet for sale.
So let's get this straight, is Viv saying that paedophiles tend to be more Tory than labour?
For goodness sake, how utterly appalling, how can she make such a sweeping generalisation as this?
This is not only highly offensive and I would hazard a guess and totally inaccurate, but it is also extremely dangerous too.
Viv do you realise the huge amount of damage you can do with comments like this?
Would Viv like to present the research and statistics that back her spurious claims up?
Hi Gina,
Viv does tend to state things as "fact", but i disagree that the posters on her blog back up what she states as fact. Most appear to respond to what is stated in a way that remains neutral as to the possibility of fact or fiction and debate either way, according to what they believe.
Maybe Viv is wholly wrapped-up in her own theories that she does not see that she is stating a thought as a fact and believes what she says to be the truth. I don't know, and I wouldn't like to guess as to her reasons but i don't see anybody else there that tries to push a personal theory as a definite.
In response to the question about why posters are disappearing, I think many are just unsure what to say now because it would be in contradiction, or for fear that a comment appears to be "divisive" when it is not intended as such. This happens a lot of the time and has been quite prevalent recently on the 3A. It is maybe a case of frustration and is a normal human reaction to there being no new news of any worth and so people tend to fill in the gaps with thier imagination. Viv does not rally her troops or coerce people to post. It is still open to all who usually post there and nobody has been thrown off. Personally, I think bickering and name-calling, insults and threats should be kept out of any forum that is designed to find out why a little girl is missing and neither Portugal or the UK appear to be active anymore in finding out what happened to her. At the end of the day, each and everyone of us, regardless of whether we believe in the McCanns innocence, all have one thing in common, and her name is Madeliene Beth McCann.
Anon A
Anon 18.25
One small error that I personally know of.
I have been thrown off.
Unless I have been re-instated.
"Those pictures of Maddie wearing make up and in a sexually provocative pose are a fact."
I have never seen any pictures like this, and I thought I had seen them all. Do they actually exist, or are they just another figment of viv's twisted imagination?
Hi Anon A
I agree with most you have said with two exception, Viv has been told many many times that she should not state things as fact as she does and people have been thrown off her blog for asking questions she did not want to answer.
Have a nice weekend and thanks for a polite answer.
Anon A
There have been many people thrown off Viv's blog.
As for the rest of it, well I cannot be asked to go through it all again, but if you go back on the other thread you will understand why we do it.
Viv is one of the nastiest pieces of work that I have ever come across and that kind of behaviour should never go unchallenged. I just cannot believe that someone can make all these accusations and then state them as fact, there is absolutely no excuse for it.
Did you see ST's blog? This proves that you were thrown off of Viv's blog unfairly, if she reinstates you, will you go back?
I did not know that you had been thrown off. All I did know is that your comments disappeared. Did you receive an email to tell you not to post or were you blocked from posting?
Rosie and all, I am not going to comment as to why Viv persists to state things as fact. All I am prepared to say is that I disagree that she does.
Hi Vee
I think you have seen the photos in question and as for them being sexually provocative, well this is all in Viv's mind. Her mind must be like a sewer if she has these thoughts about a little tot, what the hell is the matter with this horrible woman?
Viv has allowed ecolab to post his disgusting sexually explicit posts about Madeleine on her blog.
Viv has written sexually explicit posts about Madeleine, accusing Gerry of sexually abusing his daughter and also of allowing his friend to do the same and then murdering her, because she out-served her purpose.
She has a scout in ICTOAN who surfs around looking for child abuse reports so he can take them back to her blog.
She said that one of our posters son was on the sex offenders register.
Now she is saying that Madeleine, (around 2 and half at the time of the photos) was posing provocatively.
It is all a figment of her very sick imagination.
What I do not really understand is how she has any posters willing to post on that blog when they know all of this. The posters that have tried to ask questions have just got thrown off!
Anon A
Well you can disagree this is up to you, but quite how you disagree is a bit odd, the proof is all over her blog. She does state things as fact, it is not us just making it up!
viv said...
Something very strange seems to be happening to this blog, I have just had to repost this thread. I am not sure what is going on but could hazard a guess!
Yes, go on hazard a guess, guessing is your forte. I see you are sowing another seed in your posters mind, when we all know that it is only a technical fault caused by too much bullsh.t
Anon xx
Anon 21.44
I think the proof that JJ was thrown off came when Viv deleted all the posts then accused JJ of being Jay Jay (Rosie). Also it is good to hear you do not agree with Viv stating things as fact, it is just a pity if a lot of you feel that way you do not tell her.
Rosie how can Viv climb down and invite JJ (who did nothing wrong) back now she has said it is you?
nancy said...
Hi Wizard,
Thanks for that - very interesting.
So the McCanns will believe that Madeleine is alive until given clear evidence to the contrary! Welll that figures, because while people are led to believe Maddie is still alive they can be persuaded to contribute to the Fund which is the main preoccupation of the McCanns it seems.
Mucho dinero spent by the LP's. I wonder how much the PJ'spent too - on top of that we have what the McCann's supposedly spent, and we are still no further in finding out what exactly happened to poor little Maddie.
Just why have the McCanns never stood up on television and offered a vast reward for the return of Maddie and begged the kidnapper to return her, as was suggested in one report, to some public place she could be found. Of course, they know there is no way she is with a predator so why would they?
Friday, 13 February 2009 17:35:00 o'clock GMT
nancy said...
Hi Viv -
Excellent statement analysis thankyou!!
The majority of people don't realise what the interviewees pick up from defendants' mannerisms, speech, body language etc. It's certainly a really interesting read! I'd love to know what the LP's really thought of these pathetic doctors during interviews. I would love to have been a fly on the wall!!
Nice to hear that Kate lost five nights sleep after Maddie went missing. Didn't overdo it then!! When you see her all made up and her eyes looking as clear as a film star, you can see she is not and never has lost much sleep! Neither of them look as though they have a care in the world - no haggard looks, no bags under their eyes and they never look less than in the rudest of health and immaculately dressed. Most normal loving Mums and Dads would look as though they had the weight of the world on their shoulders for much longer than five days. I would guess they would never get over it.
Friday, 13 February 2009 17:48:00 o'clock GMT
Nancy you are a very spiteful person. You have no idea what kind of state Kate was in when Madeleine first went missing and you have no idea now either.
What a truly horrid, hateful person you are!
What are you shouting justice for Madeleine? Do you honestly think this child wants a person like you talking for her? She would probably be mortified and the abuse you have thrown and continue to throw at her parents, have you no shame you harlot?
Misworded on my part. I meant that I disagree with Viv when she states things as fact. Not that I disagree that she does do this. I think you will see that puts an entirely different slant on my words!
Anon A
Viv, of the Diabolical Green Blog.
You are indeed correct about something being wrong with the Green slime, the men in black are watching you.
Nancy is not a spiteful person. She has just said what she feels and observes. The McCanns have behaved very strangely from day one, in the eyes of anybody who has ever been a parent. No parent could ever imagine that they would be able to sleep well after such a short time had elapsed since thier child went missing.
There's no point in going over all of the other strange things that they have done either, since they have already been debated ad nauseum.
Di said...
Hi Wizard
So the Home Office offered to reimburse the funds, am I correct?
If so, there is definitely a hidden agenda.
Friday, 13 February 2009 20:44:00 o'clock GMT
I'm so sure that the Home Office will be interested in your libellous and totally without sense remark, that I have past it on to my contact there. Now Viv will have another complaint, she sure is knocking the number of complaints up.
viv said...
Hiya Hope, the chimps on RPs are going frantic as well, maybe this post was just too near the knuckle for them:-)) They are blogging away under an imaginary post they created for this blog, sad, funny or mad, I don't know what to call it!
This blog is backed up and so they can do what they like, it will not stop those who want to look at the truth!
Friday, 13 February 2009 23:48:00 o'clock GMT
What on earth are you talking about woman?
Don't come over here copy and pasting your slimy rubbish.
You really are a cheeky cow, you never let anyone (not even your members) speak their minds, yet you come here submitting your posts from your blog, what is the matter with you, no one reading your rubbish any more?
viv said...
Hiya Hope, the chimps on RPs are going frantic as well, maybe this post was just too near the knuckle for them:-)) They are blogging away under an imaginary post they created for this blog, sad, funny or mad, I don't know what to call it!
This blog is backed up and so they can do what they like, it will not stop those who want to look at the truth!
Friday, 13 February 2009 23:48:00 o'clock GMT
Viv, you do have such a vivid imagination. I don't see an imaginary post...neither do I see anyone over here going frantic.
If I were you I would take a break from blogging, it appears to have addled your pea sized brain.
viv said...
Hiya Hope, the chimps on RPs are going frantic as well, maybe this post was just too near the knuckle for them:-)) They are blogging away under an imaginary post they created for this blog, sad, funny or mad, I don't know what to call it!
................................... If you believe that Hope you will believe anything. I first noticed she had put a disagreement section on her blog and pointed it out here. Obviously posters on your blog saw it too so check it out with them not us. I tell you it was there and so was the screenshot that is on this thread.
Why can Viv never admit to being wrong about anything is totally beyond me. Although it does demonstrate one thing. She really enjoys blaming people even if she has to make up lies to do it.
Perhaps I did see that picture supposedly of Madeleine in make up, and posing provocativly. But not having a mind like a sewer, I never saw it the same way vile did. In fact I did a quick search of all the Madeleine sites, looking at all the pictures I can find, and I STILL can't see one 'provocative' photo, and that's now I know what I'm supposed to be looking for!
Even my wife, who has kept out of the whole Madeleine thing, was looking over my shoulder, reading what vile wrote, summed it up perfectly. She daid this viv character is clearly extremely jealous of the McCann's having such a pretty daughter, and must have had some less atractive children herself. Couldn't have put it better myself, and that's from someone with no axe to grind either way!
Nancy said,
"Just why have the McCanns never stood up on television and offered a vast reward for the return of Maddie and begged the kidnapper to return her, as was suggested in one report, to some public place she could be found. Of course, they know there is no way she is with a predator so why would they?"
Do your homework, sweetcheeks, the reward is currently at £2.5 million. Is that vast enough for you?
Rosie, oo.o6
If anybody is going frantic it is Viv. Create a diversion amongst her posters to avoid being drawn into a reasonable debate and answering some questions. I tried to be fair with her but as she has proven to me that she is a manipulator who lies in order to divert attention away from her faults, I consider her to be the pits. I will just amuse myself taking the p.ss whilst making a point at the same time
Hello Anon
I never got an email from Viv.
I am just blocked. It says, 'You are currently logged in as JJ. You may not comment with this account.'
I was a bit peeved, especially as she put on the blog that I wasn't banned.
Gina said...
Sorry cannot resist this one before I go out. continuation of interviews
Police: We have in our possession 2 pictures which have been analysed by experts to determine whether either should be considered sexually provocative. They have concluded that neither are. The one of Madeleine appears to be no more than a family snapshot and the one of you on the beach on holiday made them wonder why you actually wanted anyone to see it.
13 February 2009 17:08
Gina PMSL. I think if Viv had shown her photo at the beginning of her blog not many would have signed up. Everyone thought they were chatting to a clever solicitor who turns out to resemble Grandma Chav.
Really nice of Viv to open a new thread about her parrot for her remaining bloggers while she blogs elsewhere about the Mccanns. She's certainly got her priorities right hasn't she.
No matter what your views, you are very welcome here. The truth and proof are strangers to Viv.
Don't worry about us, you just have your say, we may argue the points with you but we will never stop you making yours. In short, you do not have to be afraid to post on here.
Anonymous said...
Really nice of Viv to open a new thread about her parrot for her remaining bloggers while she blogs elsewhere about the Mccanns. She's certainly got her priorities right hasn't she.
14 February 2009 10:11
Not poor Nanday again? Very nice of Viv to give the children something to amuse them, while she flits across to the 3 A's and speaks with the grown ups.
I dare say she will be back to throw them a few scraps to mull over to keep them happy and occupied.
This blog of hers is looking more and more like a cult every single day and Viv the self proclaimed leader of the cult, treating her posters as gullible idiots, they do not see it of course, they can't they are too brainwashed.
Anon 10.11
I wish the parrot was running the blog, it would probably speak more sense.
JJ- I know how you feel, believe me. Viv gives no one any chance to defend themselves or explain. She fears anyone who speaks more sense than she does. Others will only know what an outright liar she is if and when the same thing happens to them.
TO VIVS POSTERS - There is nothing wrong with you having views different to people on this site and if you still wish to voice your opinions then you have that right too. Sound and genuine advice is follow many others and do it on a site with more than one moderator, or a moderator who does not repeatedly lie to you and bans people for daring to question anything she says. I know, but cannot prove it to you that she lies constantly above other bloggers etc. so that naturally leads me to believe she lies about many other things too. Telling lies really annoys me, I would rather someone tell me nothing than tell a pack of lies.
Just took a look at Vivs new thread. The parrot is wearing makeup and is a sexually provocative pose. We had better inform the RSPCA as it is possibly being sexually abused.!!!!!!!!!
rosie said
"This blog of hers is looking more and more like a cult every single day and Viv the self proclaimed leader of the cult, treating her posters as gullible idiots, they do not see it of course, they can't they are too brainwashed."
Excuse me, I'M the only cult leader round here! bent tit said so on the 3a's, so it must be true!
The parrot thread is a sign of distraction from being caught out lying. Many pathological liars use the distraction technique. Rage is also a tactic used by the pathological liar so expect her to lose it again soon.
viv said...
Hiya Hope, the chimps on RPs are going frantic as well, maybe this post was just too near the knuckle for them:-)) They are blogging away under an imaginary post they created for this blog, sad, funny or mad, I don't know what to call it!
This blog is backed up and so they can do what they like, it will not stop those who want to look at the truth!
The post is not imaginary, it was there for a period of time. Plenty of people saw it. Backed up posts are removed when the thread is deleted.
I can't wait to contribute again on your lovely blog.
Thanks Gina
I always used to read your efforts on Viv's blog.
I didn't always agree with your comments, but I always found them interesting.
I've never been a fence sitter, I was always anti.
I felt that Madeleine was dead before the public even knew she was missing. (I would love to be proved wrong on that but I don't hold out any hope).
The only thing that is known for certain, is that Madeleine disappeared.
Only the person or people who were there at the time know the circumstances.
The McCanns say they weren't there, so they know as much as the rest of us.
I hope the police, English, Portuguese or both are still investigating absolutely everything to do with this case and Madeleine will soon get justice.
Viv said...
viv said...
Hiya Hope, the chimps on RPs are going frantic as well, maybe this post was just too near the knuckle for them:-)) They are blogging away under an imaginary post they created for this blog, sad, funny or mad, I don't know what to call it!
This blog is backed up and so they can do what they like, it will not stop those who want to look at the truth!
Friday, 13 February 2009 23:48:00 o'clock GMT
Excuse me Green Blog.
I must correct you on the Chimp thing.
I'll have you know I'm a Orangutan.
You however are still a libelous fool.
More than that, you are an ignorant libelous fool. Google when asked by the police hand details of offending bloggers over willingly.
I am sure your file must be over flowing. Do keep posting and boasting....there's a good little weasel.
JJ these labels anti/pro serve no purpose anymore because it has been opinions that have put us in one camp or the other. Although I have been for want of a better word anti mccann I did try unsuccessfully to say that people should be presumed innocent until proven guilty & as far as I was concerned they were only guilty from the fact of leaving the kids. I firmly believe that the evidence that the police have that is not in the public domain would show what they actually suspect. I also believe that IF it ever comes to light that the McCann were involved the pros anger with them, after spending so much time defending them will be enormous. However, in light of the fact we are only going over old ground and nobody knows, we should at least concentrate on moderating people like Viv who go far too far
This parrot. Norwegian Blue, is it?
I am going to say something nice to Viv today...
That is a beautiful bird you have, Viv.
Nice pictures, he looks a lot happier than in previous pics.
For once you have published a nice thread. Well done.
Keep it up.
Hi Vee,
I think Viv said it was a Red lored Amazon.
Di said...
Hi All
Thank you for sharing the pics of Nanday, how cute is he. He likes to watch cartoons LOL.
I would love to know what his reaction would be to a few of the McCann's videos ;o)
He's probably got a bigger brighter brain than you Dolly Dimple and most certainly a bigger heart, so probably sympathy.
Yet another libellous post by Viv. She still cannot get past the fact that her opinions are not factual evidence.
viv Post subject: Re: 13/2-Independent:UK police spent £548,000 in hunt for MaddiePosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:43 am
Local Lag
Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:58 pm
Posts: 828
Whether the McCanns killed Madeleine or took part in her disappearance they set up a fraudulent fund. It was fraudulent because they were involved in her disappearance. What you do not seem to grasp is the Portuguese could not have dealt with that, there was no way this case could ever have been dealt with in a Portuguese court for that reason.
If you believe that British authorities are prepared to just allow a couple of doctors to do this and then fraudulently cash in, and just sit back and take no notice, I think you need a reality check.
Rosie at least you got a few posts before you were banned, lol.
DrachenSachen has once again posted my full name and of course Vee's telling Nicki Durbin that we are exploiting her case for our own agenda. I registered with 3A to get the contact admin email address and sent off a complaint.
The thing is I found that I had successfully registered and tried posting. When I pressed submit I had been banned!!
Drachen, do the right thing for once and edit out your false accusations and the personal details. By the way, Graeme if you are reading, whats it like down under?
viv Post subject: Re: 13/2-Independent:UK police spent £548,000 in hunt for MaddiePosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:43 am
Local Lag
Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:58 pm
Posts: 828
Whether the McCanns killed Madeleine or took part in her disappearance they set up a fraudulent fund. It was fraudulent because they were involved in her disappearance. What you do not seem to grasp is the Portuguese could not have dealt with that, there was no way this case could ever have been dealt with in a Portuguese court for that reason.
If you believe that British authorities are prepared to just allow a couple of doctors to do this and then fraudulently cash in, and just sit back and take no notice, I think you need a reality check.
It's Viv that needs a reality check.
It is precisely 'libellous' comments like this, that told everyone that she was not a solicitor.
How long does she think this imaginary "investigation" is going to last?
Change the record Viv, pudding head.
Hey Mod,
I only made two posts and left it at that, I said what I went to say and I haven't been back. Have I been banned then? I wouldn't know I haven't tried to log on, no reason to, I haven't even read over there all week!
It would not surprise me if I am banned, although I did nothing to warrant a ban.
Another classic from Viv, how many times have we said there is a big difference between opinions and factual evidence, How many times as she said "Fact" when it is not. Even her own bloggers admit to not liking her doing this.
viv said...
Thank you for posting my opinion on this case from 3 As mum. When are you going to be clever enough to realise I cannot give factual evidence on this case because I am not one of the witnesses, I am a blogger commenting on it you stupid woman! More to the point when are you or any of your other sick little cronies going to understand the difference between giving an opinion on a case in the public domain and libel and further, that libel is not a criminal offence the police would have any interest in whatsoever!
drachen, AGAIN with the exploitation bullsh*t? Are you seriously trying to convince Nikki, with whom we have had personal contact, that the ONLY reason Mod and I got up at five-o-clock on a freezing Sunday morning, me a few days after breaking my elbow and arm still in a sling, and did a boot fair in aid of Nikki's group 'Forever searching' was to score 'brownie points' over you? And we are giving up a lot of our spare time, including one complete weekend this summer, and every summer ad infinitum, to organise and put on a car show to raise funds for the same group, JUST to make us look better than you? And you call ME delusional. We don't NEED to do any of that just to look better than you, we can do that simply by getting out of bed in the morning, even without combing our hair and brushing our teeth. Exploitation. But, as usual, no mention of what exactly it is we are hoping to achive with this 'exploitation' Nikki is a very savvy person, and she will suss you out in a heartbeat drachen. This is nothing to do with forum wars, this is a fight between right and wrong, between innocent until proven and the lynch mob. Nikki has been there, she has had her very own personal equivalent of the 3a's site set up to persecute her, remember? I'm sure SHE does. She's been there, done that and got the T-shirt. She can see right through you as clear as glass. Perhaps one day you might summon up the guts to tell us what it is we are exploiting, why we are doing it and what we hope to achive. But I won't hold my breath drachen. Like all bullies, and in particular the internet sort, you have no spine. The only exploitation going on is YOUR exploitation of Nikki, to further your own personal vendetta against Mod and I, but guess what? We're still here, still standing, because good will ALWAYS truimph over evil. Bring it on, drachen, you are being watched, by more eyes than you can possibly imagine.
viv Post subject: Re: 13/2-Independent:UK police spent £548,000 in hunt for MaddiePosted: Sat Feb 14, 2009 10:43 am
Local Lag
Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:58 pm
Posts: 828
Whether the McCanns killed Madeleine or took part in her disappearance they set up a fraudulent fund. It was fraudulent because they were involved in her disappearance. What you do not seem to grasp is the Portuguese could not have dealt with that, there was no way this case could ever have been dealt with in a Portuguese court for that reason.
Green blog vile.
You could have escaped prosecution with the statement of fraud; unfortunately, adding that the McCann family had something to do with their child's disappearance constitutes libel.
Have you forgotten why the Media had to payout to the Madeleine fund?
Let me remind you. They were sued after accusing the McCanns of harming/being involved in their child Madeleine Beth McCann's disappearance.
So if I were you I would retract your accusation.
Thanks for that Rosie, my, my, you are all really upset about this post, and how similar your comments and fury are to Boonybraes above.
Thanks for a bit more confirmation you all p*ss in the same pot, not that I really needed it, I must start going on about boats again:-)))
See you are Bonny again Rosie. Some day soon you will be The Holy Father. Her rage is starting. Told you it would.
Viv said..
Thanks for that Rosie, my, my, you are all really upset about this post, and how similar your comments and fury are to Boonybraes above.
Thanks for a bit more confirmation you all p*ss in the same pot, not that I really needed it, I must start going on about boats again:-)))
Saturday, 14 February 2009 21:38:00 o'clock GMT
Oh dear, I think Viv is in a paddy.
Hey Rosie...looks like you are soon to be accused of being Bonnybraes1. Oh well...just add it to the list
Hey Viv...at least we pi-s into a pot and not get piss-d out of a bottle.
Viv has finally cracked, gone mad and 2345'd. She is now copying posts from 3A's and answering them on her own blog where she can avoid, by pressing her delete button, any responses.
BTW the parrot is a diversion, she spits her venom on the thread below (alone I might add).
What can anyone do for her I asked myself and the answer was leave her to it and go to bed. Good night all
viv said...
and now we are back with that same post yet again plus the usual threats when all else fails, save them, I did not break the law or ever, ever harm a child
1. Libel is against the law.
2. We only have your word for that. And seeing the way you treat your adult members it does make me wonder. The words "control freak" come to mind.
viv said...
Mum21 said...
Hey Viv...at least we pi-s into a pot and not get piss-d out of a bottle.
14 February 2009 22:25
I drink tea dear and am very calm. I just do not like child abusers or those who support them, that is all, OH and I like the police:-))))
Saturday, 14 February 2009 22:30:00 o'clock GMT
Oh, and I like the police too. Neither do I support PROVEN child abusers.
Do you understand that word, Viv..PROVEN?
Anon 22.17
Yes you did tell me she would and you were not wrong.
I see I am Bonny again, I was JJ yesterday!
Sorry Bonny on the 3 A's, now you understand what it has been like being attacked by this narcissistic mad woman all of these months?
The woman is barking mad!
Last week I was:
Michael Wright
Phil McCann
Kate's Aunt
Now I am Bonny again, who will I be tomorrow?
By the way Viv..where are all your members? Your blog feels hollow and empty!
Bit like you head really!!!!! :-))))
Rosie, as long as you are not accused of being VIV...you have nothing to worry about.
rosie said
Now I am Bonny again, who will I be tomorrow?
14 February 2009 22:37
A women a day older than she is today (now that's a fact)
Has she accused me of being Bonny on the 3
A's, or has she written it on her blog?
She has suggested it on her blog. Come on Rosie...you know Viv does not have the courage to suggest that on the 3A's.
Good God, she would be banned in a second.
Hi Tony
Have you noticed that for a supposed solicitor Viv's legal knowledge is extremely poor and her understanding of libel is non existent and she calls us morons?
viv said...
Mum21 said...
Hey Viv...at least we pi-s into a pot and not get piss-d out of a bottle.
14 February 2009 22:25
I drink tea dear and am very calm. I just do not like child abusers or those who support them, that is all, OH and I like the police:-))))
Oh goody, I'm sure they will reciprocate.
However, I find it mildly amusing you have a dislike for child abusers. By encouraging the posting of children's names on your blog in the manner and suggestive reference you do; is a form of child abuse.....DUH!
It is called exploitation of a minor.
Perhaps someone should tell Bonny that apparently I am her again?
Mod and Vee
What is the matter with this Drachen person? Why has he decided to out Mod again? For what possible reason? I am seriously doubting this person and their sanity!
Viv said..
But it is proven Bum, Kate went on TV and said that Maddie told her that her and Sean had been crying the night before and no one came to them, she then went on to explain how she just ignored that and did exactly the same again. That, by anyone's definition is very serious abuse and that is just what she chooses to admit to!
Saturday, 14 February 2009 22:42:00 o'clock GMT
Oh dear Viv...has your brain dropped into your drawers?
I never put you down as being intelligent....but now I know you are braindead.
So...if your statement is correct, how come Kate has not been charged with ANYTHING?
14 February 2009 22:51
She knows less about the law than I do about fishing in the Amazon; and I have never fished in the Amazon
PS to Viv.
Oh, sorry. I forgote the Leicester police are investigating her.
Yeahhhhhhhhhhhh, yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhh blo-dy yeah.
Mum21 said...
She has suggested it on her blog. Come on Rosie...you know Viv does not have the courage to suggest that on the 3A's.
Good God, she would be banned in a second.
Exactly, that was my point, that is why she is answering on her own blog.
Mum I just wanted to say that I do not consider someone who leaves their child an abuser, more neglectful, irresponsible, or down right bloody selfish and stupid. I suppose we all interpret words differently and abuse to me doesn't fit the bill for leaving the kids. I suppose all you wordsmiths will shoot me down on this and TBH I am to tired to look it up now. At least Vivs now on the left the kids thing, which is something we all agreed should never have been done and is the only fact we know. All she has to do now is retract all the other unproven accusations that she said as fact and then she can leave the police that she loves to get on with their job.
I really am going to bed now
viv said...
Oh dear back to the silly personal insults just like in the topic on this thread, hardly the conduct of those who like the police and believe in their cause and justice, is it.
Do you actually believe that calling me "insane" etc is going to make any difference any more than calling the prosecutor of "Foxy Knoxy", "insane", also, will make any difference?
Saturday, 14 February 2009 22:55:00 o'clock GMT
No...and neither do I think any of your insane rants will make any difference either.
Viv.. a bit of sound advice. Do you not see that you are boring the pants off many of the long term members of the 3A's?
They don't want you...we don't want you....and by the look of your abandoned blog, your members don't want you either.
Stick to Nanday..you should be ok there.
viv said...
I think you are just losing your temper again, Bum and perhaps demonstrating a little shortage of the grey matter?
No, Viv...just PMSL at you.:-)))))
Hi Gina, I have made it my business to find out if leaving the children was abusing them.
And the answer from a member of the British police (whom Viv loves)...is NO.
If Viv had said they had neglected the children by leaving them..then I would not have argued the point.
Good night,
sleep well.
Rosie, next stage of the pathocological liar is victimisation. I will watch it unfold before me.
Viv, drink the last 5 mls in your bottle and go to kip.
Rage rage keep it coming vivo. Please can one of the 3As posters come and befriend her. Whoops sorry she's got no mates there either.
At least Bren gives us anti's at the 3as a say, I don't agree with everything posted there but at least I am allowed my say.
Half a dozen posts, seen distraction,rage, next it's the victimisation then hypochondriac technique. Keep watching.
A total of 15 posts on Viv's blog today, Viv made 13 of them, Wizard 2.
She is over there talking to herself, not only that, her posts are ridiculously long, yesterday's OP, must be around 2000 words alone!
Sorry Rosie, it looks like you are not JJ any longer, but are now Bonny again. Does this mean that viv has apologised to JJ for her crass error, lies and wrongful accusations and reinstated JJ's blog membership?
If viv gets something like this so wrong, it does not bode well for her powers of deducement does it?
Can we get pictures on here? Viv on her sun lounger, well we could really pull that to bits just like she has to a poor little girls picture. Viv don't waste money on oak buy some colgate instead. Err brown/yellow teeth, didn't your mama give you the right nutrients or is it just all the poison dripping off your tongue poisoning them.
Mum21 said...
No...and neither do I think any of your insane rants will make any difference either.
Viv.. a bit of sound advice. Do you not see that you are boring the pants off many of the long term members of the 3A's?
They don't want you...we don't want you....and by the look of your abandoned blog, your members don't want you either.
Stick to Nanday..you should be ok there.
It looks mor like poor little Nanday was trying to escape from its psycho owner.
Poor Nanday, that's the impression I got too.
Please release me let me go
Cos I can't stand you anymore
I escaped all those electric wires
Now please release me and open the F+++ing door.
Hope just posted. At 00.37, she obviously felt the urge to go online and post the same type of post she usually does over and over again...
Hope FFS, haven't you got anything better to do?
Nothing you say, think or write is ever going to change the facts of this case.
Be honest to yourself, why do you have to write the same stuff over and over again, who are you writing it for?
I believe that you write those posts because you are hooked to the effect you get from writing such things, and worryingly, it looks like the effects are wearing off and you are having to write more and more viciously to acchieve the effect you want.
This is a classic pattern in people who are depressed. I bet you feel very tired every morning after wasting so much emotional energy into your angry posts, you sound like you are trapped in a vicious circle.
I would bet anything that your posts are not even being read by Viv or any of your fellow posters. Can't you see that are just making up the numbers and being used?
You are getting worse and worse each day. You need help, talk to your GP, spend more time with your family, friends, get a hobby, get therapy, get out more, get help. If not for your sake, at least for your family's. Get out of that hate blog, which only feeds your negativity.
Here is a very good website, which explains symptoms and gives ways of getting help.
You can do this if you want to. I believe that deep down you that what you are doing is wrong and pointless.
Don't become another casualty of Viv's blog like 2345, or Stella.
Don't let Viv take advantage of your unhappiness and loneliness like she did with Dylan.
All the best
Wouldn't it be hilarious if Vile got prosecuted for all the libel and her parrot give evidence against her.
"So Nanday, what do you have to say in evidence?"
"Open those bloody doors first, I don't want to be around when Vile loses it".
Viv let Nanday out for Valentines day cos he was the only one who wpold give her a peck.
Mum 23.19
Yes neglect it a more apt word but there are degrees of neglect. eg. not washing & feeding a child properly etc. & leaving it alone (as in the case of the child left in the kitchen). IMO the McCanns clearly did not see the dangers of leaving the kids in an apartment with all the things in it that are harmful, but on the other hand they were not guilty of the more serious examples and that is why they have not been charged for that. Whether they are guilty of anything else remains to be seen and all Viv's rantings are not going to change what evidence (if any) the police have, or the line of enquiry they took or are still taking.
Anon 1.41 I have had some reasonable conversation with Hope in the past and admit to sharing the same anger with the McCanns for what they did. Although I have never changed my views on this I have not allowed it to become an obsession as what is done is done and Madeleine is the one who has paid the price. Hope cannot see unfortunately, that Viv's constant whipping people into a frenzy has made her the way she is now. Viv has never allowed anybody to stay on her blog who has the courage to say "hang on a minute, that was a bit OTT" and allow others to stop and think for themselves for a minute. Fortunately many of her posters have seen the light and gone elsewhere, even Viv's goes elsewhere now to try to reach a wider audience. The bad news for her on that score is, she has no control over who says what!!
drachen's only adgenda is our character assination for daring to disagree with her. drachen was also one of the most vociferous condemners of the Amber Alert system on the Virgin Media boards, and did everything in her power to denegrate it to other posters. You have to ask, why? Why attack a system that has been proved to save children's lives? Only someone with the most sinister of motives could possibly be against the Amber Alert system.
Hi JJ,
That does seem to indicate that you have been banned.
I have no idea why. What did you say? Can you post it here?
Vee8 (I think), if you have to "do your homework" to find out whether there is a reward or not, then it is clearly not very well advertised!
Anon A
I cannot believe I am going to write this, but I will because I think it is time for people to start realising what it is that they are doing. I was a member of the green blog, I stopped being a member when Supertroll had her blog. I began seeing sense when I read the constant attacks on Viv and her blog by Supertroll and Rosiepops and many others. They made me stop and rethink my position. I began to wonder why they spent so much time and energy doing that, at first I thought these people were just being nasty. This of course, was as Viv wanted me to think, but then I began to see them in a different way. I started to read what they were saying instead of believing what Viv told me they were saying and telling me how to understand what they were saying, if you understand what I am trying to say? I suppose I began to think for myself again. I began to see that these people were not really that bad, in fact, just the opposite, after I started to take notice of their posts, I realised very quickly that Viv was playing a game and that she did not really care for Madeleine, poor little Madeleine was being used by Viv, what I also realised was that I was being used as a pawn in her game. I realised that my mind was being played with and slowly, I was being driven by Viv along a road in a direction I did not want to go in, my thoughts were being manipulated and changed, all I ever thought at the beginning was that Kate and Gerry McCann were guilty of stupidity and because of their stupidity, their daughter paid the worse price and this made me so angry, really, really angry and Viv took my anger and began using it to control me. Before very long, I too was guilty of writing some of the most awful things about this couple. Thank goodness all of these people kept up their tirade against Viv, because if they had not done this, I wonder if I would have recognised what was being done to my mind and wonder what I would be writing and thinking today? I also wonder if I would be showing the same signs of brainwashing as those that have continued to post on Viv's blog are now showing?
Those people that are left, need to listen and 'understand' what is being said to them, they need to stop thinking what Viv wants them to think and they need to start thinking what they want to think, maybe they need to reverse up a little and look at the road they have come down and to understand how far off the path they have deviated. I just ask them to try and think for themselves and not to allow her to think for them. I would be so ashamed if any of my family ever got to read the things I wrote and I thank God I used an ID, but I still cannot rid myself of the horrible feeling of shame that I still feel inside. Those two parents were incredibly stupid, but my anger against them has lessened now and I can plainly see their suffering. Now I look at their photographs and wonder why it was I could not see then the rawness in their eyes and their mannerisms that I see today. I cannot believe that I am guilty of writing such hurtful things, honestly I cannot, and now I am angry with myself for allowing myself to be conned by Viv, Claudia and Docmac, I mention these two because they too are just as guilty as Viv is herself. I realise that I fell for the lines they spun about their professional lives. I could not believe what I read the other week when Viv suddenly announced that she was never a solicitor and I thought well if she is not, then what people have been saying about her is right and I also realised that if she is not a solicitor, then docmac is probably not really a doctor. Thank heaven I got out of there when I did. Despite what Viv and Docmac have said, noone has any idea what has happened to Madeleine and where she is today. I no longer believe the police are looking for her and I no longer believe the Portuguese police done a good job, in fact, I think the opposite. I hope that the parents get the break they look desperately for each day that leads them to their daughter and I am sorry if I and others, made their lives worse than they need have been. I hope what I have said this morning sinks in to them on that blog, but I do not hold any real hope of that, they look too far gone to me.
I would have said all this on Viv's blog, I fully intended too but although it allows me to log in, it does not allow me to make any posts, so I suppose I too have got banned from her blog.
Hi D,
You are incorrect in saying that Viv's posters are all brainwashed lemmings and also way off of the mark about Claudia and Docmac.
Freedom of thought, if we have any freedom left in this country, is still very much legal. The only problem occurs when people post fiction as fact. That is very wrong and is the only thing that is wrong about that blog.
Anon A
Anon 10.59
Your post is a good explanation of how things get out of control. You said you wanted to write what you have just said on Vivs and had you done so your name would have been on it (if she allowed it to be seen). If you are a person who was a respected poster on Viv's blog you have golden opportunity on here to say what you want to them, but you have to be brave and put your name on it, then they may well take note and listen
Hi Everyone,
I wrote a couple of mild comments early last year on the JusticeforMaddie blog.
I remember getting on and debating with people like Leigh and Irina, but also with some of the others who were always polite.
I belong to neither side, so I was happy to post pro comments to stir up the debate as I think Viv's blog is too one sided and based on her own views.
This didn't go down too well with Viv. While the others did discuss my posts, she ignored my posts and accused me of being someone with a 'Huge Ass' from the DE. She then told me to go away and kept going on about the size of my backside. I carried on with my posts anyway as I didn't have to talk to her, but she blanked me out completely and made it difficult for me to post.
In the end, I got bored and a bit annoyed that no one there ever challenged her. What really shocked me was her gloating that 'at least her kids are alive and well' a few times. I have never read anything so deliberately cruel and vicious. I stopped posting after that, I didn't want to be associated with such a cruel person. I stayed on the SKY blog until that got bad too.
Whatever the McCanns may have done, they have lost a child. If Viv can't feel anything for them, what can she feel?
Good luck with this blog and trying to stop her.
Anon A
I didn't really post anything. I didn't get the chance.
Viv put a very long post on her blog, which I didn't have time to read. So I put a quick reply, saying something like, 'It's going to take me all day to read and digest this'
It was just a courtesy, to let her know I'd seen it.
I then had to update my computer, and when I went back my post had gone.
I'm a bit of a computer idiot, so I didn't know if I'd cancelled it while doing my update.
I put another post on saying this, and someone answered and said it looked all ok.
Viv then said if I had anything to say regarding the thread, then fine but do not keep going off topic.
I asked her if she had deleted my answer or had it disappeared into the ether.
She said I had been warned about going off topic.
A couple more entries in this vein followed and she kept deleting them.
In the end I said 'Oh, please yourself.'
Which was quickly deleted.
The next day someone asked what had happened and was told I had been warned but was not banned.
Then I was banned.
I thought I was on topic by asking about my post on that thread. (Shows how much I know.)
She then started talking about foxes and badgers.
I like foxes and badgers, but I didn't join in, in case it was off topic.
So you see, it wasn't anything controversial, at least I didn't think it was.
The thread pictured here, was nothing to do with me. I wouldn't have the faintest idea how to do it.
JJ, Anon A
Actually Viv accused you of making I think about 20 posts when she was explaining to Dylan who had asked. Needless to say that comment no longer exists. Work out for yourselves who tells lies based on what you know as fact
Sorry JJ/Anon I apologise it was 9 not 20 and the post is still there.
See Viv, we can all make mistakes and most of us have no problem admitting to them
viv said...
Sorry Dyl but maybe you are, nine posts on this thread (!) and all of them divisive and irrelevant.
The only problem occurs when people post fiction as fact. That is very wrong and is the only thing that is wrong about that blog.
Anon A
15 February 2009 11:34
You know as well as I do that the fiction as fact is not the only thing wrong about that blog. If it were we would not be posting here anon would we.
Oh Green Blog Vile.
There is an article about people like you in the Times today.
My mistake, the reward is not £2.5 mill, it's £2.6 mill.
Scroll down a little way, and it's on the right.
Thank you JJ. That is what I thought had occurred. I see absolutely no reason why this was enough to get you banned or chastised for being off topic. It appears that maybe Viv thought you were Rosie, but that still doesn't excuse the deletions as nothing was said by you that contrary or stirring.
IWTBA2 - yes you are correct in that assumption. Things are happening with that blog, for sure. It is just that frienships have been built and loyalties, etc. and at this point in time, it is only right that these are protected. I cannot say anymore than that for the time being, sorry.
Anon A
Anon A,
Could you tell us what happened with Docmac and Claudia?
Anon M
Anon D
You are very welcome to post here and I understand what it is you are trying to say. Hopefully you may feel able to post under your normal ID soon, but if not then this is OK too, it just gets a bit confusing with all the different Anons.
Unfortunately for you it looks like Viv has suffered an episode and thought that you was me! Now you know you are not, I know you are not and all normal people know you are not, but Viv as you know will never back down and admit she was wrong.
Mind you I was Bonny then you, then I was Bonny again, I do not know who I am now!
Just last week alone I was all those different people, at least now this is one thing you know I have been saying is true I am just me.
rosie said
"Mind you I was Bonny then you, then I was Bonny again, I do not know who I am now!"
Never mind rosie, that's the beauty of schitzophrenia, you're never alone!
Anon A 18.26 I totaly understand your reply to IWTBA2 and that you have built up friendships that you want to retain. Another anon said she was too scared to reveal her identity because Viv has her private details. I find this all very sad. I am sure you would welcome a meeting place where you can just chat freely about whatever without fear of being banned for "going off topic". Well at least on here you are at least able to explain yourselves a bit without a deletion and I see Anon M is also asking about the Doc and Claudia which is something that would not be allowed. Maybe one day when you all feel more comfortable about it you will feel able to post under your ID.
I can tell you this. The pros believe as I do that a person is innocent until proven guilty. In the past I have really argued with them and once that starts people see no good in each other. I stood back for a while, cleared my head and started again. We still do not agree on several things but we have a sort of mutual respect for each other, and now listen to each others points of view, and discuss them politely. All my posts are put on the blog, even though I know sometimes Rosie may be thinking here she goes again (sorry Rosie). This tells me a lot and the most important thing is repecting others points of view. This is something Viv cannot and will not do and because of that I hope you all find a new home to settle into and get back to your normal selves. There are a few that were not normal to begin with but they do not seem to post now anyway.
Beachy over on the 3A's has suggested they hold a 3 day memorial in memory of Madeleine. Which in my opinion is sick beyond belief. This thread has has now been locked due to in house arguing.
I always give credit where credit is due...and for once Viv has shown that deep down she does know right from wrong. Well said, Viv.
viv Post subject: Re: Gymanfa for Madeleine - Anyone Interested?Posted: Sun Feb 15, 2009 3:33 am
Local Lag
Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:58 pm
Posts: 846
I just do not think innocent members of Madeleine's family who are trying to come to terms with god know's what deserve this.
Why does this forum insist on pronouncing Madeleine dead when she is officially a missing person? We know the reality but I just find this appalling. Funerals and memorials are for friends and family not an internet forum.
I am just completely shocked that people could think this is appropriate.
MUM I totally agree too with what Viv said, but this is what she is saying now, will she be back spitting venon at the McCanns tomorrow. Has she at last seen the light or is this a way of trying to win back her posts?????
Hi Gina, Your guess is as good as mine. We can only live in hope that Viv has at last seen the light.
But I won't hold my breath.
sorry I meant posters not posts.
Just read what she said again. I thought she also was the one who pronounce Madeleine dead & even went on to say who killed her. Now she is all concerned about the grieving family.
There is something fishy about this. To go from cruella to mother theresa this quickly, even with theraphy session is not possible
three posts only on her blog between yesterday and today.
Viv is simply changing tactics.
How odd that Viv is now showing concern for the McCanns and denouncing those that say Madeleine is dead. What a hypocrite, she has said many times on her blog that Madeleine is dead and has even said her parents murdered her!
Wasn't it just last week that Viv said to Bonny that she was now returning to the thinking that Madeleine was dead?
Viv give it a rest, everyone is heartily sick of you and your mood swings, your lies and your temper tantrums, but now we have to put up with your mind changing too!
Gina, you just would not believe what some of the posters had to say on the 3A's...many of them thought it was a great idea.
How can you hold a memorial for somebody when you do not know if they are dead or just missing. Apart from that bloggers do not have the right to perform a memorial on behalf of somebody they do not know. And lets be honest here...none of us actually know or knew Madeleine.
Blimey Rosie are we now thinking like one, our posts are almost the same
Mum, I think it is just plain sick
for them to even be discussing it.
I know there are some pro posters on there but they have allowed and gone along with the most outrages "they murdered her" posts and heaven knows what else.
I do not want to get involved in commenting about 3A posters because I rarely read it and am not really in a position to comment.
I have just been over to Vivs to have a chat with the parrot as the poor thing is home alone and now I am off to bed. Good night all
Oh dear I did not mean the pros had gone along with they murdered her post, I meant the 3A's blog and any memorial would fly under that banner. It does not pay to post when tired!! gone
Good night Gina,
I understood what you meant.
Sleep well.
Vivs blog is dead....except for the appearance of the parrot. :-)
Emailing a new screenshot...
Anonymous said...
three posts only on her blog between yesterday and today.
Viv is simply changing tactics.
15 February 2009 22:36
Of course she is changing tactics, she has nothing else left to change. If her posters, after reading all that has been said about her, and seeing for themselves what she keeps doing to her own posters still want to post on her site, well that is their choice.
I admit that over the past week I have popped at Viv at every given opportunity. I have not done this for the McCanns, or because I have become totally pro. I have done it to try to show posters who I used to talk with that even if they do not share the views of the pros regards the case, the pros have been right all along about Viv. There are one or two points that Viv makes that I am in total agreement with but unfortunately I cannot support her because I feel her motives for posting are insincere. I think she is a control freak and attention seeker, and does not care what she has to say or do to get the attention.
Do Vivs posters need anymore proof than this: On todays thread: Thanks, as ever Joana for real news on this case, and I look forward to further details about this and continuing hot water for the McCanns and their "private detectives"
Viv xx
Yesterday on 3A's she said:
I just do not think innocent members of Madeleine's family who are trying to come to terms with god know's what deserve this.
Well that seems to cover it nicely, she wants them to be able to come to terms with it and at the same time hopes for them to be in hot water.
She will say next that she said INNOCENT members of Madeleine's family which infers that she still thinks the McCanns are guilty. Of what exactly will depend on her mood of the day - A hopeless case!!!
Yesterday Wizard said this...
Wizard said...
Hi Viv and All,
"Blah blah blah"
Sunday, 15 February 2009 14:12:00 o'clock GMT
Er who is the 'All' Wizard?
Had this little Gem by Hope sent to me and as no one is allowed to debate what Hope has said, I thought I would do so on here Hope's words are in Italics.
hope4truth said...
Lets say Madeleine was abducted by an evil peadophile gang...
Lets say the evil bastard took her from her bed and walked in and out of an unlocked door left so by her parents while they went to the bar to have fun with their friends...
Poor Kate and Gerry to have a child abducted is too much to bear I dont know how I would cope...
Glad to see you at least a mention the person/persons that took Madeleine! Usually over on the green cesspit, you totally deny the existence of an abductor and we have to continually point out that they are getting away with their heinous crime Scott free! No I do not know how these people cope with the abduction of their child either, especially when their are people like you around making Madeleine's ordeal and the nightmare of her parents much worse.
How do you think you are helping Madeleine by continuing to point out that she wasn't abducted and thus could be deterring anyone who may have information leading to Madeleine, from coming forward?
Then from the statements we see that not only did Kate decide her children were not worth caring for as the bar was calling. But she knew from Madeleine that both she and Sean were crying for their parents the night before and no one came...
She thought about taking them with her but in the end decided it would not be fair as they had no buggy... So she dumped them home alone again and if they cried well they delt with it once and could do so again...
Then when she discovered that Madeleine had been abducted by peadophiles she left the twins alone again while she went back to the bar and told everyone that "THEY HAVE TAKEN HER"...
So where 'exactly' in the statements did you read that "Kate decided her children were not worth caring for?"
The bar was calling?
From the 'official' files, show that for a large party, very little alcohol was ordered or consumed. Of course the 'bar wasn't calling', but Kate and Gerry went to eat their evening meal, not to go out and get bladdered, as you are inferring.
Here is another 'fact'. They did actually take the children with them to the Millennium restaurant the first two nights of their holiday, but the children were tired and fractious, this is why they decided to settle them and keep to a routine of feeding, bathing, story-time and sleep.
The 'TRUTH' Hope, is far from what you are trying to deliberately portray, which makes you a liar!
People go on about Kate and Gerry not telling the truth, but they did tell the truth! They admitted leaving the children, they told the Portuguese Police of Madeleine telling them she awoke and cried, even though they knew fully well it would bring the fires of hell down on them, by pompous, ne'er do wrong, sanctimonious liars like you.
They did a stupid thing, they made a catastrophic error of judgment, they have to live with that for the rest of their lives, giving assholes like you the chance to continue to rub salt in their wounds,while you lie through your back teeth about them, making it all up as you go along.
They never once bothered to look for Madeleine even though she hid a few days earlier and they spent 30 minutes looking for her. Why could she not have wandered off to find them Kate knew that she and Sean had woken the night before crying so why did it not seem possible that Madeleine had woken and gone to find them?
But it was much more important to get on the phone and tell everyone they knew she had been taken and could someone call a priest?
Again you are lying Hope, sorry, there is no other way to say this, you are deliberately trying to mislead people, you are a liar. (Viv must be so proud of you, which is why you probably do it!)
Yes they did go out and search for Madeleine and were still out searching for her despite being advised by the Portuguese Police To Go Home and got to sleep and they would reassess things in the morning when it was light.
There are reports that Gerry was seen roaming the streets of PDL, crying for his daughter and calling out her name.
You evil bitch, stop your lies., You are NOT helping Madeleine, by trying to make out her parents did not care for her or love her. You evil old cow.
By the way you are lying again, Sky News have confirmed that it was NOT Kate or Gerry that informed them that Madeleine was missing!
But you are not interested in the truth are you, you are only interested in telling your lies and spreading disinformation.
The media when it was informed, was informed because the Portuguese police did not seem interested in the fact that a child had been abducted from her bed and after an initial response, where they took ages to arrive at the scene and Goncalo Amaral in fact did NOT even attend the scene, they left the McCanns, telling them they would come back in the morning.
So far far from doing nothing as you have tried to make people believe, they did everything they could to find their daughter.
SO Kate and Gerry are without Madeleine who they have no reason to belive has been harmed (Peadophiles by definition harm children they are sick evil perverts who enjoy this) so to help find her Gerry plays a game of tennis then we are treated to publicity snaps of them...
So Madeline is with Peadophiles and on her 4th Birthday Mummy and Daddy come out of church and look like they have not got a care in the world (god help poor Madeline if she saw them on the news no words of comfort for her no words to her abductors about a million pound reward if they would just bring her back) just big smiles and laughter...
So Madeleine has been taken and not one of the 9 people on the holiday will go back for a reconstruction their statements contridict each other and change...
How do you know what Kate and Gerry thought? Their daughter was missing, we all know about the sick predatory paedophiles, they must have been doing battle royal in their minds trying not to think of what could be happening to their little girl. How dare you try and be clever by making up this filth that you have written?
You have a filthy, vicious sewer mind Hope.
You have no bloody idea what you are talking about. Let's see now how long have you been blogging about this while attempting to condemn the McCanns to hell? yet you still simply have no idea about what you are trying to write about.
What was the good of a reconstruction that was not even going to be televised? The PJ had already made their mind up.
BBC Crimewatch had already offered to do a reconstruction, (something they specialise in) when Madeleine first went missing, but the PJ REFUSED this, so perhaps you had better ask them why they REFUSED a reconstruction. The McCanns said they would return for a reconstruction if it was televised, that request was again REFUSED by the PJ.
Why Did The PJ REFUSE? Were they scared witless that someone would pop out of the woodwork that would point a finger, directly to the abductors? Perhaps it is the PJ that do not want the truth known!
But for me the fact that Kate knew her daughter had been taken and then refused to answer 48 questions for her is one of the sickest things I have ever heard.....
No parent is perfect we all make mistakes some make very bad choices which result in harm comming to their children but surley whatever choice we make if the worse happends and because of us they are taken we would do everything in our power to help with any investigation and not stop searching until the day we found them or our own time on earth ran out...
A fund of 2 million plus and only 250k spent on searching expensive websites media monotoring spin drs and even relatives who are getting paid a fortune?
This is the most evil thin I have ever heard it is actually worse if she was taken as she could be being put through hell while they all jet around the world and refuse to help...
If there was an accident or something worse at least they would not be playing games with her saftey now....
Sunday, 15 February 2009 00:37:00 o'clock GMT
How many more times must this be said. Despite the famous questions which mainly turn out to be a lot of rubbish, which were clearly designed to implicate Kate, while allowing the PJ off of the hook after they bungled their way through this investigation, Kate was advised by her Portuguese solicitor NOT to answer questions.
If Goncalo Amaral want Kate to answer questions, why did he make her an arguido? Why not make her a witness? In Portugal a witness MUST answer the questions put to them and arguido has the right not to, this was a right afforded to Kate by Portuguese law. so perhaps your futile stupidly put argument would be better aimed at your hero Goncalo Amaral!
What is the most evil thing you have heard? A breakdown of accounts that show absolutely that no illegal use of the fund money has ever occurred, but of course this is not what people like you want to hear, is it?
What people like you and Viv want to hear, is that the McCanns are guilty of murdering their own child and dumping her body in unconsecrated ground and they did it all for money after thinking this scam up at home in England.
I have words that describe you Hope, but I cant put them here, but let's just say that the likes of you and your cult leader Viv, could not actually sink any lower.
Liars the pair of you, nasty manipulative liars.
Oh and your spelling it awful, if you are going to repeatedly use the word 'paedophile' you could actually learn how to spell it first and the rest of your spelling is not that much cop either.
viv said...
Hiya Wiz
You may well be right. Continuing revelations of this nature are obviously extremely bad news for Kate and Gerry McCann. I recall certain "Pro McCann" supporters were wishing to insist to me, that the solicitor they went to see is not a criminal lawyer. I cannot clearly establish this, but producing good vibes for Team McCann is obviously a major issue that concerns Gerry and always has done.
Actually Viv it was your friend Claudia who said she did not know if he was a criminal lawyer, but she knew he was a very popular lawyer. But did you listen to her, NO, as per usual you twisted what she said and stated as fact that she had said he was a criminal lawyer.
That was what I picked you up on...as per usual you had lied to suit your warped mind.
Rosie, Hope has always been passionate about the fact the McCanns left the kids, as many of us have. She has just got more and more OTT and out of control as a result of Viv's tactics and she is now out of her own control
Morning Rosie, I notice Hope is still going on about the words "They have taken her". How many more times does she have to be told that Liverpudlians use the word "they" in plural...when talking about a person in singular.
This has been confirmed many times by bloggers from Liverpool. It is just the way they speak.
I tell you something, if I was Viv I would be ashamed to have Hope as a member of my blog....because she constantly harps on about the same old thing...and never comes up with anything constructive.
Bit lacking in the grey matter is Hope.
Personally I think Viv is a professional disc jockey and Hope isn't. Viv can change the record to try to please her audience and Hope cannot
nancy said...
Hi everyone
That picture of the McCanns with the twins in their pushchairs should convince even the most hardened Pros that there is no doubt about their lack of grief on their smiling faces over the loss of their darling daughter.
A picture taken so soon after Maddie's disappearance that says it all. Poor Maddie, she deserved so much more than that!
How carefree they look while strolling along in PdeL, happy in the knowledge that their lifestyle has changed from hard working doctors with a huge mortgage, to holidaymakers able to pay off their mortgage and much more, and make lots of celebrity appearances into the bargain.
In May of course, the 2nd anniversary of Maddie's disappearance,and her 6th birthday, there'll be more from Gerry and Kate and probably the pink hanger on to try and convince people to part with their hard earned cash.
I just hope the majority have now got wise to them and will keep a tight hold on their wallets!
You can fool some of the people some of the time........
Monday, 16 February 2009 09:59:00 o'clock GMT
I don't know what to say about this comment from Nancy...except to say ....you only need to count the very few comments now appearing on Viv's compared to the amount being made on here and our forum to know what Nancy is claiming is BULLSH-T.
After Leigh went, I never thought there would be anyone nasty enough to replace her... Unfortunately I was wrong, Nancy has filled in her boots perfectly.
After 2345 went, I was glad and hoped she was a one off and that no one else would suffer the same fate... I was wrong again, Hope is displaying exactly the same symptoms.
trying to do a bit of research on a big forum bum, not that I would be calling you a liar, of course:-))
viv Post subject: ANY LIVERPUDLIAN BLOGGERS ABOUTPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:17 am
Local Lag
Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:58 pm
Posts: 856
Mum21 said...
Morning Rosie, I notice Hope is still going on about the words "They have taken her". How many more times does she have to be told that Liverpudlians use the word "they" in plural...when talking about a person in singular.
This has been confirmed many times by bloggers from Liverpool. It is just the way they speak.
This is news to me, comments welcome
Research all you like Viv because what I stated is a true fact. You are not so up on these blogs and forums as I thought you were. What I stated was confirmed by several posters from Liverpool way back in the DE days.
But carry on searching if it keeps your tiny little mind happy:-))))))
Skeptical Post subject: Re: ANY LIVERPUDLIAN BLOGGERS ABOUTPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:22 am
Joined: Sat May 17, 2008 5:32 pm
Posts: 5685
Location: 5 Orchard House Rothley viv :
Just an "oh dear" from me re that curious and scraping the barrel excuse.
viv Post subject: Re: ANY LIVERPUDLIAN BLOGGERS ABOUTPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 10:26 am
Local Lag
Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:58 pm
Posts: 856
Hiya darling, not nice, is it, but clearly a remark from our Katie that seriously concerned the police and one they no doubt bitterly regret, perhaps just a little overstaged..
It would not be the first time this particular lady tried to suggest it is all a bit of a race issue though
Viv, where the hell does race come into this? I stated a known fact about Liverpudlians.
But carry on, please do.
Oh dear Viv, your new thread on the 3A's has had 94 views...but only one person has bothered to leave a comment.
You certainly do know how to make a complete ASS of yourself
You see, if you had bothered to do your homework properly you would have known this subject has been debated many times....and several Liverpudlians have confirmed it to be true.
I see Viv is attacking Mum again over trivia but doesn't address some of the more important points that have been levied against her.
Can I ask the moderators of this blog a question. Why do you allow to post links to other blogs that she wants the posters on here to read when she has not got the guts to post a link to this thread and ask her posters to read through ALL the comments and form their own opinions
Hi Gina, but one member of the 3A's has confirmed what I said is true. But before Viv slams at me again..I am only posting the relevant part of this members post because I do not want to become involved in an argument with a 3A's member just because I do not agree with much of what she is saying.
almostgothic Post subject: Re: ANY LIVERPUDLIAN BLOGGERS ABOUTPosted: Mon Feb 16, 2009 11:08 am
On Parole
Joined: Wed Apr 30, 2008 10:06 am
Posts: 1476
Location: Careful what you carry 'Cause the man is wise You are still an outlaw in their eyes.
I'm not a Liverpudlian, but I can confirm, because I'm reasonably far enough 'Up North', that northerners do sometimes use 'they' when referring to a singular person.
Don't know anything about liverpudlian but I know what Viv is in Cockney
My 11.23 post should have said why do you allo viv to post links to blogs
The answer to your question Gina is.....we have nothing to hide or be ashamed of on our blog. But Viv does on hers. Hence she does not want her couple of remaining members to see that she posts over here.
I feel I must make this post to be fair to Viv. If you ignore her posts regards the case and read some of her other comments re general everyday matters and wildlife etc. then a completely different picture of her is painted. It is such a pity this side is not shown more often.
Exactly Mum. I think those who still post over there do not have a link to this site and do not read it. Those that have, have gone
Viv said
trying to do a bit of research on a big forum bum, not that I would be calling you a liar, of course:-))
16 February 2009 10:39
Proof positive they are Anus talkers.
Researching bums, sheesh, whatever next? Why don't you just go to an anatomy manual, you'll find yours on the first page.
Why give her the use of your keyboard. She is the vilest person I have ever come across.
She spits more Sh*t out of her mouth than her ar*e does.
Lokk how she's creeping up the arses of 3A's "darling" god I want to vomit.
Have you seen her manky finger nails on those pic's? urgh!
viv said...
viv said...
trying to do a bit of research on a big forum bum, not that I would be calling you a liar, of course:-))
16 February 2009 10:39
I am getting some very interesting and useful comments on this thread if anyone cares to take a look.
The above is a post I made on the blog from hell (it would seem they want me to point this out so here you go):
but I think you will find Bum/Rosie that most decent people just find your blog too repulsive to read!
Monday, 16 February 2009 13:49:00 o'clock GMT
Right Viv, but I hope you have noticed two things. Firstly anyone from Liverpool has agreed that they do tend to say "they" when talking in the singular.
Secondly, I cannot help but notice that after you posted the above on your blog, not one of the remaining members posting there even gave it the time of day. Not even a mention. Perhaps they are just a little sick of your agenda where Rosie and I are concerned.
Shame :-)))))
nancy said...
Wizard -
You only have to see how nervous Gerry is when they are being interviewed together. He gets very red and perturbed. That time when he stalked out of the Spanish interview you could see he was worried Kate would give something away!
A man with a mission is Gerry McCann!
Monday, 16 February 2009 16:56:00 o'clock GMT
I saw that interview too Nancy, but how you deduce he was worried Kate would give something away from that is amazing. Although I think that Gerry is not the most likeable person and has many other faults IMO, it is yet to be proven if his true mission is anything other than finding out what happened to his child. I know he should not have left her in the first place, but we have done that to death.
I think from what I am reading you too are on a mission, an impossible one IMO
Mum 17.17
They always fly over to any link Viv gives and rush back to thank her for it. They have been here and are not commenting because they are between a rock and a hardplace. If they say they agree with anything over here they have signed their own death warrants and they are finding it difficult to defend the many "turncoat"posts Viv makes on other blogs. Easy way out is to say nothing
hope4truth said...
Mum21 said...
Morning Rosie, I notice Hope is still going on about the words "They have taken her". How many more times does she have to be told that Liverpudlians use the word "they" in plural...when talking about a person in singular.
This has been confirmed many times by bloggers from Liverpool. It is just the way they speak.
Well lets get one thing straight you foul mouthed old bat I have not been "Told" anything and someone as depraved as you will never "Tell" me what I have to belive... I dont read your foul abuse fulled blog as I respect children and do not respect evil hags who think Evil Mothers like Leonor had every right to murder their daughter hide her body and lie their socks off...
I will say it again you stupid woman in the context I wrote it last time Kate went running back to the bar shouting "They have taken her" while leaving the twins home alone again...
Now I know you have no idea how special and important children are and dont give a damn about childrens saftey but really Kate knows Madeleine has been abducted by a peaodophile ring and is such a good Mum leaves the twins alone again just in case they come back to take them as well...
More happy snaps at the top of this page I see what kind of Mother refuses to answer a single question for her child and laughs it up a few days after she tells the world Madeleine is in the hands of hell...???
Monday, 16 February 2009 19:36:00 o'clock GMT
Oh, dear...I do believe Hope is having a tantrum. You can always tell because her spelling gets even worse than usual...and she becomes very abusive and tells lies.
For a start I have never stood up for Leonor. In fact I have always said I do not KNOW if she is innocent or guilty. Neither do I consider her to have been a good mother.
As for stating I do not know how special children are....Hope, you really are talking out of your backside...as per usual. To be perfectly honest with you Hope, I don't give a flying f-ck what you think about me. But it appears by your tantrum it does bother you what I think of you.
May I give you a few words of advice....to constantly fly into rages increases your chances of a heart attack...so calm down.
viv said...
Hiya Di,
Well mum21 offered such a good topic for discussion and so I thought I would let her have her say and what a great discussion it was, pity she was so shy:-)))given she can have her say on 3 As, but resolute she ain't coming on here!!
Monday, 16 February 2009 20:16:00 o'clock GMT
Viv, I would not post on your blog or the 3A's if I was paid to.
You know how the saying goes "Lay down with dogs and you get up with fleas".
As for your thread on the 3A's...mostly a bit off topic don't you think?
I don't know what kind of mothers Rosie, Mum or Kate McCann are, but given the choice of having them as mothers or Hope, I know I wouldn't want to be the child of a mentally unstable, abusive, judgemental, nasty, weird, hate filled person like Hope.
The problem with Hope is that she knows that what she does is wrong and this makes her worse than many of the posters there, so to hide this and the fact that people are picking on her behaviour and seeing it for what it really is, she tries to hide the fact behind judgemental abusive posts about famous controversial cases.
How much time do you really spend with your own kids Hope?
How much attention can you be giving them when your mind seems to be only on hate blogging about people you have never met?
How on earth can you judge other people's parenting skills while posting happily on a blog full of sick paedo comments, where a woman regularly exposes her children to danger with unnecessary and irresponsible posts, and then refuses to delete the posts when she is told that her children are being put at risk by her own actions?
People, you decide, what is worse:
a)A mother leaving kids alone to dine nearby in the same holiday complex and checking on them regularly. Something that only happened on the holiday.
b)A mother losing herself, and her mind, day and night every single day on a hate blog, befriending weirdos, psychos and potential paedos so that she can get a kick out of being able to post violent posts. Knowing that what she is doing is wrong but unable to help herself.
Hope, look in the mirror and get help pronto. The only one who is coming across badly here is you.
Every day.
May I add to the b) option that the mother has often made very disturbing posts about wanting to insert sharp objects down people's throats...
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