It is sad, but the witch hunters evil has now permeated one of the nicest sites on the internet. I will not name this site because I do not think it deserves to have its name sullied by these evil minded ignorant people.
Previously the site in question, was a beautiful and strangely calming site, it not only carried messages of support and hope for Madeleine McCann and her parents, it carries messages for others experiencing turmoil in their lives and also messages of hope, peace, joy and greetings.
Now the site has been tainted by the shocking evil of these people, that will stoop to any lows to get their lies and their vitriol in writing.
I believe the kind of people that do these things have no interest in the welfare of children, they have no interest in true justice, what they have is a mental impairment. Cerebrally challenged, they are in short they are just thick, pig ignorant idiots, who get a kick out of seeing their words published.
The kind of people that do this are grossly ineffectual small minded, bigoted sub-humans, the only thing big about them are their egos! Little people with even smaller brains, no one has ever paid any attention to them and their rantings before, suddenly they have discovered the more evil they can write, the more the minority pitchforking audience loves them and of course, they respond to this by sinking to such slime ridden depths, that pond life seems like a sky scraper to them.
Look at the above picture and try to envisage the kind of low-life that would write a thing like this, they are so brave that they make these entries anonymous! They are scared that if they use their real names their relatives and employers may see them and then judge them and know them for exactly what they are - low life scum!
The kind of low-life scum that thinks nothing of using a small girl and her desperate parents as vehicle for their hate and their ineffectualness and they call this 'Justice For Maddie and the Twins?'
Liars, fantasists, narcissistic pitchforkers who revel in the fact that a child is missing and spend their days thinking up disgusting blood curdling and often sick and depraved theories and then trying to find like-minded people to discuss them with. You can see classic examples of these low-lives on forums like the 3 A's and the the snot green (now deserted) hate blog.
Now when they realise they are in fact in the minority, these people have taken to surfing around trying to find other outlets for their venom and hate and they poisoned a once beautiful calm site and as ever they thought nothing of violating something beautiful as they thought and think nothing of violating Madeleine herself, all for their own sick pleasure!
The web site is aware and advise that the poster's details have been harvested.
A few minutes after posting my last comment, I had the following reply from the candles website.
Dear *****,
It is heartbreaking to see the candles desecrated like this. I have deleted
these and dozens of others like it in this candle group (Maddy).
Thank you for alerting us to it,
Margaret and the Gratefulness Webteam
Margaret Wakeley
Community Development Coordinator
A Network for Grateful Living (ANG*L)
P.O. Box 6748
Ithaca, NY 14851-6748
So. So, now we know. Now we know just how low these bottom feeding scum will sink. There was never even a shred of doubt about the fact we hold the moral high ground, and always have. But now we can see for ourselves just HOW far above the cretins we actually are. If it were real life, and the filth were on the ground, then we would be so morally high above them we would need oxygen masks. Tony, so glad you haven't given in. That's what the filth want, to wear us down with their poison and vomit. Remember Tony, all it takes for evil to succeeed is for good people to do nothing. You are a good person, Tony, we all are. And we will not do nothing. These filth try to be the voice of Madeleine. That will NEVER happen. Why? Because the ONLY people with the right to be her voice, apart from Madeleine herself, are her parents. NOT convicted axe killers, NOT convicted benefit frauds, NOT convicted shoplifters, NOT disreputable sacked solicitor's, NOT proven liars of disgraced and sacked ex-police chiefs, NOT all those with a mental instability, who can only do their best to stop people looking for a lost child, and NOT, EVER child smugglers paid chimps.
Hi Tony,
Glad to see you still around, Vee is right, people who do things like this can only succeed if good people allow it!
Every time I see something like this it makes me more determined to carry on challenging these people.
Ignoring this kind of anti social behaviour, is the same as ignoring anti social behaviour from louts of the street corners and look where that ends up?!
It takes a very special kind of scum infested grey matter, to go on a site as beautiful and as calm and serene as the candle site and think nothing of desecrating it.
I really do not think there is any difference between doing this and physically desecrating a cemetery, or memorial.
To any right minded normal thinking person, this kind of action would have been taboo! Not apparently to the antis, the scum have sunk as low as they can possibly go and it was not just one of them, it was many of them, so they must have planned this.
They could not leave this one beautiful corner of the internet alone, they had to enter it and violate it.
Words cannot describe what I feel about these people, they do not care who they hurt and they really need to question their motives.
Have just read Katie Smith and find her thoughts about this to be akin to my own.
Well said Katie.
As I have also said, as there were many of these messages, so this was a planned attack and there is no name for people that carry out such acts just - scum.
Many people who visit there are in great pain and distress, others visit to offer their prayers, their thoughts and their support to people, I cannot understand why people have thought it was a good idea to go there and do that.
I hope those that went to that place and carried that out can live with what they have done.
I actually spoke to the woman after receiving her email.
tony said...
I actually spoke to the woman after receiving her email.
13 March 2009 18:05
Well done Tony, these idits think we don't put our money where our mouth is do they?
Does anyone know what Tony Bennett was doing at the Commons Select Committee meeting attended by Gerry McCann? Does Tony Bennett actually know what he was doing there?
He chose to sit directly behind Gerry McCann and he could not bring himself to look up once. The whole time he was sitting there he was pretending to look through papers, trying to make himself look important and who was that little boy sitting next to him?
Why does Tony Bennett surround himself with weirdos and youngsters? Is it because normal people see right through him?
The reason why Bennett could not look up, is because he knows what he is doing is wrong.
It is disturbing that he turns up all over the place where Gerry McCann is, it was disturbing that he was at Oxford where Clarence Mitchell was talking last week and it is disturbing that he has tried to bring court action against the McCanns and it is disturbing that he plans to do so again with the proceeds of a scummy, poorly researched booklet. It is disturbing that Bennett refuses to answer if he is intending to bring out a book about Madeleine McCann.
There is enough evidence for this man to be charged with harassment and stalking and I hope that day comes sooner rather than later.
when I saw Bennett and where he was sitting, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. It was the creepiest thing I have ever seen outside of a horror movie.
I half expected Bennett to stick a knife in Mr. McCann's back; I really did.
This evening I visited http://www.pfa2.com/forum/ ...and was most impressed. It was great to read my favourite 3A's member "palmeras16" ...at last away from that vile blog. I noticed quite a few more ex 3A's members on this forum too. It was like a breath of fresh air.
Below are a few posts from PFA2...I hope they don't mind me borrowing them.
Three guesses who preciousramotswe is refering to in the post below :-)))))))
Re: "Loaned Out"
by preciousramotswe » 4:07 pm Thu Mar 12, 2009
''Madeleine was an abused and neglected child, there is no doubt about that. Her parents admit as much.''
What a stupid, stupid person that woman is. She trashed her own nauseous blog by attacking her own posters, then she turns up at 3As like the Queen Bee. Every day she changes her mind. Only yesterday she was berating other posters for saying Madeleine was dead, because there is no proof.
And then she writes that slanderous and lying rubbish
Arwen, you are right. There is an air of dark menace on that forum.
"Loaned Out"
by palmeras16 » 2:45 pm Thu Mar 12, 2009
Honeybear starts a thread "Loaned Out" regarding Madeleine - I don't need to go into details, the title is self explanatory. Do these people never stop to think before posting this unsubstantiated filth?
Re: "Loaned Out"
by palmeras16 » 6:32 pm Thu Mar 12, 2009
Viv " think you are right Bren. We are getting so near to the truth, that it could prejudice a trial and we do need to be very careful what we say"
Mum , its not until you leave the 3as and then look back you realise the level of nastiness you have been part of.
Hi Tony,
Me too! How on earth was such a 'known' Gerry McCann antagonist, allowed to be in such close proximity?
WHY was he there? For what possible purpose was that man there and WHY was he allowed in?
I can think of NO possible reason why that man should have been in that room with Gerry McCann and I think it is a disgrace that the police allowed this to happen. The man is a stalker for goodness sakes! When is he going to be stopped from harassing this couple?
To Viv and Bren
Viv " think you are right Bren. We are getting so near to the truth, that it could prejudice a trial and we do need to be very careful what we say"
Do you realise that when you write such utter tripe like this, that it makes you both look completely and utterly insane?
Do you not realise that the pair of you are suffering from delusions?
Too close to the truth? Who the F*** do you think you are? "The Lady Detectives?" Pudding heads!
You know nothing, but pretty soon you will know a lot more than you do now, but I cannot guarantee that you will like it.
Personally I'm glad Bennett turned up, infact he is so desperate for his 5 minutes of fame, he would turn up to the opening of an envelope. Still the more he does things like this, the more genuine people will start to question his motives.
As far as I'm concerned give the man enough rope.
I doubt Gerry was bothered by his presence, its clearly obvious the man is of no significance to Gerry whatsoever.
You know nothing, but pretty soon you will know a lot more than you do now, but I cannot guarantee that you will like it.
I think I can guarantee they will NOT like it! Particularly clawdia! And just think, WE were given this even before the press!
Soon, very soon, Mr Amaral, the world will know the truth of your lie!
Hi Tinks
You are right, TB is a totally irrelevant parasitic insect, a spineless invertebrate, who knows fully well he is wrong and this is why he could not look up, but only sit there pretending to shuffle papers and look try to important.
He has 'little' man syndrome!
But I still would like to know what he thought was the significance of his presence there, if it was not to stalk Gerry McCann? If we are asking this, then surely the police have to be asking the same questions? They must be aware of this man and so must the Law Society and the Attorney General and I would like to know as a concerned citizen of this country, what they are doing about it? Or are they just going to ignore it until something is done that cannot be undone?
He look freakishly close to Gerry McCann's back and I am sorry, but his really bothers me. Look at the measure of the antis that spew their venom at this man on a daily basis? They should not be allowed to get anywhere near him or Kate, they are deranged!
Rosiepops said...
To Viv and Bren
Viv " think you are right Bren. We are getting so near to the truth, that it could prejudice a trial and we do need to be very careful what we say"
I thought Viv & Bren had fallen out. I am having trouble keeping up with these ever changing theories, and one minute not posting on the 3A's again, then the next minute all mates again and posting away even more garbage. We all have opinions about what may have happened, most of us have stuck with the same opinion as there has been no other factual new evidence to make us think differently. Viv it seems is privy to inside information!!!!!
As far as the candle is concerned, whoever posted that is sick in the head, and has no feelings for others who are grieving a loss.
Tony, I think you may be able to help me with this. You may know I have personal issues with a 3a's member by the name of drachensachen, now posting as schuffpipe. Well, s/he has a blog of their own,
As you can see, schuffpipe continues with the unhealthy obsession with women who abuse or kill children, one of the most distinctive traits of all drac's postings. Can you dig around on this site, and see if you can find anything about who exactly schuffpipe/drachen really is? I have a libel case all fired up and ready to go, just as soon as I can confirm for certain who I believe they really are.
the parliamentary committee noticed him. They saw how creepy he is. They saw what Mr. McCann has to put up with just by Bennett's presence.
Bennett being there spoke volumes.
He was evidence in the truest sense of stalking.
No problems buddy.
viv said...
It is a like a creeping malaise, building to a crescendo of sick cult-like hero worship of a discredited and dishonorable man, riddled with prejudices, who continues to try and build up a following of stupid people who think they personally can get justice for Maddie, or downright dishonourable people, with just one agenda, to do the complete opposite. Fortunately the Police/government etc treat them with the contempt they deserve:
Saturday, 14 March 2009 16:46:00 o'clock GMT
PMSL What a hypocrite.
Quick question, would the person be the same one who posted on the Virgin forum?
Bennett's seating himself directly behind Gerry was a clear attenmpt to intimidate him - he said so quite openly on a public forum.
I hope that might prove one of the biggest miscalculations he ever made.
I assume that's bent tit we're talking about?
Have You Seen This!!!!!!!
Raptor, has closed shop for the time being. Those of you who know my blog can have a look at what is said.
I have the list of the 3 A members criminal record. If what Raptor has written is true,BLOODY HELL!!!!!!
Quick question, would the person be the same one who posted on the Virgin forum?
The very same.
Take a look at the list at the link listed.
viv said...
It is a like a creeping malaise, building to a crescendo of sick cult-like hero worship of a discredited and dishonorable man, riddled with prejudices, who continues to try and build up a following of stupid people who think they personally can get justice for Maddie, or downright dishonourable people, with just one agenda, to do the complete opposite. Fortunately the Police/government etc treat them with the contempt they deserve:
Saturday, 14 March 2009 16:46:00 o'clock GMT
Viv, I notice you did not have the guts to actually post this on the 3A's
viv said...
It is a like a creeping malaise, building to a crescendo of sick cult-like hero worship of a discredited and dishonorable man, riddled with prejudices, who continues to try and build up a following of stupid people who think they personally can get justice for Maddie, or downright dishonourable people, with just one agenda, to do the complete opposite. Fortunately the Police/government etc treat them with the contempt they deserve:
What the hell is this stupid woman talking about now? Does she even know. Crescendo? More like a fart in a trance!
Anonymous said...
Bennett's seating himself directly behind Gerry was a clear attenmpt to intimidate him - he said so quite openly on a public forum.
I hope that might prove one of the biggest miscalculations he ever made.
14 March 2009 19:00
Gerry came across sincere, while Bennett looked like a wannabe plonker, a nasty little stalker.
I hope people now see this idiot for exactly what he is, a pathetic excuse for a man with a nasty vindictive personality with an addiction for attention seeking.
Anonymous said...
Bennett's seating himself directly behind Gerry was a clear attenmpt to intimidate him - he said so quite openly on a public forum.
I hope that might prove one of the biggest miscalculations he ever made.
14 March 2009 19:00
lol, if he tried to intimidate Gerry, he failed miserably.
I just had to laugh when I saw him sitting behind Gerry, he couldn't have looked more pathetic if he had tried.
I have just read that list! Some nice people they have posting on the 3 A's!
We have always said that those hanging around that site are probably deviants, what else are we to expect from the foulest of people that write proudly about wanting to pump a very well known children's Disney avatar?
And then write in graphic detail using the foulest of swear words about what Gerry would do to his remaining children if they did not go to sleep on Christmas eve?
Then there is the foul notdoc and ecolab, the latter always making up graphic details about Madeleine.
Foul people, we said that there was more to these people!
Sick perverted weirdos!
It is a like a creeping malaise, building to a crescendo of sick cult-like hero worship of a discredited and dishonorable man, riddled with prejudices, who continues to try and build up a following of stupid people who think they personally can get justice for Maddie, or downright dishonourable people, with just one agenda, to do the complete opposite. Fortunately the Police/government etc treat them with the contempt they deserve:
That IS bent tit and the 3a's!
Lol Rosie,
Yes he is a bit unfortunate looking. You cant even say what he lacks in looks he makes up with brains!
I wonder if he wears corduroy hat while driving his Volvo?
Just think folks. Mr. Bennett has mentioned the wonderful perb crew from the 3 A' in his 60 question pamphlet as his reference of knowledge on the Madeleine McCann case.
Wait till their record is displayed on the Internet. I can see it now, "Tony Bennett Former Whatever, relies on sex offenders and child abuser forum to sell his pamphlet".
I read the 'list'. Convicted paedophiles and murderers. It comes as no surprise to anyone.
Of course the non criminal posters on the 3A's will be extremely surprised. I hope it makes them open their eyes.
As for Bennett.
That was a public hearing I believe, so there would have been no grounds to exclude him. He didnt have to attend to hear what Gerry said however, he could have watched it on the tv, or later on the internet. So his attendance was clearly not to hear what was said, there was another purpose.
After watching the video, I noticed that the lawyer and Clarence both turned and looked directly at him and he didnt return their looks, but I didnt see Gerry look at him.
I wonder if the politician who mentioned the hate mail they got over having Gerry testify, knew that was Bennett.
But as Gerry said, those who make these pathetic accusations are irrelevant.
So Bennett is irrelevant.
I think ignoring him is the best course of action for the McCanns. Dont give him any publicity at all. Just keep ignoring him.
Hi Diane
I would normally agree with you about ignoring him, but this doesn't seem to work in his case, or the case of some of the others involved in this disgraceful hounding of the McCanns.
It will not work with Bennett until someone forces him to stop what he is doing. Ignoring a stalker never works and in my opinion, this is what Bennett is, an attention seeking stalker. I think that Stuart Lubbock's father 'Terry' cut Bennett out after discovering something, although I know not what it was exactly, I believe it had something to do with the rights over the book that Bennett wrote about Stuart.
If you look at Bennett's history on Wikipedia, you will find it is very colourful indeed. He appears to be some kind of attention seeking professional stalker that attaches himself to high profile cases. He will repeat this until he is stopped under the law and I feel that there is enough evidence about this man who has been reprimanded and fined by the Law Society, to make him 'vexatious litigant' and it is about time this was actually carried out, or he is going to keep on causing grief to vulnerable people.
Re Bennett again:
Although he clearly admits on a forum, he attended to intimidate Gerry McCann, I believe the real reason he was at that hearing was to try and get himself attention and in the newspapers and on TV. I believe in his pathetic deluded little mind, he really thought that when he emerged from the hearing, he would be interviewed by the press and his photo taken, this did not happen, so well done the press!
When Bennett went to Oxford and took his cronies with him, with the express intention of causing embarrassment to Clarence Mitchell, who was speaking there, Bennett boasts that he had a long conversation with a journalist from the Daily Mail, well that was along conversation about nothing apparently, the journo must have realised what Bennett is and decided not to even mention him in his story.
Nice one Daily mail!
I do not know if you have read anything of Bennett's booklet full of fairy tales, but it is the most ill researched, poorly written piece of tripe that I have ever read, a child could have done better!
Anonymous said...
Don't know if you guys have noticed, but if you visit Rosaleen's 'the whistler' blog, click on her profile, then visit her other blog 'what's going on' - this is the anti-semitic stuff, and it is still there under the 'justice4mccanfamily' header.
I can't work out why she is doing this - on the one hand she repeats every scurrilous snippet about the 3As, no matter where it comes from, and on the other she seems to be out to discredit Rosie.
Ah well, raving anti-semites always were strange.
15 March 2009 09:50
Hi Anon
The internet is full of strange people. This could one of three people, all of them raving lunatics. They really need to question their motives as to why they are doing this and what they hope to achieve.
I am just not bothered by this anti semitic stuff this loony Rosaleen has written, because the people that know me have laughed their socks off at it, as nothing could be further from the truth.
This is the trouble with the internet, you never know who you are talking to and Rosaleen certainly doesn't!
What blithering cerebrally challenged numbskulls like Rosaleen do when they use antisemitics and the others fools who insist on using the word 'fascist' as a silly puerile insult, using what they see as big words in order to look intelligent, what they are in fact doing is making light of a really serious situation and by using this like this they are actually decrying and watering down the most awful atrocities that took place in our history and further hurting people who have been dreadfully hurt and who still bear the scars to this very day.
Of course the imbeciles cannot see it, they think they are being clever and think that everyone will think they are being clever when they use words like 'fascist' and then try and use antisemitics to discredit someone, but far from being intelligent, they are showing their profound ignorance and all they are doing is discrediting themselves and hurting people unecessarily.
still working on your request and have gone further afield. Just about finished though so hang in there.
Quick message for brokenbrains, bring it on, moron!
Thanks Tony, much apreciated. Unlike brokenbrains, I actually DO have a leg to stand on!
Anonymous said...
vee8 just do remind you that your IP address is known and any further harrassment and intimidation will be reported to your ISP (VM) who may just threaten to suspend your Internet connection if you continue to harrass people over the Internet. I suggest you refer to the Terms & Conditions of your ISP:-
15 March 2009 02:09
Vee8 I am taking it you have seen this from http://muratandco.blogspot.com/
I find it amusing they did not make the above post in your blog.
vee8 just do remind you that your IP address is known and any further harrassment and intimidation will be reported to your ISP (VM) who may just threaten to suspend your Internet connection if you continue to harrass people over the Internet. I suggest you refer to the Terms & Conditions of your ISP:-
Just three words.
Who was it who had their personal details, including name and age of yougest daughter, spread all over your stinking little cesspit? That, chums, is illegal. As I have told you, there is NO SUCH THING as 'public domain' Harrasment? Intimidation? Do you REALLY think I haven't got printed copies of all the harrasment and intimidation I have suffered? Think again! As for brokenbrains, check my post, then check it again. I named no-one, so your 'Threat, harrasment and attempted intimidation' of me is like your head. Hollow. As for my own legal action, that is not a threat, it is a fact. Libel is against the law, and telling someone that is not a threat.
Bullies. Don't they make you want to hurl?
Vee8 I am taking it you have seen this from http://muratandco.blogspot.com/
I find it amusing they did not make the above post in your blog.
You said it, Tony! Just like all bullies, not a backbone between the lot of 'em!
Anon, they have been trying to discredit Rosie for the past 19 months and no matter how hard they've tried, they've not succeeded.
I wouldn't bother trying to work out where this person is coming from either, people like her are best left to the men in white coats.
Well, since they started talking about me, my hit counter has gone through the roof! For the first time ever, the 'About' page on my site has had more views than the 'Mary Magdalene' page! I never knew I was so well liked! But, me searching for the Holy Grail?? Er, no, not really! Seems that the whole of my site has been missed, but hey, never mind. I could try and explain what I am really trying to do, but I would probably be wasting my breath, so you carry on thinking what you like. Oh, and it wasn't me who was demanding the Tapas kids names be taken off the 3a's, I didn't even know they were ever on there.
"anyone who gets hold of personal information and posts it on the internet cannot claim any moral highground the moment they do that is the moment they do not care to find any truth rather engage in personal vendettas
i dont see how you can defend that phoneyjoe with explanations"
"Wowww hold on there.I am not defending that at all! I am saying clearly that it is WRONG!!! I agree with you and Bren there. No way is it right to have her family accused of those God awful things!
What I am trying to do is try to see why this is happening and I think your post has the answer. Remember a post which included the name of an 11 year old child on this forum??? it included the address of that family as well! that was bang out of order and this forum cannot claim the moral high ground either.
You see its a visious circle.....personal details have in the past been posted on here and not taken down immediately. Then other forums, posters etc get frustrated because nothing was done to take them down and it was allowed by the mods. They then feel vindicated in doing the same to Bren. Bren now feels livid and angry....just like posters who saw that child outed on here (she had nothing to do with this forum) and it goes on and on and on. You know what worries me?
Where the hell is it all going to stop? is someone going to get hurt? it needs to stop and someone needs to throw down the olive branch and say enough is enough. It stops here and now. Rules on forums need to be clarified on both sides and most importantly they need to be reinforced."
Now THERE'S a sensible post at last! Bren thinks it's fine and dandy to post other peoples details, but crys foul when the same is done to her. Well done, phoneyjoe, I commend you. When WILL it stop? Does someone actually have to get hurt, before someone sees sense?
Hi Rosie, Mum, Gina,
I hope you are all well.
I am saddened that your site, like so many, is now taken up by posts about other sites who post such evil theories. Your site was once good to read, but now appears have very little to do with Madeleine.
Hi Jojam,
Great to hear from you. It is a shame things have become as bad as they have...but there is only so much people will take without retaliating. So we decided to keep our forum clear of any replies to insults and use the blog for that purpose. Our forum remains dedicated to Madeleine and her family.
Have you read the front covering story to this thread ?
What do you expect us to do, allow this scum to get away with it ? say nothing ? ask them nicely to stop desecrating a beautiful site ?
Sorry that may be how you deal with things but it is not how I deal with things.
We actually exposed what was going on here and gratefulness.org were most appreciative.
There is very little news on Madeleine but that still doesn't stop the evil sites from continuing with there vileness, why shouldn't they be challenged ? why shouldn't our posters be allowed to defend themselves ?
Did you know through a pro-site a list of 3A's posters have been identified as having a criminal background ?
Through our persistence, the snot green blog is to all intents and purpose defunct.
Yes tensions sometimes run high but if we can stop some of this vitriol against the McCanns then it would have all been worthwhile.
In the meantime our forum continues to be very productive and supportive of Madeleine and All the family and for that I am very proud.
Hi Jojam
I am 100% in agreement with Mum and Tinks. They have succinctly outlined why this blog is operating.
Society is crumbling under the weight of people who look the other way and do not want to get involved, when they can plainly see that others are being done great harm.
It is a lot harder to actually try and do something to help than do nothing and it is easy to pop up occasionally and criticise others that are trying to do something.
Why should people be allowed to get away with their disgraceful behaviour? Desecrating a beautiful site, what next? Smashing the candles up in a church? Or a graveside?
What we are witnessing is thuggish yobbish behaviour, the kind of behaviour which is threatening to engulf our streets and it has got to this state because people have been too afraid to do anything, or to say anything.
Well I do not think this is acceptable behaviour and I do not think it is acceptable to pass on by and say nothing either.
Tell us Jojam, would you feel safe enough to pop up on an anti site and criticise what they are doing?
All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.
Who is the most evil?
The one who commits the evil.
Or the one who stands watching and does nothing?
As you say in the original post "I believe the kind of people that do these things have no interest in the welfare of children, they have no interest in true justice, what they have is a mental impairment. Cerebrally challenged, they are in short they are just thick, pig ignorant idiots, who get a kick out of seeing their words published."
I agree so feel it is just playing into their hands to re-publish on your own site.
You say
"Well I do not think this is acceptable behaviour and I do not think it is acceptable to pass on by and say nothing either."
I agree. But you also appear to be giving the ignorant minority another outlet by publishing their words & deeds.
I just find it so sad that so many sites have fallen prey to their tricks, they just reveal in seeing their posts re published.
I have in the past posted on anti sites but as they do not publish posts that are critical I am not welcome. Nothing to do with feeling safe.
tony said...
All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.
Who is the most evil?
The one who commits the evil.
Or the one who stands watching and does nothing?
Or the one who repeats the evil?
Hi Jojam
I fully understand where you are coming from with your posts and I tend to agree. When I looked at this thread and saw that candle I did a "double take", I thought for the moment I was on the wrong site. However I would never have been made aware how wicked some people are if I had not seen it, and I think whoever posted it originally is totally sick in the head. I have mixed feelings on this, I thoroughly understand why Rosie and Co. want this sort of thing to be made known, but what troubles me is, it has now been removed from the candles site (I think) and is now here for all sicko to see too, and infact may even give other sickos some ideas for things to do to mess up nice sites.
Also I think links to posts are far better than copy and paste on here. Once the posts get on here people make adverse comments about them, but some posters do not care what is said about them so long as they can see their posts getting good coverage all over the place. I have learned that about Viv, she loves to she her posts on here and anywhere else for that matter.
At the risk of getting my head blown off I have to say that I totally agree with your 12.08 post. I think the kind of people that do these awful things have no regard for anyone or their feelings, they just do it for their own sick pleasure. Personally I think this is an issue that both pros and antis who actually care about Madeleine should be able to agree on.
JoJam said
16 March 2009 12:08
I do believe the police said 'the more evidence the better'.
The Vile A' tend to delete their posts after the damage has been done and the police normally do not get to view the offending literature.
People are now taking screen shots so there can be no denial of the aspersions cast.
Also, they need to have proof of libel.
I think some folk believe the only people who are responsible for the libel posted, are the ones who post it. Wrong.
If a host leaves such posts on their forum, they too are guilty of libel as are the hosts of the forum.
I do believe Cable Media in Canada are looking into a case right now. And the forum owner resides in the UK but their host is in Canada.
Tony, then surely Jojam is right to say these vile posts should not be copied and posted on other sites if they are libellous. I understand why screenshots are taken, but I am not totally in agreement with them then being given coverage.
Jojam said...
tony said...
All it takes for evil to succeed is for good people to do nothing.
Who is the most evil?
The one who commits the evil.
Or the one who stands watching and does nothing?
Or the one who repeats the evil?
16 March 2009 12:21
Is it repeating the evil or is it naming and shaming the evil?
Gina said...
Tony, then surely Jojam is right to say these vile posts should not be copied and posted on other sites if they are libellous. I understand why screenshots are taken, but I am not totally in agreement with them then being given coverage.
16 March 2009 14:26
I do confess seeing it does churn the old gut a bit.
However, Rosie's covering story does take the sharp edges off it.
Only Rosie and team can make the decision to remove the picture or allow it to remain.
I do think the cover story should be allowed to stay if the picture is removed.....don't you?
tony said....Is it repeating the evil or is it naming and shaming the evil?
16 March 2009 14:33
Unfortunately these people have no shame
tony said....Is it repeating the evil or is it naming and shaming the evil?
IMO It is repeating the evil.
These people have no shame
tony said...Only Rosie and team can make the decision to remove the picture or allow it to remain.
I do think the cover story should be allowed to stay if the picture is removed.....don't you?
16 March 2009 14:46
Yes I agree the story should remain. Tony we had a show here last week called comic relief (you probably did not see this). It is to raise money for charity and it does a fine job but I had to turn it off because of the mixed emotions I could not cope with. They would show a heart rendering film of poor children with diseases in Africa (which I know they have to do to make people want to give money), but as soon as the film stop, the audience would be screaming and clapping because one of their favourite acts was next to perform. I do not know how they could turn off so quickly from what they had just seen. It is a bit the way I felt when I looked on here, nice pictures of Madeleine with her brother and sister then that dreadful candle picture. I also see as with comic relief you have to show the bad so people will do good but it is finding the best way to do it is the problem.
Jojam and Gina, I find it strange that you are concentrating more on whether we should have the story and picture on here, than discussing the mentality of the person who made that post.
Again another let off for the perp!
Jojam, there were a great many messages in the same vein left on that beautiful site, we have just one of the milder ones, it is here because it serves a purpose.
'Lest We Forget'
This is the kind of thing that happens when good people do nothing!
I hope that people reading this blog will read this and realise just what is going on in the name of Madeleine McCann and have the courage to speak up and out whenever they see it, knowing fully well they are not alone.
Jojam do you honestly think that repeating the evil is worse, than the gutter mentality it look to go to that site and do that?
IMO that is a cop out, believe me it takes more to run this blog and the forum and actually place yourself in the line of fire from these people and be called all sorts, than it does to sit back and criticise others for trying to do something, when all you seem to be doing is criticising us!
Perhaps this is not how you mean to come across, I hope it isn't, but from where I am standing, it is how you are coming over.
This does remind me of the mentality of the so called screamers of 'Justice For Maddie', they spend all their time decrying her parents for imagined ills and ridiculous conspiracy theories and meanwhile the abductors are just let off scott free.
Soon I am convinced that the filthy scum that did this to this poor child, are going to strike again.
How will all those people feel then, or are they just going to attack the parents again?
Rosie, I was responding to Tony and Jojam's posts. previous I had said....As far as the candle is concerned, whoever posted that is sick in the head, and has no feelings for others who are grieving a loss.
14 March 2009 12:19
As I have tried to explain I have mixed feeling on this. I actually cannot see the point of getting that candle picture taken off the candles site because IT IS offensive, then displaying it on here. I thought my posts made it clear that it is difficult to make people aware how evil some people are without posting their comments. However most just love to see their posts or handy work (eg the candle picture) on as many sites as possible and as they are evil with no feelings whatsoever, it is impossible to shame them. Taking screenshots and reporting them seems to be one solution and often we have to do what we can without posting our actions on a blog.
I think (I hope) we are singing off the same hymn sheet on this albeit perhaps we are not quite in tune with each other
rest assured they will not be attacking the Candle site again.
They have every ip belonging to the culprits. I'm afraid the dumbos proxy servers failed them miserably
Gina getting a backbone?
It is neither repeating the evil or naming and shaming the evil.
Firstly, we do not know the culprits...so we could not (even if we wanted to)name them. And even if we did know who they are..we would never name them. The furthest we would ever go is give out their screen names....NEVER would we out them. All this back biting going on between ever increasing blogs...giving out names, addresses and family...is WRONG. Ridicule the evil ones, yes...but outing them, No.
What we attempt to do on this blog is show up the many sick and evil minded bloggers on the internet for what they are...we do it by creating a thread like this one. If it achieves nothing else...at least it warns the general internet public to be wary of some of the trash posting on places like the 3A's and Viv's.
This thread and picture are an example of what these sick minded people are capable of...not a repeat of their evil.
Who's this numbnuts, and why has a pathetic little anti put a link up to my site, among others? Like I/we're supposed to be ashamed??
Team McCann supporters - are these the 40 people to whom you refer, Clarence?
Anna Buffoon
Chaos Engine
Curtain Twitchers
Daily Pitchforker
Home of the Broken, Beaten and Banned
Madeleine missing since May 2007
Madeleine: A destiny begun
Murat and Co
Rosiepops blog
Rosiepops forum
Snoop's Take
The Hounding of the McCanns
The Whistler
Abuse of human rights? Like the right to a fair trial in front of a jury of your peers? IF and WHEN you are charged with any crime, that is? Or by abuse of human rights, do you mean the right to libel and lie about people, try them in a kangaroo court without evidence, and lynch them from the tree of injustice?
I am not sure I want my site linked to from such a disgusting piece of filth, something may leak out of it and stain my own site!
Hi all, just wanted to add my disgust towards these people, who have invaded a beautiful site and sullied it with their hatred and illconceived notion of "justice".
I have used that site quite a few times, and it is just astonishing how someone could go there, not feel the real emotions from real people and defile it in such a way, one of the worst things I have read in awhile about this case.(that and the loaned out theory,but wont start on that because I probably wont stop).
Hope you are all well,
Anonymous said...
Gina getting a backbone?
16 March 2009 18:33
And the point you are making is what exactly? It has nothing to do with my backbone, it is known as debating differing points of view. Sometimes I agree with the issued raised on here and sometimes I do not, and unlike Viv's site I am allowed to give me points of view even if they differ with the blog administrators.
Now what I would be interested to know anon is just how many people that post on these blogs in the name of Madeleine,be they pro or anti are actually disgusted by those who use Madeleine for their own sick pleasures and post pictures as they have done on candles. Now perhaps you would like to get a backbone yourself and make a post on the anti site saying that many people just go too far no matter what side of the fence they are on. Oh I forgot, you can only do that on Claudia's site, anywhere else you would have to put your name on it.
The picture of the candle with the disgraceful message should stay. It needs to stay to remind people of just what these sickos will do.
The Gratefulness site has returned to normal. The posting of those horrible messages was an insult to all the posters on the site. It was a descration of a healing site.
BUT the deed should not be forgotten. This is no different to showing pictures of a grave desecration in the paper. It doesnt mean the paper is repeating the evil and no one would dare suggest that they do. The public deserves to know what happened and to see it with their own eyes.
Exactly the same in this situation.
Showing the truth to others so they are aware of it, it not repeating the evil. This is what news media does every day.
And using the screen shot to show it, has a far greater effect than simple words. This shows beyond argument the lengths that certain of the anti's will go to in their persecution of the McCanns, even to the extent of descecrating a peaceful haven on the internet.
This despicable act needs to be highlighted in a way that lets all see it for what it was, a truly despicable act. And for that, I believe that the picture is needed.
Hi Diane,
Well said, I agree with you 100%.
Hi Jak,
great to see you and agree with you!
Hi Diane,
Absolutely agree with all that you have written.
Showing people what these creatures have done is not repeating the evil, it is showing it and it needs to be shown. This is not a nanny blog and will not shirk from the very real issues, we will continue to expose them.
It is interesting for those that say we should ignore these people, that the creatures went and desecrated a site that does not debate this case, or take sides!
Ignoring an elephant in a room does not mean that it is not there!
Sorry folks but on this issue we will just have to agree to disagree. Whilst I believe it is important to expose the scum that post pictures such as the one on candles I truly think that they do not care where it is seen as long as it is. It is a difficult one I know as a picture paints a thousand words, but on this occasion maybe there should have just been the thousand words describing the scum and his scumbag picture
You have always had a backbone, that's why you were banned from the Vile blog. For having a different viewpoint.
But the anon seems to have conveniently forgotten that.
You know that at times I think we should ignore some of the antics. I think the McCanns should ignore Bennet and not give him any oxygen, he does after all feed from them and is using them to get pubicity (bad publicity but publicity none the less).
But there are some things that should not be hidden, and need to be discussed and highlighted to others, and the desecration of the Gratefulness site is one of these things. I would feel just as strongly about it if the disgraceful comments had not appeared on the Maddy group. But as they did appear on there, this blog makes it the perfect place to highlight such disgraceful behaviour. After all this blog is dedicted to showing acts such as this for what they are, and to highlight the other blogs and forums persecuting the McCanns.
I didnt see you last post before I posted.
It is fine that we dont agree on the posting of the candle on here. And both of us are able to voice our opinions and not be villified for it.
That is why we both post on here.
The cesspit seems to have gone underground. Now you have to log in. What makes me laugh though, is the banner line you see when you first arrive,
I nearly broke a rib! That lot wouldn't know the truth if it slapped them on the face with a piece of lead pipe! But soon the world WILL know the truth of gonzo's lie!
Rosie, you said " Jojam do you honestly think that repeating the evil is worse, than the gutter mentality it look to go to that site and do that?"
No I don't, these people are really sick in the head, but I do think that by posting the candle on yor site is just playing into their hands......they are only too pleased to see their evil deeds posted again.
I applaud you for allerting the candle site so they could take action but feel that by posting the picture you have given them another outlet for their disscusting evil. I agree with Gina in her 16 March 2009 17:36
I'm sorry that you feel that all I do is criticise what you are doing, this was not my intention, I'm just sadden by the fact that these evil people seem to be infiltrating many blogs with their libellous posts that should be recorded, reported & where posible removed.
I think we agree that these people are scum but I guess we disagree on the way to deal with exposure that they are given.
Thanks for letting me put my point of view.
dianeh 00.14
What I like about here is that we can disagree but do not find the need to be abusive about it. As you know I have locked horns with Rosie, Mum etc. on various issues in the past and still do disagree from time to time, but we are all adult enough to know the difference between debating and respecting each others points of view rather than being childish and abusive for the sake of it. That does not apply on Viv's site, it is one strike and out as many of us have found out. You can have an opinion on there just as long as it agrees with Viv's (latest) theory, and is accusing in someway towards the McCanns (even though there is no evidence one way or another to prove what really happened).
Re the candles issue, putting aside whether I think it is right or wrong to have that picture on this site, I feel that everybody who really care about what happened to Madeleine, no matter whether they are pro or anti should do what they can to stop this kind of behaviour and if they see no wrong in it and/or think it is funny then they are just as bad as the cretins that posted it.
BTW before someone posts on another site saying it is not true that all posts are put on this site and there is no abuse. The answer is I can post on here, if you can't then clean up your act and learn to debate and if you do get a post through that is abusive, expect the same in return.
Hi Jojam
Good to see you again. I think we share exactly the same view on this one but it is difficult to know how to bring it to peoples attention with the impact necessary. However at least we have been given the opportunity to voice our opinion and the bottom line is that although we disagree with the choice of action we are all united in saying that these people are sick and should be stopped
Vee 8,
As a matter of interest, which of the many cesspits are you referring too
Hi Gina, Yes I agree we seem to share the the same views just have differing opinons of the way to deal with these sick people, but as you say at least we can post here,unlike other sites who only allow people to post who agree with the host!
I must say it was good to read your view of Comic Releif. I have never been able to watch for long, it just messes with my emotions. I cannot laugh at the comedy after seeing the suffering of others. I thought it was just me, I can't turn my emotions on & off that quickly.
Nice to see you , have missed your cleaning tips:)
viv said...
Oh Lol Hope
I have sussed it now!
Charles and Camilla wanted their own little girl and have adopted her, hence Gerry says he hopes she is being treated like a Princess!
I am surprised someone on 3 As did not think of this one, given his boat was in the area at the time!
Tuesday, 17 March 2009 10:55:00 o'clock GMT
Have you ever come across such a pig ignorant cow as this?
Anon 15.48
It is statements like that from Viv just go to prove it is nothing more than a passtime and game to her. She does not give a flying fa.t what has happened to the poor child, it is nothing more than listen to me me me, I know it all.What a bloody ridiculous comment, but there again most of her comments are stupid, at least this one wasn't five pages long
The A' have sacked their moderators?
Yeh right.
Gina, my apologies! The 3a's. Still can't read anything anymore. Looks like we are getting to close to the truth for their liking. They know they are in deep do-do's because of all their threats, intimidation and not to mention libelous comments they have made. They think that by retreating back under their slimy rock it will all blow over. Oh no, no, it won't. We will still be here, championing the REAL cause for truth and justice, not just for Madeleine, but ALL her family, and all the other innocent people put away by gonzo and his vile henchmen.
Soon, very soon, the world will learn the truth about gonzo!
I notice that my MP is on the list of MPs being sent this garbage book of Bennett's, well Bennett should save his money and his time, I happen to know what my MP thinks about this and Bennett and it is not very complimentary.
I think the real reason why Bennett is sending all these booklets off is because he has hundreds left over from his print run, as no one wants to buy the rubbish written by an attention seeking fantasist!
LOL Rosie,
He could have given them out last week and given Gerry a copy by hand.
Nah he probably didn't fancy wearing it as a necklace.
I have never seen anything so ugly on telly before I saw Bennett sitting behind Gerry. He was very quiet sitting like a bloody stalker and trying to look impotent.
ha ha ha Anon 21.31 did you mean 'important'? but you were probably right first time pmsl
Impotent, that is probably his trouble, so he takes it out on others.
Rosiepops said...
ha ha ha Anon 21.31 did you mean 'important'? but you were probably right first time pmsl
Impotent, that is probably his trouble, so he takes it out on others.
17 March 2009 21:53
Oh no Rosie, I got it right first time lolololololol.
He didnt have to try hard to look impotent, did he? Just had to site there.
Vee 8, The 3A's seems to be running as usual not that I bothered to stick around to read any of it, I am off to bed now. Good night all
Zetta said...
I see the J4 blog has come to a standstill. Maybe the McCanns have finally looked into the complaints about it and told Rosie to stop her power games in their name.
March 19, 2009 7:08 AM
Waves Zetta!!! or could it be you are upset because you do not know what is going on and have had nothing to copy and paste for a few days. Never mind, the weather will improve soon and you can go out to play, the fresh air will do you good. Take care :-)
Hi Anon,
Then again Zetta, perhaps it is because we are far too busy doing something else, to worry about publishing your stupid moronic posts. By the way, they go in the bin, where you and they belong, you narcissistic psycho.
Bear in mind also because you cannot see posts, does not mean they are not there!
I realise that you do not like me using the word 'narcissistic' but why would I use another, when this one describes you adequately?
The fact that the word 'narcissist' seems to rile you beyond comprehension and push you into one of your uncontrolled imbecilic rages "Zetta", is no doubt because you fully recognise yourself in it.
Now go away and enjoy your group therapy.
Zetta said...
I see the J4 blog has come to a standstill. Maybe the McCanns have finally looked into the complaints about it and told Rosie to stop her power games in their name.
March 19, 2009 7:08 AM
Zetta, Kooee Zetta....Boo!
Hi Tony
As usual the self-contradictory Zetta, is completely wrong as she (and others will soon see).
The odd thing about Zetta is that she came here submitting hypocritically daft posts, accusing us of doing what she herself repeatedly does. She wanted us (so she said) to stop posting, yet when we are busy doing other things, up she pops and accuses of wait for it, NOT posting!
Such is the childish and poorly schooled disposition of Zetta, Zetta the woman who has never quite grown up, Zetta the woman who wants friends but fails to see why she cannot make and keep them. Zetta the woman who fails to see the irony in her own words and so proceeded to make a complete and utter fool out of herself.
Oh and it is a Thursday, how predictable is she?
Go away Zetta you are as daft as the day is long and you really are making a prize prat of yourself.
Are you saying Babara was as bad a all the other mods on the 3A'?
Hi Tony,
Mods are as bad as each other and are only complaining now because they have been hurt and upset, yet they did not think of the hurt and the upset they have cause Kate and Gerry McCann. Barbara has no special rating. She was a mod on the 3 A's? The 3 A's have been vile?
Or have I misunderstood something?
No Rosie, You have just shown me the error of my way :))
I didn't mean to do that Tony, I thought perhaps that I had missed something and misjudged someone.
wassamatta Zit-a, feeling lonely? getting worried?! You should be!
Soon, very soon, the world will know the truth of gonzo's lies!
So, any Portuguese citizen who does not toe the 3a's line is now a traitor??
How dramatic! yes drachen, a good bit of sleuthing! MY ARSE!
Oh, if only you knew what WE knew!
Soon, VERY soon, the world will know the truth of gonxo's lies!
Oh, and I have a screenshot of Luz accusing me of being a paedophile, and that, too, will be given to the relavent authorities. Seems you lot just can't help yourselves, can you?
Well I see the 3 A' are caving in on themselves.
Even the cops are rejoicing.
They, have been snowed under with complaints, and are now hoping to deal with them before 3A' kick off and start digging their way out.
Tony, you rotton buggah, you just reduced me to a blubbering wreck again! I should know better by now, I really SHOULD know better. I KNOW what effect those video's have on me, but I had to see if I had grown stronger by now. I guess the answer is no. That sweet face, and some soppy music, and that's it, I'm gone! Thanks Tony, that's my macho image up the swanny again!
Tony that link you put up,
Is it who choas said?
Tony Hiya,
What is happening on the 3 A's?
Claudia79 Post subject: Re: What is there to hide?Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 5:06 pm
On Parole
Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:26 pm
Posts: 1090 I know I should have, but I didn't. if this is being discussed elsewhere, please just make it disappear.
Has Claws done a whoopsee?
Sorry missed the link off
Whose official secret act reply is that?
It better not be the United Kingdom's or heads will roll.
Just to let you all know (if you don't already), that the person you had posing as Sassy, is a poster you all know from the DX as Dr_Val.
You have been had! Now you will understand why she tried to cause so much trouble.
No doubt viv is now overjoyed at the passing of Jade Goody. That's one less celebrety above her to worry about stealing her limelight.
R.I.P. Jade, you were a far better person than all your critics.
Bren said,
"I am not proud what I did, I am ashamed, and I know many people will think I am just making excuses for my behaviour, but during the course of the last few weeks, I have had rants from Nbrado via email, I have had wiki pages altered saying I live with a sex offender, I have been threatend that they have photos of my family and were going to post them all over the net, I have had comments posted on the Independent calling Tony Bennett a Nazi, Chaosraptor trying to bring down 3a's and Rhodes encouraging members on another site to ring me with a throwaway sim card in the early hours of the morning, yes someone has rung me and I have had to end up paying for permanent barring of withheld numbers. When I posted that up today an ex-mod was trying to get hold of a mod about the Rhodes incident and I felt so guilty that the mods were trying to defend me, and I felt low and ashamed and totally indefensible that I posted that up. Yes trolls I admit you have got to me, I am crying and I fell ill with it all. But tomorrow I will be better, I started this forum and it is not going to be about mods and admin anymore, it is going to be about what I designed it for, Madeleine and all children that are put in danger. So no I am not going, I am taking a break from posting and am going to spend some time with my family which I have not done recently.
I can't force you trust me and I can't force you to believe me, but I am a strong character and am at a low ebb at the moment. Yes I know this will be posted everywhere else. Maybe I have done things I am not proud of but my god these people have done to me some of the most indefensible things ever."
bren, you thoroughly deserve everything you get, and more. No sympathy for anyone but yourself. You sicken all decent people to the pit of their stomachs. Rot in hell. You are not doing Madeleine ANY favours by keeping your cesspit of a forum open, in fact you are doing all you can to ensure she may NEVER be found. How is that helping? IT ISN'T you disgusting cow.
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