This book written by co-authors of the internet chat forum http://justice4mccannfam.5forum.biz/
is doing very well.
It is now for sale on Waterstones, Amazon, Barnes & Noble and many other online outlets.
Also available from AuthorHouse
The comments and reviews from 'genuine' purchasers of this book have been favourable. Many saying that they did not realise the extent of the disinformation surrounding Madeleine's disappearance and that of her parents, until they read it grouped under one heading. Many have been absolutely horrified at the extent of the vicious online bullying, intimidation and untrue and unfounded allegations aimed at Mr Mrs McCann.
This book is an excellent read for those that have not followed this case, as well as those who have.
Many have been absolutely astonished at the degree of incompetency by the Portuguese police the 'Policia Judiciaria' (PJ) and have been shocked at how the now sacked and disgraced detective 'Goncalo Amaral' was allowed to head this investigation for five months.
This book concentrates on Goncalo Amaral and questions his investigative techniques, competency and asks many deep and probing questions.
The authors maintain there are approximately a truly staggering 168 questions that are pertinent to this case and which must be answered by Goncalo Amaral.
Currently Goncalo Amaral, is now blatantly touting himself for money. He has employed an agent, who contacted Sky News and told them that Amaral was available for interview but it would cost Sky a staggering £80.000!
Agents/publicists do not come cheap, and can cost anything from around an eye opening £3000 per month up to double figure sums of £40.000. How much is Goncalo Amaral now earning out of Madeleine, to be able to employ an agent/publicist?
Amaral has already written a book and has made double figure thousands out of Royalties. He has sold the rights of this book to a Portuguese TV company for an undisclosed figure said to have run into many thousands of euros.
Amaral has reported to have received huge payments from TV, radio stations for interviews and also from newspapers and magazines and is now apparently writing another book book about Madeleine.
Goncalo Amaral is making himself a millionaire out of a child he failed, out of an investigation he bungled. he claims things in his book and TV programme that are probably libellous and in any case are completely without foundation, proof, evidence or fact.
He is without doubt seriously harming the reputation of Portugal and is bringing his former profession into serious disrepute.
The question is HOW? How is he able to do these things? Who in Portugal is scared of stopping this man? And WHY?
These are the questions the above book asks and this is what makes this book different from others and such a compelling read.
Footnote: If Goncalo Amaral had put just a fraction of the effort into actually finding Madeleine, that he is now putting into making himself a millionaire at this poor child's expense, perhaps the tragic outcome of the abduction of Madeleine McCann would have been very different.
In a refreshing change, the authors of this book wish to make it known, that ALL profits from this book will go directly into the 'Official Find Madeleine Fund'.
Neither do they wish to detract from the book by making themselves known as authors.
I am still waiting for a defense of gonzo's pimping of Madeleine from clawdia and viv, when they are the first to slam Kate and Gerry every time they appear in the news, claiming, falsly, that they are doing it for the money. They both know damn well any money they do make goes into the fund. So come on bitches, let's hear you defend the indefensible, defend £80,000 per interview.
Amaral failed Madeleine.
The questions raised in the book need to be answered. It may not help Madeleine, but it will sure as hell help prevent another little child from being failed by the same system.
As for the money that Amaral has made from a child he failed. Shame, shame, shame.
How can Mr Mrs Amaral swan around in designer clothes, wearing designer cosmetics, wearing perfumes and after shaves knowing that they were paid for by a little abducted child who Amaral, the disgraced sacked ex cop failed totally?
I was just browzing on Amazon earlier for some computer stuff, and thought I'd take a peek at the book, and see what the reviews were like. Suprisingly I found this comment under one of the reviews.
Leonora says:
How do you know what I have read you stupid little man?
I am also NOT a member of the 3As.
Don't buy this book - it's badly written, based on opinion only and the positive reviews here are written by people from the forum. You can see that Hotrod is of the opinion that I am a member of the 3As and presents it as fact. This is very much the way the book is written. I have nothing to do with the 3As.
No, don't bother denying it, you left a sodding great clue in your comment! And why so desperate to deny your membership of 3a's? Not ashamed of them are you? Oh, and sorry to disapoint you viv, but I am NOT hotrod. However, I will, grudgingly, be gracious to you, and accept that I can see the misunderstanding. I am known for my love of hotrods, (The American kind, not the British, Speedworth/roundy round racing type)and most hotrods have V8 engines. However, the only place I used a log-in name other than vee8, or my own real name, was on the VirginMedia boards, where I used 'Sleuth' This was because VM didn't allow four letter log-in's. So, sorry viv/leonora, but my Amazon log-in is the same as almost all my others. Vee8! But still, nice to discover another of your schitzo faces, isn't it, leonora/viv?!!
An intersting snippet about leonor/viv! If you read her comments on Amazon, and click on her profile, you can see what she has reciently bought from Amazon. Do that and you will see she has purchased a DVD of 'The Detectives' with Jasper Carrot and Robert Powell. So THIS is what makes her think she is more qualified than the retired REAL detectives, each of whom has more than thirty years exemplary service behind them, and who stated unequivicably that there is NO EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER to implicate the McCann's in Madeleine's abduction! viv, Jasper Carrot as a COMEDIAN! Not a REAL detective! If you model yourself on him it's no wonder you're the laughing stock of the internet!!
vivonora, I said DON'T bother trying to deny it, didn't I? I said you left your size nine hoofprints all over your comment on Amazon! It doesn't matter how hard you try to disguise yourself, your foul stench always comes through. After all, it was YOU who said on 3arsewipes 'we have to go on these booksites and make sure everyone knows this book is rubbish' or have you forgotton that already?! Once again we catch you out, your poisonous toungue dripping with falsehoods. vivonora, go back to playing the flute, instead of making noises through your arse!
If you want to argue would you mind doing it through your own blog, as pathetic as it is, it is yours now stay over there, your comments will not be published on here.
Finally we will see some measure of justice for Madeleine, when that fat, disgusting slimeball gets his day in court! As the criminal!! Oh my God, I am so happy!!
Kate and Gerry McCann are to sue Goncalo Amaral for defamation of character.
I cannot say how happy this makes me feel.
This is exactly what we on this blog and the forum have been saying will happen in good time.
This nonsense spouted by Amaral and others has to stop, it is harming the search for Madeleine.
We did warn that things were going to happen but we were not believed and people took the Mick didn't they Viv?
I hope he has saved some of the money he pimped off of Madeleine.
Talking about money, I hope Viv has saved some of her compensation money, I feel the suing of Amaral is just the beginning!
Too late Viv, your blog has been the subject of scrutiny for a long while now, as is the 3 A's.
I bet Bren is now sitting on the toilet.
Wonder who will be next?
And with a new copy of the 3As database winging it's way to Carter Ruck, they will be able to part the curtains and see what really went on behind the scenes - the collusion between Amaral, other members of the PJ, Bennett, the bloggers and the admin of that site. The truth will out.
They have sunk to the bowels of the earth. They are now displaying pornographic material with seriously worrying undertones because it involves children's favorite characters with adult faces superimposed on them.
Now remember, this is a site that claims to be the voice of Madeleine McCann yet they have used a toy in their Pornography that closely resembles the little child's favorite toy. It also depicts Madeleine's and, the Twins, father's face.
It disgusts myself and many others that the members of this site need such things for their own self gratification, I can only imagine they have pretty sad home life's when they resort to such disgusting behavior.
Again it worries me that said members have children/grandchildren, it worries me more that they may be left alone with these children.
Every member there who doesn't protest at the pornographic images....sanctions them. Every member who stays as a member of this site can now class themselves as being tarred with the same brush as the owner.......perverts!
It takes a sick mind to destroy a child's innocence, it takes an even sicker mind to leave something like that on display where an innocent child may see it!
Addendum: To delete it now Brenda would be too late; the screen shots depict the length of time it was on site initially, when it was taken down and, when it returned.
Posted by tony at 5:05 AM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I am not at all surprised by this revelation, I pointed out several times a while ago about a 3 A's poster name big_l.
He proudly announced on the 3 A's that he would like to "pump" a famous Disney avatar, one that is extremely popular with little girls.
What did the 3 A's do about this post?
Remove it? No, not a bit of it, they left it up there and more people followed fawning over big_l telling how cool they think he is!
I only read one post from someone brave enough to tell him he was disgusting.
This poster big_l is one person I hope the police look into, because he has been responsible for some of the foulest posts, with the foulest language that I have ever read on the internet and I detect that all is not as it seems with this man.
In my opinion, I think he is a pervert, he is certainly not someone I would feel easy about having near children. Some of the things he has said abut Gerry McCann are foul in the extreme!
He got himself banned from the DX on several occasions for using foul libellous comments.
Can we write and ask why the or what the Leicestershire police done about this report from this witness?
I cannot believe that the police did nothing, so to give them a chance to explain themselves, I am going to write to them and ask if they reported this to Goncalo Amaral and the Portuguese police?
If they did fair enough, it is no more than we have come to expect from Amaral, but if the LP did nothing, this is not fair enough and it is something I will personally take up with my MP. I want the answers! Because if they did nothing, then this level of policing is not acceptable in this country and heads *SHOULD* roll!
I urge others to do the same. I think it is time we got assertive!
This is the address if you wish to write.
Professional standards
Leicestershire Constabulary
Force Headquarters
St Johns
LE19 2BX
Or email here
Professional standards, Leicestershire Constabulary
A WITNESS who sparked the hunt for a scarfaced suspect in the Madeleine McCann abduction has NEVER been questioned by police.
The woman twice saw a man dubbed “Mr Ugly” loitering near the McCann holiday apartment before Maddie, three, vanished.
She reported the sightings to British cops when she returned home from Portugal, but they failed to follow up her lead. It was only when she received an emotional phone call from Maddie’s mum Kate, 41, nearly two years later that a photo-fit based on her description was put together.
The angry mum-of-two, 36, who has asked not to be identified, was in an apartment three doors from the McCanns. She said yesterday: “I feel vital time has been lost. Every day I hope Madeleine is found safe.
“When Kate asked me to help, I agreed immediately. But the police should have asked two years ago.”
It was only after Kate got in touch that the woman learnt two other witnesses saw an identical man in the resort of Praia da Luz in May 2007. She said: “I can’t believe our three sightings weren’t linked earlier. It took the McCanns to do that.”
The weirdo so unnerved her that she pulled her three-year-old daughter away. Back in England, she told her local police in Wiltshire.
They passed her report to Kate and Gerry McCanns’ local force in Leicestershire. She said: “I heard nothing from them.”
The woman who featured in a TV documentary about Maddie last week, finally gave her description to the McCanns’ own investigators.
Oh I just love this because I have thought of something and it just gets better!
Lardy Boy the "fat deFective" (how I wish I had thought of that one)
as recently admitted that he made blunders with the Madeleine investigation, couple this with his lying and posturing and pimping a missing child for as much money as he could get and it is not looking too good for him in court!
Oh roll on and please do not forget that this declaration of intent to sue Amaral could not have come at a BETTER time!
Next week on Friday the 22nd May, Goncalo Amaral (and others) will hear their verdict over their involvement in their recent trial concerning the torture of Leonor Cipriano, mother of another missing child Joana. Joana vanished just 2 years previously to Madeleine and 7 miles (10km) away.
I would not imagine Amaral's "friend" (the judge who disallowed production of over 40 pieces of evidence in the trial of Amaral) will be now quite so keen on being aligned with Goncalo!
Goncalo Amaral, is single handedly bringing the whole of Portugal into disrepute and bringing their tourist industry to its knees!
This latest news is only going to compound this in some very influential places in Portugal, so his friend the judge, may be getting just a little bit fidgety now!
As well he might, because the bad news is only just starting for Portugal.
Have we been wrong so far?
We predicted happenings, they have all happened.
Watch This Space!
At last, Kate and Gerry to sue Amaral! I cannot tell you how much I have waited for this day.
Lets hope he is the first on a very long hit list of people that have done nothing but lie and smear this family and hinder the search for their little dear child.
Shame on each and every one of you!
I wonder how many squealing pigs can be heard in Portugal today.
All this fuss and they haven't heard the best YET!!!!
Now now Chris, don't tease them, all will be revealed and soon!
Anonymous, take your foul mouthed language back to your pit, it and you are not welcome here.
Nice to see that you are so angry you felt you had to come here to vent though. I note you are Anonymous, scared of being sued are you? I'd say you have very good cause and it is so good to see you people start to get what the lot of you evil pigs deserve.
Notice I said 'start' because it has only just started and the lot of you are going to pay.
I hear poor Claudia is not feeling too good, she has gone down with swine flu, she must have been associating with Amaral too much.lololololololololol
I told her not to come over, so it serves her right.
Unpublished Anon,
You really need to keep up!. The McCanns are not suing the Policeman in charge of the investigation, they are suing the ex disgraced former defective that was removed from the investigation.
Now the TRUTH will come out.
they are slow aren't they? He's only been off the case over 18 months.
I hope he's read the book lolololol.
Hi Christabel,
Slow ? jeez trying to get through to these people is like trying to give a fish a bath!
There is one swear word that very adequately sums him up and although I am no prude, I have never used that word in my life, but it really does decribe him!
See you next Tuesday?
Posted by clairsey earlier on the forum, but it bears repeating here, for the numnutz who still can't get it through their sh*t filled brains that the parents are innocent.
"And right at the end of the program i just watched the body experts...who sussed Ian Huntley,Karen Mathews and other criminals who had appealed for their lost loved ones. They knew they were all lying..........and they were right!!!
The body language EXPERT just stated on tv......................'''there are situations were genuine people are genuinely telling the truth though..........one example is the mccanns.............clear to see that they are telling the truth, totally innocent, totally''...........
So there you have it. Yet ANOTHER expert, not an armchair defective, who agrees that the parents are innocent. How many more does it take, before the message sinks in?
Just received my copy of the book, "The Madeleine Investigation: Incompetence or Corruption?"
I've already read 60 odd pages of the book and my hats off to the authors of this book. You did a great job - it is well written and very informative.
Hi Anon 19:04
Lucky you, you've still got the best bits to come!
I must say it has been very well researched.
Thanks for your feedback I'll pass on your comments.
Gonzo guilty!
That sounds so good, I'll say it again!
Try spinning THAT!
I am so glad Mrs Mccann got out of Portugal when she did.
Stella by Starlight Post subject: Re: GONCALO AMARALPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 12:25 pm
Mafia Boss
Joined: Sat May 24, 2008 3:33 pm
Posts: 3066 I have never felt more positive actually, today is the day Goncalo and his reputation will be completely exonerated. Remember this date 22nd May 2009.
Oh yes Stella by Starlight we shall remember this day. Plonker.
Does anyone know the Portugese words for for "convicted criminal"?
Stella by Starlight Post subject: Re: GONCALO AMARALPosted: Fri May 22, 2009 12:25 pm
Mafia Boss
Joined: Sat May 24, 2008 3:33 pm
Posts: 3066 I have never felt more positive actually, today is the day Goncalo and his reputation will be completely exonerated. Remember this date 22nd May 2009.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
He got off lightly, but at least that country has gone one little step forward.
Of course he fully expected to get away with this, well he didn't and he is now a CONVICTED CRIMINAL and a PROVEN LIAR, so how does he go about touting his book across Europe, what is that title? something about the truth?
Goncalo Amaral would not know the truth if it bit him on his fat backside!
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know the Portugese words for for "convicted criminal"?
22 May 2009 20:55~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yes sure do "Goncalo Amaral".
Hope he doesn't forget to update his CV.
Just had a thought, Amaral's prison sentence is suspended, this means providing he does not get into trouble within the time, he will stay out of prison, so when he gets convicted of deliberately lying and causing the McCanns great distress, will he go to prison?
Especially when it is proved that because of him Madeleine's abductor has been free to do God knows what to other vulnerable children?
I would say that his Pandora has just accidentally knocked the lid off of his box!
Whatever you want to call it I suppose all of the following could be defined as PERJURY.
False statement, forswearing, bearing false witness, giving false testimony, false oath, oath breaking, false swearing, violation of an oath, wilful falsehood.
Oh dear wouldn't like that on my CV.
I swear to not tell the truth, not the whole truth and anything but the truth.
Rosiepops said...
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know the Portugese words for for "convicted criminal"?
22 May 2009 20:55~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yes sure do "Goncalo Amaral".
22 May 2009 21:00
Here's one Anon!
"Goncalo Amaral" condenação penal
the only thing missing off there is his false teeth olololollololol
Sky's crime correspondent Martin Brunt said Mr Amaral was "a controversial figure" and added: "This is a real knock to his credibility."
What credibility? Those of us who have been TRULY championing the search for justice for Madeleine have known all along that the fat defective never HAD any credibility. Never.
I have just been reading the 3 A's, I hardly ever go there but made an exception tonight, what a bunch of sycophantic fools! they are all over there praying for Lardy, a disgraced sacked defective!
brandonflours3 was apparently praying for God to show them way!
NEWS for you brandonflours3 HE DID!
But will you accept it? No.
Now that the 3 A's prayers were NOT answered, will they now add God to the ever growing list of conspirators, all conspiring to help the McCanns?
Pretty impressive list, it contains, prime ministers, presidents, foreign secretaries, Home secretaries, top policemen, MPs, lawyers, the Pope and now God!
I wonder when the the 3 a's will wake up and smell the coffee?
Hey pRat, the question i do you like "Crow Pie"? lololololol
Oh sorry that Waterstones do not want to know your mind numbingly boring publications, but hey old pRat, you can't win 'em all can you? Oops you can't win any!
Beachy Wrote;
The joke going around in certain circles when this shameful story started was:
"Do you think Paulo Cristovao smacked her? Just a wee bit?"
"Feck no! She's alive, isn't she?!"
And this folks is the kind of **** for brains the 3 A's produce.
Violent kiddie fiddlers, child rapists, known sex offenders, people that send utter filth (child porn) through the post.
But don't worry you lot of reprobates, justice is also going to catch up with each and every one of you.
Understudy Post subject: Re: GONCALO AMARAL - SUSPENDED SENTENCE (3rd Edit)Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 3:44
I give up. I truly believe there is something stinking and corrupt at the heart of this case. I think Amnesty International should get involved.
Oh no NOT Amnesty International too? Who the hell do you think the fat defective is? lololololololol
And if Amensty International come back with e is guilty (because Amaral IS guilty, a liar and a crminal) You will add this to the list if conspirators?
Pretty impressive list, it contains, prime ministers, presidents, foreign secretaries, Home secretaries, top policemen, MPs, lawyers, the Pope and now God!
You lot are deluded, seriously you are.
Waves at Claudia and Alsabella! V
Just like a morgue over at Proud of the PJ's and Joana Morais' blogs - have these people not been praying for justice? Finally, a sentence is given by the judges and they go in shock -oh, wait, it wasn't against the McCanns but their leader - good ole Gonc!!
Clawsie and Alsabella are you dressed in black yet?
Rosie, I think you are enjoying yourself! And by God you have a right to do so! You have been in the front line, shouting aloud about how obvious it is that the great gonzo is not only incompetent, but also crooked, for almost two years. Did anyone listen? No. But the time is coming when they will. When Portugal finally holds a full and proper investigation into this pigs actions. However, the words of Don McClean's song, 'Vincent' come to mind. "They did not listen, they're not listening still, perhaps they never will."
We, however, the champions of justice for Madeleine and ALL the McCann family, have finally been vindicated, and the rest of the world can now see the truth. And this is only the start. We cannot stop now until gonzo is firmly where he belongs, in jail.
Doesn't that look good?
Did anyone see Clawdia on 3A's after the verdict? She got it wrong then it was half an hour before it sunk in to the cretins. GUILTY!! I could just see her banging her gavel on the desk.I won't bother anymore.
I have never laughed so much in my life ah ah ah, tee he hee, lololol.
What a beautiful day!
Hi Gonc and Vee,
have been out enjoying the warm sunshine, made so much better knowing that a little bit of justice has been done and seen to be done in Portugal yesterday.
No I can officially say what I have been trying to say for almost two years;
"Goncalo Amaral, you are a liar. You are now a convicted criminal and you can appeal all you like, you know as well as I do, under Portuguese law, your conviction will NEVER be overturned, the best you can hope for is a decrease in your sentence, but seeing as you got off likely already, I doubt very much that will happen.
But what CAN happen is that the appeals put in by Dr Aragão Correia, could very well result in your sentence being INCREASED and if you carry on making these noises and obviously annoying Portugal's judiciary, you may well end up inside a prison cell yet!
You run a danger now Amaral, you will have another judge to hear your appeal, one that may not be quite so friendly and of course, if you do appeal, then Dr Aragão Correia, will then have the time to present the FORTY pieces of evidence the other judge refused to allow in court, because of delays penalisation, these will no longer apply and thus the evidence be deemed applicable to the court.
So you appeal if you want to Goncalo Amaral, you may yet do three WHOLE years in a Portuguese prison.
Oh an here is another tip, try and stay out of trouble and court during the next 18 months, anymore of your tricks and lies and you will find yourself the wrong side of the prison bars.
But hey, this stuff we all know about which is never said, all the stuff which is just suspected, it is all starting to unravel, people are scared and they are talking, talking, talking.
If that is not bad enough, you have your defamation trial with the McCanns to look forward to, now they can point to that fact that you are a perjurer and a convicted LIAR.
It is not looking good for you, and I suspect the next thing we will hear about is that you have been gagged along with with any further plans for any future books!
You are a disgrace to your country, a disgrace to your profession, a disgrace to your family, in fact you are just a disgrace and a liar.
Tip: Try not to spend all of your blood money pimped out of an innocent child, you may need it, in fact it is a no brainer, you WILL need it, when you make a rather large donation to the Find Madeleine fund, although hopeful by then she will have been found and returned home where she belongs.
Did you know that some REAL detectives are now working the case along with some GOOD and DECENT PJ detectives, with other detectives from other countries too and they are all getting along just fine.
More importantly the are now making sense out of the mess YOU created, when you were playing games with Madeleine's life. Snake.
Yes Rosie, it certainly IS a beautiful day! The sun always shines on the righteous, though I dare say there is one tiny part of Portugal where it shines a little less brightly right now. I am not a gambling man, but I am prepaired to bet, right here, right now, that, sometime in the future, the 3a's beloved hero, the OFFICIALLY disgraced gonzo, will end up doing time in a prison cell. I don't know how long it will take, but I will bet a jail cell will feature in his future somewhere.
Any takers?!
I am not going to gamble on a dead cert Vee and it may come a little quicker than you think!
When have I been wrong?
Hey Claudia, when have I been wrong?
For weeks before he was fired I was calling for Gonc's resignation and saying he should NOT be in charge of the Madeleine investigation.
Then I predicted he would be found with a case to answer and be sent for trial.
Then I said that Kate and Gerry's arguido status would be lifted and the case shelved and that they would not face any charges for anything.
I then said that Goncalo Amaral would be found guilty.
Now let's see if the other thing I predicted will come true, Leonor Cipriano will have to face a new trial or her present sentence will be quashed, because it is an UNFAIR conviction based on a tortuous confession which has now been proved in a court of law.
If the Portuguese do not allow either, then her lawyer has cause to have her case heard at the European Court For Human Rights and as I do not think for one single minute that the Portuguese government is going to want all Gonc's dirty lies aired in public, bearing in mind that the ECHR will not be near so lenient and forgiving of the appalling miscarriage of justice and NON facts, I predict Leonor Cipriano will soon walk free from prison.
She should never have been convicted on the evidence as it stood, but add torture into the equasion and you have a ticking time bomb!
Come on Claudia, not so mouthy now are you?
Claws is busy working and she has a friend who needs her.
She wore her gavel out yesterday.
I am still pmsl over that, talk about Laurel and Hardy, another fine mess she got into.
Oh dear they are all crying on the 3 A's for a convicted perjurer, a liar, a cheat and corrupt liar, who cared more about his ego than he did about a little girl that went missing on his watch.
For over a year they have said wait until it goes to court, the Portuguese justice system is second to none.
Goncalo will get off, blah de blah. They have built the fat pig up to cult hero status. they did with him EXACTLY what they did to the McCanns, they IGNORED everything that was staring them in the face, with the McCanns the total LACK of evidence and with the fat DISGRACED LYING defective, a total abundance of evidence pointing to his guilt.
Now they are doing it all again, they never learn, they are setting themselves up for a fall again and they will fall.
Has it ever occurred to the blithering idiots that Amaral was found guilty because he IS guilty? No of course not, just as it never occurred to the buffoons that there is no evidence pointing to the McCanns guilt because they are INNOCENT.
Suddenly, dadadadada-dadadadada-Fat Man is found guilty and Portugal's standard of justice is now the pits and all Portugal's judges walk with cloven hoofs.
The justice system is corrupt, somehow the McCanns got to Socrates and to Brown and pressure was put on a trial, completely unrelated to Madeleine's investigation fr them to find the Fat defective guilty?
And everything is somehow Clarence Mitchell's fault.
I can't help it excuse me while I laugh and laugh and laugh at the sheer lunacy of these idiots on the 3 A's and the Proud of the PJ blog and the other venomous witches site ROTFLMAO (Not to mention Joana MORONS blog, that is reaching the absolute bottom of the barrel too, it is LUDICROUSLY stupid, really it is!
Grow up Amaral is GUILTY as sin
Madeleine was abducted
The McCanns are totally innocent.
Anon 18.33
yes that was so funny, she kept telling they had got it wrong, but they were so stupid they just ignored her and then someone called Tripz start to try and kill the messenger (Claudia)
It was really funny, they had waited all day, getting pissed and going put collecting their children from school after chain smoking and living on cashew nuts all day, in between praying for a liar to get off and ignoring the housework and then they got it WRONG.
Bunch of pratts!
Typical of the 3 arguidos, they keep jumping to conclusions!
Oh well we heard Gonc's "The Truth About The Lie" alright. I wonder how many of the documents he falsified in the McCann case will come up. Watch this space!
Tough old life, being Goncalo Amaral.
Fighting crime, ignoring victims, talking to journalists...
Writing books, making TV documentaries, travelling to Paris...
Libelling innocent people, covering up for colleagues...
Providing false information to an inquiry, being found guilty....
By a PORTUGUESE court!
Maybe he can get some time off for good behaviour by looking for Madeleine McCann?
Rosiepops said...
I am not going to gamble on a dead cert Vee and it may come a little quicker than you think!
Well Rosie, however long it takes, it can't come soon enough for me! But has anyone considered this. How many more innocent people are now still rotting in prison cells, because of that disgraced and corrupt bast*rd? It is a disturbing thought that we may only have seen the tip of a dark and ugly iceberg.
That's a thought Vee, never considered that one! This may prompt some people who have been framed into lodging appeals against their conviction.
What people do not realise about Goncalo Amaral, there is much to come out about him and believe me, he is not a happy man today.
Potty Potsy of the 3 A's Said This.....
Agree. Just felt that Amaral was one of the few with the guts to go after them.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
First thing anyone has said on the reprobate forum that I fully agree with.
Amaral certainly has got the guts, perhaps we should rename him "Gonco Five Bellies"?
Post subject: Re: GONCALO AMARAL - SUSPENDED SENTENCE (3rd Edit)Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 2:27 am
Mafia Boss
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2007 1:30 am
Posts: 2680 Back on topic: since Goncalo apparently did not report what did not happen, it must scare the McCanns and their disciples stiff that he IS reporting on them. And what we know is only partial reporting yet. Much more fun to come. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Yeah scares them so much that they are willing to take Amaral into court and challenge his LIES, you blithering idiot.
It scares the McCann supporters so much that for the past 2 years we have been willing to stand up in the front line and say it like it IS about Goncalo Amaral and the while stinking mess he created.
And guess what twit features, we were right and you lot? Well you are wrong, but that is no surprise, you lot of of mushy pea brains have been consistently wrong 'about every single little thing'.
Face Facts:
Madeleine was abducted.
The McCanns are innocent.
Goncalo Amaral is a criminal, a convicted liar and perjurer.
Wonder where this leaves his political aspirations? Right up the Swanee I would say.
Unless they allow convicted criminals to become part of the political constitution in Portugal?
Well the might, let's face it they allow paedophiles to be part of the 'establishment'.
We all know that Goncs a liar
If he bends down what do you see
A big fat arse that is on fire.
Post subject: Re: GONCALO AMARAL - SUSPENDED SENTENCE (3rd Edit)Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 2:27 am
Mafia Boss
Joined: Tue Dec 18, 2007 1:30 am
Posts: 2680 Back on topic: since Goncalo apparently did not report what did not happen, it must scare the McCanns and their disciples stiff that he IS reporting on them. And what we know is only partial reporting yet. Much more fun to come. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
This deserves a separate entry all of its own, in the last sentence above, the poster actually reveals the true mindset of those idiots that remain members of the most discredited hate forum on the internet "MUCH MORE FUN TO COME" Yes here we have it, to those illogical, factually incorrect brain-dead and grey matter bereft, morons that remain on the 3 arguidos posting to their Goddess Porno Bren who gobbles up men, a missing child, is just seen as fun!
And this shows them all up for what they are, the scumbags of the internet and pond-life of reality.
Sick perverts, the lot of them.
It seems poor old Morose can't even get the sentence right.
Suspended – The Court of Faro condemned Gonçalo Amaral and António Cardodo to suspended sentences of one year and three months and two years and three months, respectively, over false statement and document forgery.
Wonder if she's heard from Sofia?
Cláudia said...
Hi, Nancy!
In fact, I think he should say something like: I'll glady take a lie detector test if the girl's parents do too. ;-)
May 24, 2009 1:01 PM
She meant Hewlett not the lying fat slob Gonc.
But thats a good idea Claws, Gonc would think he could fake it and pass as he believes evrything he says. You sad, drunk, fat little man. Is that pidgeon sh*t he has on his head?
By the way Miss teacher it is Gladly not Glaly.
nancy said...
Hi Claudia -
Hewlett should do the same as KM did - refuse to answer questions and refuse to take a lie detector test. The media would have a field day and say he was definitely guilty!!
May 24, 2009 12:48 PM
Oh fancy Nancy, you are so stupid. Read what you wrote, you need a doc and some soda.
Anon 13.34
Nancy should forget the soda and have some plant food, that little sprout has developed into a full grown cabbage!
The horrible nasty woman is so eaten up with hatred and jealousy that she is actually advising a convicted paedophile NOT to answer questions that may result in finding a missing child.
Of all the despicable things I have read, I really did not expect that lot over there to start sticking up for paedophiles, but then when you think that for 2 years they have been the exponents of allowing child abductors to get away with their heinous crimes, should we be surprised at anything they do?
Rosie, they have Goncalo Amaral, a convicted criminal liar for their hero, we should not be surprised at anything they do.
RAT said
So Pinkie tried to fit up some poor old dying paedo, saw that it wasn't going to work, and now he is trying to squirm out of it. In a couple of days they will have "discounted" Mr Hewlett.
My Gawd, how evil can some people get. They will all roast in their Hell forever for this.
Poor paedo eh rat, are we supposed to feel sorry for poor paedos now? Don't think i can read anymore of the bile on that site.
Does anyone know the significance of Beja/docmac/Germany/docmac/Africa/docmac/Raymond Hewlett/docmac?
Poor paedo eh rat, are we supposed to feel sorry for poor paedos now? Don't think i can read anymore of the bile on that site.
24 May 2009 14:45
What do you expect anon, when thats what that site is about. Porn, Peado's and Perverts. They should change the name to the 3P's.
Tell me this, if the Portuguese Police spoke to Hewlett the British Police must have been aware of it.....the British Police must also have been aware he was wanted in the UK......Why did they let him go.....why did they set a wanted dangerous paedophile loose to carry on his depraved actions? Perhaps if they had detained him his son David would still be alive!!!
Two separate couples have stated this.
"One of Hewlett’s theories was that there had been an accident and Kate and Gerry had killed her and were trying to cover it up,” said Peter".
Now Hewlett is alleged to have made that statement to them shortly after Madeleine went missing. Can anyone else tell me who has the same theory?
Makes you wonder just what Police work was done? A paedophile says the same thing as Amaral....Way before Amaral did!!!!
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know the significance of Beja/docmac/Germany/docmac/Africa/
docmac/Raymond Hewlett/docmac?
24 May 2009 14:51~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
No can't say that I have, why what is it all about?
The reason they are sticking up for hewlett is because they see in him a kindred spirit. Remember, there are a lot of paedo's and sex offenders on that site.
"Makes you wonder just what Police work was done? A paedophile says the same thing as Amaral....Way before Amaral did!!!!"
THAT, Tony, is one hell of a good point!
Rosiepops said...
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know the significance of Beja/docmac/Germany/docmac/Africa/
docmac/Raymond Hewlett/docmac?
24 May 2009 14:51~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
No can't say that I have, why what is it all about?
24 May 2009 15:11
Anon 14.51
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know the significance of Beja/docmac/Germany/docmac/Africa/
docmac/Raymond Hewlett/docmac?
Should this not read.....
Anonymous said...
Does anyone know the significance of Scotland/Hewlett/docmac -Beja/Hewlett/docmac - Germany/Hewlett/docmac - Praia da luz/Hewlett/docmac - Africa -Hewlett/docmac -Spain/Hewlett/docmac -Germany/Raymond Hewlett/docmac?
No wonder he was nervous going through customs!
Oh dear Lord, what are the 3 P's on? (3 P's is new name for 3 A's - Porn, Paeds and Pervs)
Are they serious? What, are they going to do dispatch 10 people to each location? ROTFLMAO
I mean what are they marching for? Rights for Paedos to rape children and send their filthy literature through the post?
The rights to persecute and bully people?
The right to lie and pimp money out of missing children (like their hero, convicted criminal Goncalo Amaral)
They are truly not of this planet are they? They really believe they are in the majority.
Oh please 3 P's, (3 A's) please DO go on this much, it will give me the biggest laugh yet, well maybe not the biggest as I haven't stopped laughing about Goncalo Lady Boy Amaral yet, the convicted criminal liar!
They really do like their members making them look like complete and utter loonies don't they? lolololololololololololol
(Taken from Hounding of The McCanns)
mojo Post subject: Re: March on Downing streetPosted: Sat May 23, 2009 10:03 am Been Cautioned Joined: Tue Aug 05, 2008 12:50 pmPosts: 431
i am ready now for this! the time has come!
do we have the skills here and numbers for a co-ordinated approach to this March.
march downing st
march rothley
march buckingham palace
march embassy ........................................same times different locations march co-ordinated to coincide with similar in Portugal. ieAG office embassy its just a suggestion, but would make huge impact imo.................hard for the press to ignore__NUTTERS ON THE LOOSE IS HARD TO IGNORE_________________
Be advised you have to give your real name when applying for a permit...Mojo wont cut it.
This Is The United Kingdom's Laws On Protest Marches
Gonc and Docnot went to the same University, they both came out with the highest grade anyone could get.
The course was "Telling Lies" and TRYING to get away with it.
We know something you don't know Doo Da, Doo Da. Now Doc make sure you keep looking in!
Marching on Downing Street ROTFLMAO!
I hope Bennett remembers his mate on his bike.
I think this is a secret march, so don't tell anyone. JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.
Mr Brown said you can all have tea, as long as Bennett puts a bag on his head. He doesn't want the staff off sick!
As soon as we have the details of this march, we need to make sure at least some of us are there with camera's. We need to take their pictures, and put them up on the internet, and name and shame them, for the supporters of paedo's and child smugglers they are. I wonder what their families will make of them? I wonder if they even know?
I take a mean photo! I also know some journalists that would be interested in them!
Sorry Vee,
but who wants to take photo's of Bennett? I wouldn't p**s on him if he was on fire.
I have more important things to do.
A wide angled lens should get all 10 of them in!
But why would they want to march on Buckingham Palace? What good would that do? pmsl
Hey 3 P's (porn, paedos and Pervs) don't forget to dispatch 10 off to Windsor and Balmoral too!
(If you can't find the extra 20, you better reduce your march party to say erm around 8)
3 p's (Porn, Paedos and Pervs) to march on
march downing st
march rothley
march buckingham palace
march embassy ........................................same times different locations march co-ordinated to coincide with similar in Portugal. ieAG office embassy
I hear a little song in there from Denis Waterman lol
Another well rounded, well thought out strategy then?
No wonder old Gonc's wife feels at home on the 3 Pornos, Paedos and Pervs, with her old man's track record for the truth and his residency in lala land, they are well suited!
Well Rosie, she's well into the
3P's, Bennett and the McCann files.
She corresponds with them, didn't you know?
"But why would they want to march on Buckingham Palace? What good would that do? pmsl"
Oh c'mon Rosie, do keep up! Charlie boy and Camilla are all part of the conspiracy! You mean you didn't know they paid to have Madeleine abducted, because Camilla is now past child bearing age? It's all on the 3p's, how they ordered it, and how they paid off the McCann's, and paid Clarence to cover it all up!
Anonymous said...
I take a mean photo! I also know some journalists that would be interested in them!
The press would probably give them one column inch, somewhere on page 27!
I hope not, I think they should receive banner headlines for their 8 man Nutters United march.
NeverPebbles Post subject: Re: MADDIE SUSPECT: I'LL TAKE LIE TESTPosted: Sun May 24, 2009 8:31 am
Mafia Boss
"Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:44 pm
Posts: 2005 Am I the only one who's beginning to feel extremely sorry for this man? For heaven's sake, he's dying! The more I read the more I hate the McCanns and Mr Mitchell. I hope the German doctors and nurses will continue to protect Hewlett."
I freeking hope she/he/it, is the only one who feels sorry for a depraved convicted Paedophile!
Tony said..
I freeking hope she/he/it, is the only one who feels sorry for a depraved convicted Paedophile!
24 May 2009 17:05
Me too Tony, I hope it is long and suffering for the dirty perv.
She isn't though Tony, they are at it on Proud of Paedophiles blog (Proud of the PJ)
Nebulous Nancy and Claudia are at it over there.
How any self respecting person can post on those blogs is baffling. Especially Jenny (Tulip) sickos.
NeverPebbles Post subject: Re: MADDIE SUSPECT: I'LL TAKE LIE TESTPosted: Sun May 24, 2009 8:31 am
Mafia Boss
"Joined: Wed Jan 23, 2008 3:44 pm
Posts: 2005 Am I the only one who's beginning to feel extremely sorry for this man? For heaven's sake, he's dying! The more I read the more I hate the McCanns and Mr Mitchell. I hope the German doctors and nurses will continue to protect Hewlett~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
He is not stupid is he? He KNOWS fully well that he would be REFUSED a lie detector test, they NEVER take these tests from sick people or those dying as they do not get correct readings.
Nice try you dirty filthy pervert paedophile Raymond Hewlett.
Feel sorry for him? Is she having a freakin laugh?
Pebbles feels sorry for a man that HAS RAPED SEVERAL CHILDREN?
FFS what next over on PERVS PARADISE?
Are they going to have a freakin whip round for Ian Huntley?
Where is their self obsessed over inflated dumb assed jealousy going to end?
If Brenda Ryan had a shred of decency she would freaking REMOVE that post out of respect to the victims of Hewlett and their families, not least to mention the children of Hewlett who are now having to suffer what this man has done AGAIN.
Not a God Darn Thought For The Victims Of This Man! Two little girls eight and nine years old respectively suffered every parents worse nightmare at the hands of this man, but the 3A' have sympathy only for the paedophile who carried out the vile deeds.
A 14 year old girl had a gun held to her head whilst this demon raped her, but the 3A' feel sorry for him. A twelve year old female child whose life will never be the same again because of being raped by Hewlett, but the 3A' have little sympathy for her. Their sympathy only stretches as far as Hewlett......Tell me again 3A' how you are the voice of a little 6 year old child.....Sick Baastards!!!
I see the post brought docmac out.
How's your throat doc?
This just gets better now we have an impostor, impersonating and impostor, couldn't make it up!
OK, this is now beyond a joke. If they really do get a march going, then in all seriousness we have to take pictures of them, and show the whole world who these paedophile lovers are. There should be no hiding place for scum like this. We can start with bren. I think there are already pictures of her floating around the net somewhere.
Vee in all honesty, can you see them going on a synchronised march?
There is not enough of them, they would only have a handful of people in each venue and heaven knows why they want to march on Buck House, Charles doesn't even live there, they are complete moronic idiots. They would make a bigger laughing stock of themselves than they have done to date.
Personally, I hope they do it, it would e the biggest laugh to date.
You're probably right Rosie, but I just can't get my head round the whole supporting a paedophile thing, y'know? I mean, the bastard raped an eight year old girl fer Christ's sake. And they sympathise with him??
Every time I think they can't possibly reach any lower, they manage it. I shake my head in disbelief.
I cannot believe what I have been reading, how can anyone feel sorry for that sick S.O.B.
They are as sick as the person they feel sorry for. No thought for Hewletts victims, little innocents scarred for life.
3A's you are the pits of society, you make my skin crawl like Hewlett does and to think you are parents, grandparents etc scares the life out of me.
You are filth!
The 3p's have touched a particularly raw nerve with me, given that my own eldest daughter suffered years of systematic sexual abuse at the hands of a local paedo, someone we thought we could trust. They support Hewlett, a bastard just like the one who took my girls innocence at 11 and continued for years, and they DARE to take the moral high ground over US? Over ME? The 3p's need to burn slowly in hell.
Here are some comments by people who defend paedophiles:
Ratonthebeam: So Pinkie tried to fit up some poor old dying paedo, saw that it wasn't going to work, and now he is trying to squirm out of it. In a couple of days they will have "discounted" Mr Hewlett.
My Gawd, how evil can some people get. They will all roast in their Hell forever for this.
Angel: Mr Hewlett, on his deathbed, shows Madeleine respect by being willing to take a lie detector test to prove he is not the individual involved in her disappearance.
NeverPebbles: Am I the only one who's beginning to feel extremely sorry for this man? For heaven's sake, he's dying! The more I read the more I hate the McCanns and Mr Mitchell. I hope the German doctors and nurses will continue to protect Hewlett.
Lilemor: Never Pebbles,
I am with you. I think the doctores and nurses will continue to protect Mr. H.
I hope that the German authorities will have a close look into the Madeleine case...
Now, that they are in one or another way involved...
MrsMop: I have not been on for a while and have some catching up to do. This guy seems to be a pretty unpleasant character, but I do think he is a convenient patsy at the moment. It cannot be right to hound someone in his condition without reason.
Just wondering whether ( if he should die) he wife would be able to sue for defamation, libel, etc. After all she has a number of children to rear and no Fund. Sorry looking for something to cheer us up after the copious quantities of rubbish we have been fed this weekend by the fine British Press!! Would love to see the McScammers paying her.
autumn: What rights do the 'family investigators' have to speak to Hewlitt, surely this would be a matter for the REAL police if deemed necessary? In my opinion, the 'pretend' investigators are walking on thin ice, they have no authority whatsoever to talk to this man - any attempt to do so should be classed as intimidation/ harrassment, I would have thought.
answersplease: That piece is cr@p even for the People. Never let the truth get in the way of a good story.
Attacks on children. Overlooking a kindergarten. Oooooh, that MUST be him then! Subliminal reporting for those who are so thick they read the People and don't understand the difference between an offender who likes TEENAGE girls and one who likes little kids.
Does the People also have picturs of topless teenage girls? Because it's sister paper, the Sun, does.
Groom1: The Brit hacks are too fat and lazy to get off their backsides a do a proper job. They can't spell or string a sentence together - let along get their facts correct. They don't even seem to have examined the evidential DVD - they simply print Clazzettittattatta Mitchellitis's cr*p whenever it spews forth.
I hope Raymond Hewlett (if he is well enough) challenges the McScum's to take a lie detector test - and not one they organise, for one can't trust that pair further than one can throw them.
I won't hold my breath - they wouldn't D A R E take an independently verified lie detector test.
Hi Anon, Yep thats the 3P's for you, warped and mentally deranged the whole lot of them.
They seem to overlook, it is the papers hounding the pondlife Hewlett and for very good reason, he is wanted for crimes he has already committed. Why are they not crying out for him to face justice for these crimes against children ?
Do these children not matter ? and they reckon they are the voice of Madeleine! Give me a break, when someone can feel sorry for and support a paedophile they do not care for ANY child. They are as bad as the scum they defend.
"Just wondering whether ( if he should die) he wife would be able to sue for defamation, libel, etc."
In a word, not a snowflake's chance in hell. Firstly, the McCann's never defamed him. He IS a convicted Paedo, proven. All anyone has done is ask to interview him, in regards to SEVERAL still open cases, Madeleine's being just one.
"Subliminal reporting for those who are so thick they read the People and don't understand the difference between an offender who likes TEENAGE girls and one who likes little kids."
So holding a gun to a fourteen year old girl's head before raping her is somehow more acceptable than raping an eight year old is it? That's a good one.
"What rights do the 'family investigators' have to speak to Hewlitt, surely this would be a matter for the REAL police if deemed necessary? In my opinion, the 'pretend' investigators are walking on thin ice, they have no authority whatsoever to talk to this man - any attempt to do so should be classed as intimidation/ harrassment, I would have thought."
The 'Real' police are also wanting to question this man, or did you forget? And yes, private investigators DO have the right, given the correct court orders, to ask questions of a suspect. If the suspect refuses, then they can get 'Real' police do ask for them.
"I won't hold my breath - they wouldn't D A R E take an independently verified lie detector test."
COMPLETELY forgot that Kate herself asked to take a lie detector test once, did you? doesn't surprise me, since you obviosly have the attention span of an empty crisp packet.
"Does the People also have picturs of topless teenage girls? Because it's sister paper, the Sun, does."
Why? would you like to see pictures of a topless 13 year old?
"I hope that the German authorities will have a close look into the Madeleine case...
Now, that they are in one or another way involved..."
Well they couldn't do worse than a certain corrupt Portuguese cop, could they? Who know's, if this had all happened in germany, Madeleine may have been found within the first couple of days. German cops don't tend to take three hour booze fuelled lunchbreaks for a start.
" Mr Hewlett, on his deathbed, shows Madeleine respect by being willing to take a lie detector test to prove he is not the individual involved in her disappearance."
How much respect did he show his victims? Go on, answer that one.
"My Gawd, how evil can some people get. They will all roast in their Hell forever for this."
Oh yes sunshine, you will indeed roast in hell.
"They seem to overlook, it is the papers hounding the pondlife Hewlett and for very good reason, he is wanted for crimes he has already committed. Why are they not crying out for him to face justice for these crimes against children ?"
Including the still unsolved rape and MURDER of a child. So much for wanting justice.
I wish to make it clear, the above comments are made by people who must be paedophiles protecting paedophiles.
They are actually expressing sympathy for a 64 year old man who has been convicted and served prison sentences for the ABDUCTIONS and RAPES of several CHILDREN, the youngest being just 8 years old.
These people hang out on a forum called the the 3 arguidos otherwise known as the 3 P's (Porn, Paedos and Pervs)
They think nothing of the victims and how this has affected their lives.
They think nothing of the victims families and how this has affected their lives.
They think nothing of Hewlett's adult children who have also suffered terrible because of this piece of filth.
I would say this is typical behaviour of a paedophile.
Hewlett is reported to be dying, good, once less piece of vermin to walk this earth abducting and harming innocent little children.
Their hypocrisy is astounding.
They have denigrated a couple and damned them to hell 'on NO evidence' for making one mistake, which led to their daughter being abducted.
They show a convicted paedophile more compassion?!
They stick up for man who may have abducted Madeleine, or may know of who abducted her. This is the man they show compassion for.
Yet they pretend to be the voice of Madeleine?!
They all hang about on that sordid forum all day, chain smoking, drinking alcohol and then going out to fetch their children from school, while under the influence of alcohol.
Yet they condemn the McCanns parenting skills?!
You can just imagine these stinking dirty people, sitting in their stinking dirty clothes, in a stinking dirty room all day, all getting off on the fact that a child has been abducted.
They could not care less about Madeleine!
The site the all live on, is a well known hate site.
It is run by the dubious host and sex offender supporter Brenda Ryan.
Bren sells advertising space to hard porn sites.
Probably where one of her members got hold of where to download an image of a man raping a child and then sending it through the post to someone, because they are supporting a move against this site to get it taken off of the internet.
I ask you is that forum a place that you would want your child looking at? It is full of paedophiles, benefit cheats, violent anti-social thugs.
One of their hero's is Goncalo Amaral, the disgraced detective that was sacked from the Madeleine Investigation for lying and making false accusations about the British Police.
Last week he was found guilty in a Portuguese court for perjury and falsifying documents to cover up the torture of of another mother of another missing child, he was convicted and given an 18 months suspended prison sentence.
Goncalo Amaral is also going to find himself in court again, accused by the McCanns of defaming them and lying and deliberately impeding the search for their daughter Madeleine.
This is about the level of that disgusting forum and despicable people on it.
Bunch of sick arrogant lying paedophiles, covering up for other paedophiles!
Thought I would share this post with you from Muratfans blog. I think he sums them up perfectly in the first paragraph! Well said Muratfan.
Taken From MuratFan Blog...A Comment.
They are nothing but a bunch of thick paedophiles.
They so badly want Madeleine NOT to be found that they defend paedophiles because they think he is dying!
Forget that this man has raped an 8 year old girl, abducted and raped another and has a whole vile string of offences against children. Nope that doesn't come into it, somehow it is Clarence Mitchell's fault because at least 3 UK police forces want to interview over serious matters concerning CHILDREN.
You know CHILDREN you heartless load of tossers.
They are probably all over on the 3as now praying that this man will die before the police can interview him, just as they were all praying the other day for a convicted liar to get off of his crimes of perjury and falsifying documents concealing a torture of a witness in custody!
Sod that this man may possibly hold information that may lead to the discovery of Madeleine McCann and sod that he may also hold vital information about an 11 year old little girl stabbed 12 times and raped.
You bunch of sad sick twisted perverts and kiddie fiddler hiders.
That comes from the site that professes to be "The Voice of Madeleine"
Owned and run by Brenda Ryan, modded by Dr Vanessa Sluming of Liverpool University and Chrissie Nyssen of Aberdeen College.
This is what our tax pays for for people, six sad bitter and twisted porno queens like these.
The 3 arguidos where truth runs freely and advertises and so is supported by child porn sites.
The site that thinks it is OK to have a picture of a man raping a child sent to someone through the post.
24 May 2009 16:26
Well Portugal have sunk lower than a snakes belly!
Police Are 'Ignoring' New Clues
Witnesses who have tried to pass on information about potential new sightings of Madeleine have been told by detectives they will not investigate "because the case is closed and Madeleine is dead."
I hope they rot in hell!
I am curious to know just who the hell Leicestershire Police have been sending witness sightings that have been reported to them... to?
They keep saying it is a Portuguese case.....but the Portuguese Judiciary are saying the case is closed....so is the information from the UK going to Peter Pan c/o Never Never Land?
Here's a question from the Not so Proud of the PJ forum. I think Clawsie asked it in one of her comments:
"Who wouldn't answer 48 questions?"
I replied, "Teacher, Teacher, I know the answer to that one. It was Amaral Goncalo who refused to answer questions."
That is a good point about just how the British police are sending info to in Portugal if the case is closed.
I would be horrified to learn that the British police are not investigating the case of a missing British citizen, after the case has been closed in another country. If information comes to the British police it is their job to investigate it, not to send it to someone who will not investigate it.
One thing though, if there is no one in Portugal who will take info on Madeleine, or do any investigation, who can any new info be received that could lead to the opening of the case?
Ho do we know the LP have been sending the PJ information and the PJ have probably been just binning it off!
I sent a letter to the LP regarding something similar to this and i have not had a reply yet. I put the email address up on this blog, I'll find it and re-post it here, I think everyone should send them an email and demand answers.
New thread started today
Just saw this on Bonnys blog. Well BigL still the same old windbag he always was. All mouth and no women.
You disgusting piece of sh*t.
crazytony wrote:
Death threats and seasonal greetings
All i can say is one day....when my nippers are all grown up......i would do time with great pride for a shot at Kate McCann.
You have yourself a merry Christmas too Big L.
Location:Edinburgh, GB
Age: 51
Gender: male
In a few words: JUST AN ORDINARY GUY
Remember BigL, always was a slimey git.
Hey has anyone seen latest news on 3A's in her local rag? looks like Brencardi might be slopping out before long.
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