You couldn't make this up really but as they have mentioned, I thought it only fair to counteract.
There is a report in the Sun today about a couple of disgruntled workers suing the McCanns because they lost their job in a global recession, I have heard of some really stupid things that the McCanns are being blamed for but this is the most stupid to date!
But here is some facts for them.
These disgruntled people would be better off blaming the real culprits for the predicament they find themselves in.
They also need reminding that Madeleine is a victim and so is her parents of the heinous crime of child abduction that took place in Portugal in the town of Praia da Luz, whether they care to admit is or they like it or not, this is the truth.
Then they should think about blaming all those that have given their country and their town a bad name ever since and this falls on the shoulders of Portuguese nationals like Claudia, Luz, Alsabella, not forgetting the odious blood sucking leaches that write books and make money out of children they failed, enter Paulo Cristovao and the fat arsed wonder Goncalo Amaral.
What did they think the publicity that their very own odious fatso Gonco Bunter (Goncalo Amaral) brought to them, actually did for them?
Forget the biased opinions of dubious mediocre minds of the Janet and John type book circle that actually read this book and thought is was the best thing since the proverbial loaf of sliced bread, their banality doesn't really count.
However, this book 'The Truth of the Lie/True Lies' or something (even the title makes no sense) has done much to harm the already tarnished image of Portugal. The fat arsed wonder had already tarnished Portugal's and PDL's image when he was in charge of the Madeleine investigation for four months! The book just had normal sane people looking at it and shaking their heads in total disbelief and making a mental note 'never' to risk their children there until something had been done to rectify the glaring problems that make Portugal an attractive destination to any old passing paedophile, from ANY country as well as their own home grown Paedophiles!
If people feel unsafe to come to PDL with their children, then instead of blaming the victims of the crime, they should blame the ABDUCTORS and their thick headed corpulent ex PJ turned book writer, and pimp extraordinaire who has sought out every way imaginable to pimp on the little girls memory, the little girl he failed abysmally!
It is the likes of of Goncalo Amaral and his constant barrage of bizarre and often unfathomable unfounded allegations, leaks and smears against these parents, that has constantly highlighted Portugal and brought it into disrepute, not the poor unfortunate parents that suffered the desperately sad plight of having their daughter abducted and then suffered further as the finger of blame was pointed at them based on noting, zero, zilch evidence. For this Portugal can again turn and point their fingers at Goncalo Amaral.
I kept warning that if the obvious right wing Portuguese nationals did not let up on their agenda to attack the McCanns and accuse them at every given opportunity, that Portugal and Praia da Luz in particular, would suffer a catastrophic fall in tourism, you cannot keep saying the things these people were saying without it having a detrimental affect on their tourist industry. they were warned but they scoffed and laughed and carried on and now others are suffering because of the foul minds and mouths of these people.
Why blame the victims of crime? There is too much of this blame the victim mentality and if people are going to do this, then they have to be prepared to pay the consequences.
If I had little children, regardless of Kate and Gerry McCann, I would NOT even think of going to PDL and taking them there because I do not think it is a safe enough country.
I would make this decision based on all the facts and not just Kate and Gerry McCann and Madeleine.
I do not want to visit a country where I have no trust in the police to do a good and unbiased job should anything go wrong.
I do not want to visit a country where there is no DNA based sex offenders register in place.
I do not want to visit a country that pretends it is family orientated, but turns out it is not. It turns out that the smiles were only as they took our holiday euros, as soon as our backs are turned, we turn into those filthy British tourists again!
I do not want to visit a country, that thinks nothing of booing and heckling a mother as she faces the most agonising time in her whole existence.
I do not want to visit a country, that thinks nothing of allowing an a disgraced ex police chief SACKED from the investigation of a missing child, to write books, write columns in newspapers, make films, give interviews to journalists, magazines, radio and television and get paid thousands of euros for doing so.
I do not want to visit a country, that allows such a disgraced man, to make completely fabricated and unfounded allegations against two people who could not fight back, because he is effect had silenced them by making them arguidos (suspects) in a hurry before Portugal's law changed just 8 days later, when he was in charge of the investigation. (Again - Goncalo Amaral)
I do not want to visit a country, that thinks nothing of journalists being given highly confidential and sensitive information about witnesses, told these witnesses names, addresses and telephone numbers by an "unknown source close to the PJ" and then this journalist 'Felcia Cabrita' turns out to be a bit of a close friend of the ex lead detective on the Madeleine case, one Goncalo Amaral. (Again)
I do not want to visit a country, that cannot accept responsibility for the catastrophic blunders that dogged this investigation from start to finish without even trying to put them right.
I do not want to visit a country that thinks it is a good thing to boo and heckle a a distressed man, there to make a filmed reconstruction in the hope of jogging a few people's memories that may lead to information in finding his abducted daughter.
I do not want to visit a country, that thinks nothing of allowing the defilement of the posters of a missing child and the obliteration of the telephone numbers that one may call if they had information, that could help bring this tragic affair to an end. It is hard to figure, of the people of Praia da Luz are so worried about their tourist trade, then how come they do nothing about the wanton vandalism at the door to their town?
How do these people think that adding vandalism and defacing the image of an innocent child to the already very long list of reasons, why a family may not choose Praia dal Luz or Portugal for their hard earned vacation, will do thier sinking trade any good?
I do not want to visit a country, that cannot accept that a child was abducted and then put in place laws that may make future abductors think twice before doing this again and I do not want to visit a country that cannot accept responsibility for the great wrongs that have been done to this couple at the hands of the fat arsed wonder! Goncalo 'Walter Mitty' Amaral.
I have voiced many of these opinions before and was promptly told by the "delightful" Portuguese nationals Claudia, Alsabella and Athena, good don't come, we don't want your sort in our country.
Well it looks like they have got their wish, because a lot of people are my sort and it looks like we have stayed away in our droves!
This predicament of the workers in PDL has nothing to do with the McCanns, but it has everything to do with the fat laughing all the way to the bank policeman, who not only failed one small little girl abysmally, he failed his country and his people in a way that cannot be measured.
Perhaps those workers should sue Amaral? after all he is the one making the millions and spending it on his wife keeping her kitted out in designer frocks, frocks paid for by Madeleine McCann!
Why blame the victims of crime? There is too much of this blame the victim mentality and if people are going to do this, then they have to be prepared to pay the consequences.
The victim of this crime (Whatever the crime is) is Madeleine. And I have never heard anyone, on any pro or anti site blaming her.
I think everyone wants justice for her.
The McCanns were not there 'when Madeleine was taken'.
So they do not KNOW that she was abducted.
I was not there either, so I don't know what happened.
What I say is only my opinion, but as the McCanns were not there, what they say is only their opinion.
Until some proof is produced, one way or the other, what it amounts to, is you either believe the McCann theory, or you have your own theory.
I don't have a theory....because where a child is concerned I won't play guessing games.
I have in fact read theories that are so far fetched and sick they have made my skin crawl.
I have read people stating their opinion as fact. I have seen a disgraced ex-policeman trying to become a celebrity using the name "Madeleine McCann" to achieve this.
JJ, I don't have a theory...but what I do have is compassion for a missing child and her family.
Until somebody has evidence and can prove what happened to Madeleine I will carry on believing in British Justice....which is "Innocent until proven guilty"
Zetta said...
Hi Cláudia
Sorry, I meant to post that on the pink blog. Put it on yours instead! I wrote two to their place saying that Rosie was pimping Madleine (as she said Amaral was) to try and make herself look important. Funnily enough that wasn't printed. Can't remember what the second one was. Something they didn't like so it didn't get published.
The Stalker/eminent author used a style of writing to ... how can I say this ... talk to the ... fellow lobotomised!
Thank you Dylan. I too was thinking along those lines. Glad I got the bottom bit!
April 6, 2009 6:29 PM
Cláudia said...
Hi, Zetta!
No problem!
Ypu mean they don't publsih posts they don't like??? LOL
I bet she did. How else could she be understood if she didn't use the lobotomised dialect?
I'm glad we have a deal. And I don't even mind not getting the bottom bit!
April 6, 2009 6:34 PM
Zetta, ask Claudia if she posts comments she does not like. Ask Claudia how many times she has refused to publish comments on her blog just because she does not like the person who wrote them.
Zetta, I don't like you...you are nothing but a trouble maker and shit stirrer....so I WILL NOT publish the crap you write.
You may get an audience on Claudia's blog...but you sure as hell won't get one on here.
You know Zetta, I was quite surprised when I found out who you actually are.
Zetta said...
Hi Cláudia
Sorry, I meant to post that on the pink blog. Put it on yours instead! I wrote two to their place saying that Rosie was pimping Madleine (as she said Amaral was) to try and make herself look important.
Zit-face, clawdia, has rosie made a single penny out of Madeleine?
Has gonzo made money out of Madeleine?
That's pimping, pure and simple. But you can both rest assured, soon, very soon, the world will know the truth of wife bashing gonzo's lies.
J J said...
The McCanns were not there 'when Madeleine was taken'.
So they do not KNOW that she was abducted.
Then at least if they were not there, they didn't kill her. That leaves two possibilities. One, she wandered off. Possible but unlikely. Madeleine is known to go and get in her parents bed if she wakes up in the night, even if they arn't there. Two, she was abducted. When the parents left the room, the window was closed, when they returned it was open. This fact, conveniently ignored by the more rabid anti's, is on the record of the first GNR cops to arrive. Therefore abduction is by far the most likely scenario. If your car is stolen, who is the victim of the crime? Your car? Or you? If your child is abducted, are you then not also the victim, as well as the child?
Hi Mum,
Does Claudia's blog have an audience then, lol.
Oh dear Zetta, I see Rosie touched a nerve again!.
tony said...
You know Zetta, I was quite surprised when I found out who you actually are.
06 April 2009 21:08
Me too, Tony. It is amazing how far some people will go to hide their true identity. Perhaps it is because they are too ashamed of what they have become.
Hi Tinks,
If Dylan, Zetta and JennyH can be classed as an audience...then yes, Claudia does have one. lol
What evidence have you got that Madeleine was abducted?
J J said...
The McCanns were not there 'when Madeleine was taken'.
So they do not KNOW that she was abducted.
I was not there either, so I don't know what happened.
What I say is only my opinion, but as the McCanns were not there, what they say is only their opinion.
Until some proof is produced, one way or the other, what it amounts to, is you either believe the McCann theory, or you have your own theory.
06 April 2009 17:59
You said they were not there when Madeleine was 'taken', so they do not know she was abducted.
If she was taken without their consent of course she was abducted!
However, let's clear this up the McCanns were there, they were in Portugal they were 89 steps away.
They made a catastrophic error of judgment and their daughter was abducted, whether they were in that flat or not is immaterial, a child has every right to be put to bed and to stay there without being abducted.
Or are you saying that because her parents were not there that it somehow makes it OK for an abductor to take the child *ANY* child?
JJ I believe you know deep down inside you that Madeleine was abducted.
Parents guilty of harming their child do not constantly draw it to the attention of everyone. they do not hire detectives to search for her running the very high risk of being detected themselves by their own detectives and they certainly do not operate a huge poster campaign and have a reconstruction carried out, once again bring the wrath of people like you down on them.
face it the anti fest of revelling in pain your insults and unfounded allegations and profaned accusations are almost over, you were wrong, time you people admitted that and left these people Lome to search for their daughter and above all stop trying to impede their progress in looking for her as Tony Bennett does every minute of every stinking day of his foul existence, him and the lot of you.
You ought to be totally ashamed of yourselves, or s do you think this is acceptable behaviour too?
This is from another delightful Portuguese person.
And Portugal wonder why they have an image problem and their tourist industry is going to the dogs? Who would want to visit a country where the nationals behave like this?
HumptyBumpty Post subject: IT'S TIME TO HECKLE THE MCCANNS IN THE UK TOO...Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 12:45 pm
You're Nicked
Joined: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:12 pm
Posts: 298 Firstly I want to praise those individuals who heckled Gerry McCann in Luz over the weekend. We are with you one and all.
It now falls to the people of Britain to heckle and jeer Kate and Gerry McCann at every opportunity, wherever you see them. Neighbours and locals in Rothley, employees at Glenfield and other hospitals, people who simply see them on their excursions to Leicester, Loughborough, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow and elsewhere. Whisper or shout but make your anger known.
I am not suggesting anyone hits Gerry, not at this stage anyway, but jeers, hissing, calls of "tell the truth" are all perfectly legitimate. I would also suggest extending this treatment to all members of the Tapas 7, John McCann, Jon Corner and, reluctantly, Ma and Pa Healy.
Needless to say, Clarence and his wife (yes, he is married) are also fair game.
We need to expose these criminals. Let's begin by making their lives a misery.
Hi Tinks,
I always did touch a raw nerve with this person, I had a habit of telling the truth.
And it seems the truth to these right wing racists is just something they cannot handle!
We always did realise that this was never about Madeleine to them, this is why they hone in on us, we see them for what they actually are.
Tell Claudia when she publicises our comments we will publicise yours, until then stop showing yourself up. because you really are making yourself look extremely stupid and more than a tad hypocritical.
HumptyNumpty said
"We need to expose these criminals. Let's begin by making their lives a misery".
No, lets begin by displaying their user name and posts! We can then take it from there!
HumptyNumpty said
"We need to expose these criminals. Let's begin by making their lives a misery".
Let's begin by having this persons IP traced and have it arrested for inciting hatred and abduction, that would be a very good start.
Rosie I have a screen shot of Humpty's Post
HumptyNumpty said
"We need to expose these criminals. Let's begin by making their lives a misery".
No, lets begin by displaying their user name and posts! We can then take it from there!
06 April 2009 22:18
well said Anon.
I just cannot understand the sickness of these people that get pleasure out of hurting someone, they must lead very sad lonely lives!
You have mail
Zetta said...
Originally the idea of "dumbing down" in schools was to make sure that more people left with qualifications. It was thought that being qualified enough to go to university was only possible for the élite and the others had no chance of making anything of themselves.
Whatever happened in May 2007, it must be very strange to be back in Praia da Luz for G McCann.
If everything is being filmed in Praia da Luz I suppose we will see how near the tapas bar really is to the apartment. There have been so many difference distances given.
Gina, I can understand that if the McCanns do in fact have new information they wouldn't hand it out to everyone. I never understood that before when everything was in the press forewarning everyone what was being investigated.
And last and most definitely leastJ4
Dylan, what does PH-H stand for?
This Tony who keeps popping up, have you noticed that he hasnt once mentioned Madeleine. His only "contributions" are saying he has made screenshots, sent a mail or is telling someone that someone said something?That sounds like a stirrer to me, Duck Captor!
Wouldnt it be lovely if the families of Mum21 and Rosie could see they way they write on the net. The real them. I didnt include the other two contributors (Pee and Tony) because Pee's family must be used to his stupidity and Tony is so bitter and twisted that I don't suppose he has one.
Another thing I don't understand is what Rosie writes under her name on the forum "Still looking for Madeleine". Where exactly is she looking?
Lastly, the forum has a saying about mediocre minds misunderstanding great spirits on its title page. Who are the mediocre minds and who are the great spirits?
April 7, 2009 5:27 PM
Oh and Zetta the great spirits are certainly not you, there is nothing great about you except the size of your head.
zit-face, if by pee you mean vee, both my wife and daughter read every word I write on here, and in fact my young daughter has posted a few times on the forum. She finds you totally repugnant, (her words, though I agree) and hates bent tit as much as I do. She has been brought up to know the diference between right and wrong, unlike you. She knows what innocent until proven guilty means, unlike you. she understands that bullys are spineless cowards, just as you are. Even she can see straight through the lies of bent tit and gonzo, and she's only a kid! In short, she, at her tender age, is already a far better human being than you, and I am imensly proud of the way she turned out. My wife also finds you disgusting, and has, in fact told me she thinks you, and others like you, are a stain on decent womankind, (again, her words) So, my family DO see what I write, and what's more, agree with me completely, that you belong in a secure institution, on medication, where you are no longer a menace to DECENT people everywere.
Hi vee,
She is not worth it. My children read this blog and the forum, so does my partner, my step daughter and my sisters, in fact they have all posted on occasion.
They encourage me to never give up and they are well impressed with you know what. ;-)
I am not ashamed of what I write, in fact I would be happy for any of my family and friends to read what I write.
Why should I worry about them reading me supporting a couple who have been persecuted and accused of heinous crimes? Why should I worry about them reading how we defend these people against these sad sick perverted bastards like Zetta?
My family know me and how passionate I am about this and other injustice, they know I would never walk by on the other side and that I would always try to help.
Why should we be ashamed of this?
Oh no ZITTA. I do more than you give me credit for.
I write all about people like you.
I don't just say I've sent emails, I actually send them, along with the screen shots. Like from places you post.
Believe or not folks are interested in twisted theories like yours.
You never know you might just turn up on channel 4 when they read out the hate forums and some of the twisted quotes.
Zetta spewed:-
"Another thing I don't understand is what Rosie writes under her name on the forum "Still looking for Madeleine". Where exactly is she looking"?
Thats for us to know and you to find out!
"Another thing I don't understand is what Rosie writes under her name on the forum "Still looking for Madeleine". Where exactly is she looking"?
Everywhere lardyboy gonzo DIDN'T look. Which is everywhere but his local bar and resturant!
Hi Vee, You forgot the pay in counter at his bank! where he banks all the cheques he receives for pimping off this little girl. The odious fat arsed wonder.
Sorry rosie, how could I forget! Don't worry, we all know the truth about his lies is about to be revealed, don't we?!
"Another thing I don't understand is what Rosie writes under her name on the forum "Still looking for Madeleine". Where exactly is she looking"?
That is for us to know and them to discover really isn't it Vee?
They forget, we told them something was going to happen but would they believe us? Nope, I wonder if the pathetic child abductor defenders will like the next thing to happen, as much?
Look how they are panicking? Tick Tock, Tick Tock!
Note for viv.
Members connected during last 24 hours : calcite51, Catkins, clairesy, dianeh, hollysmum, maria, Marilyn Switzerland, Mobira, ModNrodder, Mum21, Pedro Silva, Pink Panther, Rosiepops, Royal, sadie, Tabbris, Tinkerbell43, vee8
How many connected to YOUR stagnant pond in the last 24 hours?! you don't even HAVE that many members!
Hi vee
What is the vile one on about now?
She hates it when we are doing something she knows nothing about! lol
Have you see then advert on the TV where this girl goes about with a fat green ugly wart nosed witch? That witch always reminds me of Viv!
vee8 said...
Note for viv.
Members connected during last 24 hours : calcite51, Catkins, clairesy, dianeh, hollysmum, maria, Marilyn Switzerland, Mobira, ModNrodder, Mum21, Pedro Silva, Pink Panther, Rosiepops, Royal, sadie, Tabbris, Tinkerbell43, vee8
How many connected to YOUR stagnant pond in the last 24 hours?! you don't even HAVE that many members!
08 April 2009 17:47
Hi Vee, I'd forgotten about old Billy No Mates, lol.
Hi Tinks
so had I - completely! lol Seems she is missing us!
Our users have posted a total of 11297 messages
We have 111 registered users
Can you match this viv? No?? I thought not!!
Members connected during last 24 hours : Admin, calcite51, Cath, Catkins, christabel, clairesy, dianeh, joanypony, manxie, maria, Marilyn Switzerland, Mobira, ModNrodder, Mum21, Pedro Silva, Pink Panther, Rosiepops, Royal, sadie, Tabbris, Tinkerbell43, TommyT, vee8
Busy, isn't it?!! Is yours that busy? No?? Why's that then? Too may people sussed you out as a liar? Or are they sick of associating with an obsessed stalker?!
Soon, VERY soon, the world will know the truth of Amaral the wife beater!
Hi vee,
Don't forget I have been archiving and deleting posts in the new forum revamp, so there were a lot more posts than that.
Also out of all the posts entered on Vile's she has probably made 99%of them
Oh, can anybody make use of this I.P. adress?
Hi vee
Now don't go believeung everything I tell you, err what is it that I actually tell you?
Thanks Vee,
Browsing anonymously through Stopnumber.com Free Unblocker, both keeps you anonymous from the sites you visit and allows you to bypass any network restrictions from your government, workplace or college.
So they think PMSL, Work place or College, they slipped up on the University's.
Och eye!
Rosie, if you told me the moon was made of green cheese I would believe you! If, on the other hand, viv told me the date, I would have to buy a newspaper to double check!!
Let’s just make it perfectly clear here, as to who are the good guys, and who are the villains.
Rosie and the members of her forum support, first and foremost,
Her innocent parents.
Her family.
The rule of law.
The notion of Innocent until proven guilty.
The idea that ALL bullies are cowards.
Police accountability.
Viv and her, er, poster, support,
The lynch mob.
Incitement to hatred.
Child abduction.
Police brutality.
Wife beating.
Drunk driving.
Child endangerment. (See above.)
And NOT, in any way, shape or form,
Now, faced with that list, how can any stranger reading this blog argue which side we are on.
Is this sicko for real????????
big_l Post subject: SKY REPORTS LETTER OF SUPPORT FROM PDL FOR GERRYPosted: Thu Apr 09, 2009 9:44 pm
Mafia Boss
Joined: Tue Feb 26, 2008 7:58 pm
Posts: 2038
Location: brigadoon scotland
sky news have been told by a source closed to gerry and kate mccann how they have recieved thousands of letters of support from the residents of pdl after gerrys heartfelt and distressing return for a reconstruction,
[below is one of the heartfelt letters from one pdl resident]
dear gerrio and akate
pleazze excusaa my english as i wish to say how i wizza saddened to see your distresso i wazza a standinga outta side my housa watching yooza, i wazza not a beingaa nosie it was becausa ma house being reposseda by da bank as i had lostta ma jobba ata merka wanrnersa but even soa my heart wentta outta yooz .
your handsa lookeda very rougha , must have been alla thoza stones uppa turning ah.
i rememba datta fateful nighta when liddle maddie wentta missing and alla dat village wenta searching all ze night so you andda kate could get a little shutta eyez coz well it mustta be ourz fault as portugese wina can be very strong especially da few bottles.
saddaly i couldna syya good bye to youz as i wazza in da church with my people but the preista said you couldna comes in , which saddena me as i remember youra triumphanta parada on liddle maddie birthday oh whatta a day alla those smiles i remember eet still .
tell akate that i wish her well in her interneto searcha for maddie
yours an unemployed pdl resident.[end]
a close family source told sky news " gerry was f_cking livid he/she didn,t even put a f_cking tenner in the envelope"
Even when that moron BigL is trying to be funny, he only comes over as being.....a moron, this person has issues lots of them, and should be pitied.
As should lots of them at the 3ars,shouldn't someone point out that there are no arguidos anymore? Maybe a name change is in order...
If i was one of them I would go with....theories r us, or exploitation of missing kids....
or sickos unite, any of the above and any corruption.
Anon 2.39
I could not agree more! Big_l does have some serious issues, the man is a repulsive pervert. I am still trying to get my head around why a man of his elderly age, thinks it is great to want to "pump" a children's Disney avatar and boast about it by writing the perverted comments on a forum for all to see! He is disgusting, but then, there are a lot of sick people on that forum.
I have said before that there are no longer 3 arguidos, but hey they could call themselves the 5 Arguidos, after the 5 members of Portuguese police force (PJ) are suspects and standing trial for allegedly torturing and beating a woman half to death!
But then again, the 3 A's are all mad up of axe murderes, paedopholes, criminals, bullies liars, fantasists and impostors, so what have we to expect of them?
You know Zetta, you really are a clear case of the pot calling the kettle black.
You go on and on about what we post on here being nothing to do with Madeleine....when you, yourself post nothing about the PJ on Claudia's blog. In fact you post nothing on there at all except copy and paste from here.
What a weird person you are.
she's nothing else to do its half term at the University. Piece of cake.
Hi Mum
Zetta is a freak, plainly. She drones on and on about others not doing something or doing something else, yet does not have the ability to see that she is guilty of being a rank hypocrite, so you are right she is odd.
Apart from that she could not be more wrong if she tried, she has no idea what we do, none at all, just because we do not go around shouting it from the rooftops.
Oh and Mum, "Good Grief" hasn't Jenny chosen the correct name? talk about a donkey, ee aw lol
Hi Zetta, hope you enjoyed your 6th. visit today.
What better way to spend Good Friday than constantly popping in here. But then if you did not constantly visit here...you would have nothing to comment on at Clawds....now would you?
Hi Rosie..."Good Grief" I thought JennyH had a far more interesting life to lead than blogging.
If only the lady from Spain knew what her other blogger name is.
Now, Now, you must tiptoe through that one lolol
Now, Now mum21,
you must tiptoe around that one lololol
Hi Anon,
I have never been known to tiptoe around anyone....not even "Good Grief".
Waves back to you Zetta...but you are lying through your teeth.
You may be able to change your name...but you cannot change your IP address.
Answer me one question...if you are not constantly visiting this blog...how do you know everything we say? How do you manage to repeat all we say on Clawds blog?
You were on this blog 6 times yesterday...and so far today just once.
Have a nice day. lol
I think the lady does protest too much. If her explanation is to be believed she must have somebody on standby 24/7 emailing her as each comment is made on here.
Lets see how long it takes her to respond to this one.
"Zetta said...
Dont call me a liar because you are too stupid to read the blog records properly. I wasnt on the blog 6 times yesterday. I havent been on it at all today.You have the wrong IP address.Stop trying to look clever, its embarrassing.
I answered your question about how I know about the content of that filthy PH-H a few days ago. Stupid woman.
April 11, 2009 12:42 PM"
Zetta said...
Dont call me a liar because you are too stupid to read the blog records properly. I wasnt on the blog 6 times yesterday. I havent been on it at all today.
Thats the best yet.
How did you manage to post this then, if you haven't been on the blog at all today. What a dipstick lolololol.
You should go and pick some flowers, you will feel a lot better.
Cláudia said...
Oh no, Zetta.
Believe me, if I ever post there, it will be because there are HUGE reasons for it. And it won't probably be published. ;-)
April 11, 2009 1:30 PM
Ditto to that Claws...but I have a feeling we are going to have HUGE reasons way before you. In fact I KNOW we are
Watch this space.
PS I did not visit your blog...your comment was emailed to me :-)))))
Zetta said...
So now I am being accused of ID fraud, being obsessed with Stalker Rosie and some thick anon who obviously can't read has also joined in!
Mum21 just for you. I dont care what you think. You are so unimportant to me that I don't feel the need to lie about whether or not I was on the blog.I most definitely was not on that filthy blog you so mistakenly call a Madeleine McCann and family blog six times yesterday.
"Cleverly" you told the world where you live so Cláudia will be able to check her records accurately (not using guesswork like you are) and see whether or not you have been on her blog or not.
Didnt you embarrass yourself enough with your "I have software and can see the Forumotion mail is a fake" idiocy? Forumotion certainly didn't say it was a fake when it was on their help forum.
I'm sure your answer to this will appear on the filthy PH-H as you are constantly on this blog.
I suggest you and Stalker Rosie get some therapy. You have an over-inflated sense of importance and you are delusional.
April 11, 2009 6:26 PM
Firstly Zetta...I did not tell Claudia where I live. Everyone knows where I live because I have a website that states where I live.
You can also tell Claws that my IP address never shows where I live...in fact it changes areas all the time. Added to that my IP address changes everytime I reboot.
As for me saying I have software that shows that forumotion email was a fake...I was telling the truth. But that does not really matter anyway because forumotion has informed us it was a fake and NOT written by them. I don't expect you to believe that...and to be perfectly honest I don't care either way.
As for checking records...Clawd is not the only one who has records she can check. I can (and do) check them on here and on Clawds...and you WERE on here 6 times yesterday.
You can tell Clawd she is also a liar...because I have never spent 5 hours on her blog. There is not 5 fours of reading on it to interest me.
Finally why don't you admit to JJ that you used to post over here...but only insults. That is why we stopped publishing them.
Zetta...your middle name should be sh-t stirrer.
Zetta and Clawsie are out to lunch - I see Clawsie is requesting her few followers to send requests to re-open Madeleine's case - I honestly don't believe they care one iota about Madeleine - they care about having the parents charged (even though there is NO evidence)...
Bunch of fools - anytime Clawsie makes any predictions - they're always ALL wrong. Let's hope she's better at translating than predicting.
Happy Easter to everyone on this forum.
Hey Mum, look what Zetta said about you. I think she must have been looking in the mirror when she wrote that.
Buttttttttttt look how fast she responds to what you say. Within minutes!
Mum21.You're a compulsive liar, get therapy.You REALLY need help. Seriously.
April 11, 2009 9:10 PM
Thanks Anon 21:04, and a happy easter to you too.
As for Clawdia's predictions, I wont mention the Tsunami, pmsl.
She's so thick I know potted plants that have a higher IQ than her.
Hi Tinks,
That's a bit of an insult to potted plants....comparing them to Clawds IQ. lol
Clawd would not know the truth if it bit her on the backside.
But she's in good company these days over on that nutty blog of hers.
Happy Easter Anon.
by viv on Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:20 pm
I believe Kate and Gerry use cocaine and are also heavy drinkers. As you say this does loosen the tongue. I also agree with you they are looking for like minded people and do not expect others doctors to breach confidence, it is against the unwritten code they have. The Gaspars did not breach confidence until they had ascertained Payne was on that holiday and clearly associated Madeleine's disappearance with him. I also agree such people tend to be very arrogant, controlling, that is in part what attracts them to children, they are so easy to control. There is no doubt from everything we have seen and heard, Gerry and Payne are controlling and aggressive people. Look how Payne dealt with Yvonne Martin, when it could easily be said it was not really any of his business. I have tried to put myself in the position of Kate, and if I had genuinely had my child abducted and here was a professional woman who wanted to help me and offer me a shoulder to cry on, I would have welcomed her with open arms. Maybe that is just me, but I am sure that is how I would have reacted because women are genuinely so much more sympathetic than men, let alone the two men that Kate was with! Payne was rude to her and getting rid of her for one simple reason IMO. The same reason he was stuck to them like glue the next morning. Interesting he was with the police all day as well, I think the PJ with their more intensive training on offender psychology etc, probably had them sussed right from the very outset, but getting the evidence is another matter.
"I believe Kate and Gerry use cocaine and are also heavy drinkers. As you say this does loosen the tongue."
AGAIN with the libel, the filthy lies viv? you just can't stop yourself, can you. When are you going to realise no one gives a flying f*** WHAT you believe, you are inconsiquencial, unimportant. Since when did you become an expert on cocaine? Is it through your own use? Because you must be on something to come out with bullsh*t like that, day after day. Another screenshot on it's way to the authorities. Carter Ruck's folder on you must be nearly as big as the one we know they have on bent tit!
It is also against the unwritten code of law between lawyers to make libellous comments like that.
To me it proves beyond any shadow of doubt that Viv has never been a solicitor...nor practised law in any shape or form. It is not professional to make unverified comments like Viv does.
In fact she despises Tony Bennett...but she is equally as bad as him with her sick, perverted ramblings.
by viv on Sat Apr 11, 2009 9:20 pm
I believe Kate and Gerry use cocaine and are also heavy drinkers. As you say this does loosen the tongue.
If you think that using words like; "I believe" prefixing what IS a libellous statement, then you are even stupider than is originally thought, I have it on very good authority that this does NOT let you off the hook.
I also agree with you they are looking for like minded people and do not expect others doctors to breach confidence, it is against the unwritten code they have. The Gaspars did not breach confidence until they had ascertained Payne was on that holiday and clearly associated Madeleine's disappearance with him.
If you really did used to be a solicitor, you would know that the above words are definitely libellous, but then of course you were never a solicitor, probably the closest you ever got to a solicitor, was sitting across the desk in a prison visiting room.
I also agree such people tend to be very arrogant, controlling, that is in part what attracts them to children, they are so easy to control.
You are arrogant and controlling, you are actually a person with some of the worse narcissistic tendencies that I have ever read in my life. Coupled with the fact that you, slapper, are an arc fantasist, you are the result of that unholy filthy union! You weren't born, you were spawned out of green slime. However, as you are arrogant and controlling (and butt ugly), were you ever in prison for abusing your children? Or did you ever get warned by social services? If the criminal records were checked would they reveal this about you? Hey don't whinge and complain, this is exactly what you have said about Gerry McCann and his friends. Here is a bit of good news for you though, we all know how you love to see your words published, it gives you a kick, well these words have been read by someone whose job it is to read them and when the time comes, you will see your depraved words in every newspaper in this country, so if I were you, while you still have it, spend some of that compo money on face lift, you may want to improve your appearance for the pictures that will accompany your words in the newspaper reports.
What really irritates you about me, is that you know I am usually right in what ever I predict.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock!
There is no doubt from everything we have seen and heard, Gerry and Payne are controlling and aggressive people. Look how Payne dealt with Yvonne Martin, when it could easily be said it was not really any of his business.
And of course this is your business? How, exactly do you work that one out? More gob shite from you, the filthy lying crone. What have you seen and heard exactly? The same as everyone else, so why is it only you and a few other dirt bags come out with libellous crap like this? Your face reminds me of the bit of a chicken that went over the fence last.
Poor Vile, you try so hard to make people think you are clever, pity you fail every time, but hey 10/10 for effort.
I have tried to put myself in the position of Kate, and if I had genuinely had my child abducted and here was a professional woman who wanted to help me and offer me a shoulder to cry on, I would have welcomed her with open arms. Maybe that is just me, but I am sure that is how I would have reacted because women are genuinely so much more sympathetic than men, let alone the two men that Kate was with! Payne was rude to her and getting rid of her for one simple reason IMO. The same reason he was stuck to them like glue the next morning. Interesting he was with the police all day as well, I think the PJ with their more intensive training on offender psychology etc, probably had them sussed right from the very outset, but getting the evidence is another matter.
Another load of gobshite from the queen of bollox! But talking about getting evidence, glad to see that you agree it is needed before you make free with the libellous comments, pity you did not heed it though.
Obviously you failed when you tried to place yourself in Kate's position, because if you had succeeded you would never have made all these libellous comments, which are now going to come back and bite your rather amply padded posterior.
What a stupid statement what is it like to see your tower of lies falling piece by piece every day? Here's something though, the best fun will come when you have to account for the filth you have written over the past months, in a court of law.
Do you know if all your lies were written down, there would be ample to wallpaper the Albert Hall.
Come on oh green livered queen of gob shite, please tell us what spurred you on to write even more libellous crap. You know as well as every other empty headed bucket of filth, that with each passing day now and each statement and action we see of the McCanns, their innocence is becoming crystal clear, to all normal people, you realise this, not because you are normal, but because your pathetic little world depends on people believing your lies, because you get off on this tragedy daily and you see it all being taken away from you and you cannot bear it.
Still no doubt you will go and find some other poor soul to victimise, just like you did to Jade Goody and that other lady who died of cancer while trying her best to make a difference to the world. You really are a scumbag.
If you had more than the two brain cells that didn't have a friction burn, you would have realised something over this past 3 or so weeks, the tide has actually turned, it is now time to do. (You recognise that statement of course, "A new dawn" and all that) and you, Bren, Stevo, Aunty Nessie and pRat, Clawd, Hope, Dylan, Di and all the other smog heads, need to think very carefully about the words and statements you have been so free and vociferous with over the past two years, because for people like you there is always a day of reckoning and that day is almost here.
No point in suddenly trying to erase the evil gob shite and defamatory libellous remarks either - too late, much too late.
I bet when we get to hear you talk in court, you'll sound like you have a mouth full of used toilet paper
Nearly time for the post.
Tick Tock, Tick Tock.
The day is now even closer! The TRUTH about wife basher gonzo's lies! And all the other lies about the McCann's! Bent tit, viv, gonzo, and all the sicker 3a's, you are all going to be SO pig sick very, very soon, and there ain't a damn thing you can do about it!
Rosie & Co
I haven't looked at your forum for a while until this afternoon. Just wanted to say how impressed I was with it and keep up the good work.
Thanks Anon, the forum does indeed look good. The credit must go to Rosie, she has worked very hard on it the last couple of weeks.
Not long to go now!!
WOW Vee,
thats a noisy clock you have there lol.
Make the next one Big Ben, when the time comes Sooooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnn.
Thanks Mum and Anon,
I hope it is easier to navigate now. I am no computer buff, but I do have a try.
I just hope thateach time I do it, it will not be necessary to do it again as Madeleine will be found.
Wouldn't that be the best of all? Please God.
Hey Chris and Vee,
tick tock...tick tock.
WOW...not long now.
Yes, Rosie...that would be the best of all.
The clock is really speeding up now!
Soon the countdown will begin!
It appears that Viv is getting a little impatient about our countdown.
Sorry about that Viv...but I can assure you it will be well worth the wait.
We will NOT publish your crap on here, so be a good girl and run back to your own little defunct and libellous blog.
Justice for Madeleine and her family....and STUFF VIV.
One thing you have never been is "in touch", lol.
Now do as Mum said and run back to your pondlife of a blog and post your boring, predictable crap on there.
Nancy said...
Making money out of a missing child is the lowest depths anyone can go to but nothing surprises me these days quite frankly.
BBL - Nx
April 14, 2009 12:44 PM
How much money did Amaral make for last nights (libellous) documentary?
Nancy said...
Making money out of a missing child is the lowest depths anyone can go to but nothing surprises me these days quite frankly.
BBL - Nx
April 14, 2009 12:44 PM
You are right Nancy, nothing surprises me with Amaral either.
Whats up Vileness,
nobody to play with at 4.15 in the morning.
Sneeking about like the slimey git you are is all you do.
This countdown seems to be worrying you ROTFLMAO. Not long now.
Todays popular thread on Bren's new NEUTRAL forum....starring BigL of course.
Hi Vile,
Oh don't mention it you wizened up old vampire bat, anything to help the mentally afflicted.
I see you could not help but read it though.
Good job you have such a big fat ugly face, it will make laughing on the other side of it easier for you.
We told you something was going to happen and it did, but if you had paid attention you would have also read that the best is yet to come and it is.
Now what you have to decide is, is it something to do with the reconstruction or is it something else? Or is it both.
Bye bye pumpkin arse.
Oops sorry mum I accidentally pressed the publish instead of the reject button. But we don't really want to be guilty of not helping the mentally ill do we?
Tinkerbell43 said...
One thing you have never been is "in touch", lol.
Now do as Mum said and run back to your pondlife of a blog and post your boring, predictable crap on there.
14 April 2009 12:11~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
The only thing she is in touch with is her psychiatrist!
I've got to say, I'm loving your choice of music, so apt, lol.
The one "show me the way to Amaralo" had me smiling all night aswell as humming!
Keep up the good work.
Nancy said...
Making money out of a missing child is the lowest depths anyone can go to but nothing surprises me these days quite frankly.
BBL - Nx
April 14, 2009 12:44 PM
Goncalo Amaral's book which has made him THOUSANDS OF EUROS and has swelled his bank balance and retirement fund, has not been published in Britain, amid fears he would be sued for libel and defamation of character..........The Portuguese TV Company who screened the documentary, bought the rights to Amaral's book for an undisclosed figure, estimated to be in the MANY THOUSANDS, further swelling his personal fortune, made largely because of his involvement with the Madeleine McCann Investigation......
Go tell it Amaral and while you are at it, tell it to Bennett as well.
Just been for a visit to your blog and saw the post you found about how the McCanns are not middle class. Unless Britain is remarkably different from Australia, most people that hold down jobs and own their own houses are considered middle class. Has it not occurred to that freaking idiot that wrote the post, that it doesnt matter where you came from, it is where you end up that determines your class. And two doctors on good incomes with their own house and a good lifestyle are definitely middle class.
The only person that looked bad from that post, was the person who posted it. Made themselves look petty and foolish, as well as just a tad prejudice.
And who was it declaired them middle class, anyway? Did Kate and Gerry ever put on airs and graces, trying to pretend they were something other than what they really are? Did they ever openly and publically declare themselves to be middle class, and to always defer to themselves as such? NO!! It was the PRESS who labeled them as such, so I suggest that particular brain-dead muppet direct his comments to the press complaints dept, and see how far they run with it!
Kate and Gerry to appear on Oprah!
HEY BENNETT, ARE YOU READING THIS?! Let's see you try and get THIS show scuppered with one of your pathetic, smarmy online petitions! Oprah will send you away with a log up your a*se!
Oh, and for the benefit of the anti spin machine, those halfwit numbnutz who like to twist and manipulate things to their own poisonous ends, pay PARTICULAR attention to this.
"Oprah Winfrey does not pay for interviews,"
"Kate and Gerry will not be receiving a single dollar for this and neither will the fund for Madeleine."
Got a new one up...seeing as Bennett insinuates JK Rowling may be a witch ;)
Tulip thats nasty!
JennyH said...
Nancy, if Madeleine was taken to sea, it would not have been in their car as they only got it 20 days later. So what were the alleged cadaver traces in the Renault? So many theories seem to cancel each other out.
Anon, I am always amazed when I read Rosie's attacks. An aggressive nurse! Surely a nightmare scenario for any patient.
Luckily I haven't yet met one in a hospital. Maybe I've been lucky?
I hope the flu and migraine victims recover soon. It could be the time of year.
April 15, 2009 11:02 AM
Tulip (JennyH)
I would be careful what I said if I were you and yes this is a threat. Do not talk about me on the internet because I WILL do something about it.
You nasty manipulative old hag, grow up and stop talking down to people.
And Tony Bennett can't stalk them here. He won't be allowed in our country because he has a criminal conviction. :))
I did know that Bennett thinks JK Rowling is a witch because she writes fanatasy novels involving withcraft.
So I suppose by that same reckoning Tolkien was a wizard because he wrote about the same things. Probably also CS Lewis as well, and so many other authors that I could name.
It seems that logic appears to have escaped him.
Hi Diane,
By that reckoning what does that make Lewis Caroll when he penned his Alice adventures and does this make every writer of a crime novel a criminal?
Now as Bennett has written about the McCanns, trying to say that he believes they killed their daughter, by his own reckoning, what does that make him?
Here's just one piece of bulls**t from the lying Gonc.
He doesn't mention not going to the scene.
06.23 – It was past midnight when the GNR warned the Polícia Judiciária’s picket. I was immediately informed and took the appropriate measures. Searches were carried out in the region, the Spanish authorities were warned, and the borders were controlled. The largest search operation ever to be carried out in Portugal was organised.
Hi Anon 17.23
That is exactly how I read that too! He is using semantics, I wonder why he will not admit that he has never even spoken to the parents.
How can he even form an opinion either way, guilt or innocence when he has never interviewed them personally? Some detective he is, does it all from the bar when he is on one of his extended four hour booze filled lunches!
Wow Rosie,
Your Forum is looking great!
Thanks Tony. Your blog doesn't look bad either!
Are you a member of the forum? It is hard to know with all the different IDs.
No Rosie, I'm not a member....but, as you possibly know I have viewed the threads that was open to the public.
New one just for you Tinker :))
tony said...
New one just for you Tinker :))
17 April 2009 11:17
Thanks Tony, I've just christened my keyboard. Wasn't expecting that, pmsl.
Gawd the ugly sisters have got nothing on them, that is certainly the gruesome twosome, a match made in hell, lol.
Must admit Lardy looks much more feminine than the other old prune!
sha la la la la la la la!
OMG Tony that is hilarious!
can you find a picture of their first born?
Check it out tomorrow. :))
Rosiepops said...
can you find a picture of their first born?
In the name of all things good and decent, NO!!
I shudder to think!
Rosiepops said...
can you find a picture of their first born?
Probhably in a cage at Edinburgh Zoo.
Latest News
Sadly the botox on Viv' tongue didn't work. They got her gob mixed up with her ass (must be the crap that pours out of it) now the only thing without creases is her ironing.
Congratulations are in order do pay a visit with your Coos and Ah':))
Does Vile ever do any ironing Anon? Not judging by the pre-compo money state of her abode, she doesn't!
OMG I just spluttered all over my keyboard Tony!
What do you think his name is?
He certainly has part of his mother's mustache! lol
Oh and part of his daddy's combed over hairstyle.
You know Rosie, you are correct....he does have his daddy's comb over, gosh I never noticed it.
I was caught up in the moment of the happy occasion.
Thank you Rosie,
the new baby's name is confirmed as
'Amarbentolf' it suits him to a T.
It's nice to know that since the announcement that Oprah will be interviewing the McCanns, you are getting a lot of visitors from the USA (please refer to FEEDJIT Live Traffic Map - 24%).
I am looking forward to the interview and I know Oprah will be compassionate and supportive of this couple.
Hi Anon 07:46
I see, yes we do have rather of lot of visitors from the States.
I hope the interview on Oprah goes well for Kate and Gerry, they really need the one person with that little piece of vital information to come forward.
They may have already come forward and been told that they information was not relevant, or they may have been deterred from coming forward by the negative disinformation that is being spread by Amaral and his band of insane witch hunters.
Hopefully they will see the Oprah interview and decide to come forward again.
I also see on Proud of the PJ's there is concern about whether the McCanns are getting paid for the Oprah interview. As noted, Oprah does NOT pay for interviews but also please note that Oprah is a compassionate giving woman and I would not be surprised to hear that she donated money to HELP MADELEINE FUND.
I also noticed that there is no mention of an invite to all those so not best selling Portuguese (including Gonc) writers or to Tony Bennett. Know why? Because they're a bunch of losers.....
Hi Anon
First of all I would like to say what has it got to do the proud of the corrupt PJ blog?
Honestly I take no notice of them, they are too full their own p*** and importance and really what are they? Just a bunch of ninnies who do nothing but sit around all day and whinge, they are nothing, they amount to nothing, and they will always amount to nothing.
I can't be bothered with them. There is one person there that had the cheek to accuse me of being an anon on another site, when it was not me. The nasty ugly old bat caused a lot of trouble between myself and someone I once liked and respected and then tried to do the same between myself and some people who are now my good friends, she failed, but not only failed she actually showed herself up to be a really nasty, spiteful, duplicitous, two faced jealous old cow and I did nothing to help her reveal this about herself, I simply stood back and gave her enough rope and she eventually hung herself with it.
I had sussed her out ages before she started her antics.
She now posts on a blog with someone called Gina who she cannot abide and never could, alongside the blog author, a person that she said she disliked. (hmmm yes if she says so).
Let them get on with it and I hope they will all be very happy together, bunch of two faced emotionally retarded crab apples.
Tony Bennett Nor Armadilldo is allowed into our country.
One has a criminal conviction and the other is on trial for brutality against a prisoner.
Even if he is cleared he will not be welcomed.
Hi Tony,
Bennett is not welcome in his OWN country - lol
Rosiepops said... Hi Tony,
Bennett is not welcome in his OWN country - lol
19 April 2009 18:25
He really does attract the misfits of society doesn't he.
The deeper you look the more nasties you find about him, very strange man indeed.
Just out of curiosity, how are the numbnutz trying to explain away Gerry's request to have the investigation re-opened? Mighty strange thing for a man with a guilty secret to do, don't you think? After all, the halfwits were themselves getting up petitions to demand the very same thing, and here he is, wanting the same investigation re-opened! I bet that has their undies in an uproar!!
As we all know, the investigation was shelved last year, (Not currently going on in secret, unbeknown to the McCann's, as the Mars Bars would have us believe,) until new hard evidence was brought to light. What we are now seeing is a flurry of activity from the McCann's. The reconstruction, the Oprah show, and now, yesterday, Gerry calling for the enquiry to be re-opened. All the e-mails and petitions from 3a's, missingmadeleine and so on are just p*ss and wind, a bunch of loosers trying to puff themselves up full of their own percieved importance. There was never a snowflakes hope in hell of THEM getting the investigation re-opened. But Gerry? If GERRY asked for it, knowing himself it would only be done if there was something new, something big, to put on the table? YOU join the dots up.
The TRUTH will set you free! Though I suspect for some, it will have the opposite effect! And no, I don't mean Kate and Gerry!
Something's afoot, I can feel it. Somethings close to happening, something big!
Latest comment left by the vile one herself on my website.
"are just p*ss and wind, a bunch of loosers trying to puff themselves up full of their own percieved importance."
"This from the man trying to make himself sound important by telling anyone who will listen about his "spiritual connection" to Madeleine. OH PLEASE.
Keep swearing, it shows everyone how little content there is to your posts."
Oh dear viv, you really ARE getting worried now, arn't you?! I asked you to join the dots up, forgetting that in order to do that you need to be able to hold a pencil, something you can't manage, because you lack opposable thumbs!!
Oh, the big old delete button came in for some use again, after I managed to stop myself chuckling at your crass stupidity, that is!
AH AH Vee,
what do you expect from that filthy minded git.
Look at her own site, every post she makes is either about sex, peado's or porn. Even the pop up adds.
Talk about perverted, the vile one is the master of it.
Anon, I think she is getting more and more angry, because SHE know's that WE know something SHE doesn't, and she hates being left out of the loop! Well viv, that 'loop' is in fact a 'noose' and it is growing ever more tight every day around that filty fat pig gonzo's neck! He just doesn't know it yet! It is also slipped around the neck of that disgusting exploitive attention-seeker bent tit, but don't worry viv, there's still room in the loop for your disgusting, lying neck too!
Two weeks! Just two weeks before the lies of gonzo are revealed!
Hi Vee
I would just allow them and Vile to make complete fools out of themselves, sit back and laugh at their expense.
Oh dear, as we immediately suspected, Goncalo Amaral on the 3A's is NOT really Goncalo Amaral! It was their "mate" Nbrado all along, now there is a surprise (not). It seems that Bren and her followers were all completely taken in, but we weren't.
What a joke, does anyone have any copies of those sycophantic posts made by them over there, they really will be good for a laugh.
Hey Claudia, you leeeetle liar you!
You were over there on the 3 A's leading the fawning, ready to chuck your knickers at your idol.
I thought you said you knew Goncalo? No scrub that, you DID say you knew Goncalo and was in regular contact with him, well if this was so, how come you did not know this was an impostor? We knew it and we do NOT know him, how come you did not?
Never mind we can all now have a really good lolololololololololat you.
you are such a Liar!
You are repeatedly caught out telling lies and we are still awaiting your tsunami! (Even if you did pinch my words, plagiarist)
Oh dear Claudia
is such a liar
no truth, no reason
as the flames fan higher.
She cries; She lies; She sighs;
As she sits on her wobbly fat seat;
scoffing all the pies; She buys
while swooning at fat boys feet.
It really is, such a pity,
for nasty little Miss shitty,
crying,'take me Gonc oh please'
while being ignored on her bended knees'
She fawned, she begged and pleaded
but Gonc ignored her bravado
just as well really
'cos her hero
was not as she thought
her dear Goncalo
it turned out to be no other
than 3A's ex shunned mod - Nbrado.
Thank you Viv for allowing free speach and voice for Madeleine.
OMG this is quoted from a member of Viv's blog, can't be bothered going back and blistering my scrolling finger to find out who said it but it must qualify as being one of the most laughable comments I have read.
The only thing free about Viv's speech is her spit.
Luz Post subject: Re: WELCOME HOME THE McCANNS TOMORROW Posted: Sat Apr 25, 2009 3:49 pm Mafia Boss Joined: Sat Dec 08, 2007 6:01 pmPosts: 4527: Luz wrote
Luz wrote:....Let's get a full bucket of rotten tomatoes
Perhaps a few 3A members would kindly leave a few leaflets on tables and chairs, shortly before the 'McCelebs' arrive at the airport - this would get the TB Leaflet Campaign off to a cracking start. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
I see the right wing Portuguese cerebrally challenged racist is off again.
Carry on like this and the tourists will never return to Portugal, you spiteful neanderthal.
Now go find someone else to terrorise.
The Portuguese tourist industry is dying on it's feet, and the only man to blame for that is gonzo. Soon, in less than two weeks, the world will know the truth of his lies, and then their tourist industry will collapse totally. If they want to put it right, then they need to hold an enquiry, charge him with dereliction of duty, perjury, torture and a fist full of other things, then lock the evil, disgusting pig away for life. Then take all his ill-gotten gains away, add them to the Find Madeleine fund, and then we will have justice for Madeleine AND her family. He always liked to spend his time in bars. Soon he'll be spending the rest of his time behind them.
Reward details.
THE News of the World has put up a record £1.5 million reward for the safe return of Madeleine McCann.
After they kicked off the fund with £250,000, Harry Potter author JK ROWLING put up a staggering amount - the largest single donation. But she asked them not to reveal the exact figure.
Topshop tycoon SIR PHILIP GREEN matched our £250,000 and said: "I hope this makes a difference."
Virgin's SIR RICHARD BRANSON put up £100,000.
Footie chairmen EGGERT MAGNUSSON of West Ham and Reading's JOHN MADEJSKI both gave £10,000.
Ann Summers boss JACQUELINE GOLD donated £100,000.
Telly star SIMON COWELL promised £50,000.
Manchester United star WAYNE ROONEY and fiancée Coleen McLoughlin pledged £25,000.
The England cricket team joined in with £20,000.
Entrepreneur SIR TOM HUNTER pledged £100,000 with EasyJet boss SIR STELIOS Haji-Ioannou and Matalan chief JOHN HARGREAVES chipping in with large sums too.
Just for clawdia, there's a tsunami coming, and it's going to hit Portugal in under two weeks! And you can blame your disgusting fat pig of a loverboy, gonzo for it!
I have been emailed this post from Claudia's blog.
Anonymous said...
Rosies Mole said...Hello
And now news from the pink forum and blog.
A bust-up has led to Mum21 being thrown off the blog and forum.
What a shame for her. She wanted to get her fat grubby fingers on the blog and the forum and she has failed. :-)
As we know Mum21s 'area of expertise' was poking her huge nose in things that had nothing to do with her, nasty comments and pretending to know things she didnt.
In closing, I should like to mention just one of the charming remarks she made about a poster.
... has been thrown off the 3A's. What a surprise lolololololWell Mum, right back at you!
Im going back to the forum now.
April 28, 2009 11:46 PM
Rosie's Mole..please get your facts right. I have not been thrown off of either the blog or the forum...and neither has there been a fallout.
I left the forum by choice and for my own personal reasons.
The proof of what I am saying will be if this post is published.
Have a nice day Rosie's Mole
Well Claudia, sorry to disappoint you but none of what you have said is true.
Shame, yet again you have made yourself look an idiot. Never mind, one day soon you may just get something right, start with the date, that is easy enough.You can't mess that up can you?
She couldn't get it right if she tried.
Oh dear and isn't Mr Bennett going to be disappointed Channel 4 is going ahead with the Madeleine programme next Thursday. Tut tut after all his effort to stop it with Offcom, stupid boy!
They could not get it right if you wrote the truth on a piece of paper for them to recite it from.
clawdia, do you, in fact, even know which way round to sit on a toilet seat?
JennyH said...
Rosie's Mole
What a shock. Like The Apprentice: You're Fired!
Did the Jag come to collect her?
April 29, 2009 10:15 AM
Tulip Grow Up.
At least she really has a Jag.
Where's your bessy mate gone, oh I can see her, yoo hoo!
Anonymous said...
JennyH said...
Rosie's Mole
What a shock. Like The Apprentice: You're Fired!
Did the Jag come to collect her?
April 29, 2009 10:15 AM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Tulip you are one nasty piece of work, constantly trying to cause trouble and soooooo very, very jealous.
Every time you think there is a problem up you pop like some kind of poisonous toadstool, you were the same on the blog and then the forum, always there hovering, trying to stir it between friends, making trouble where there was none. Stir, stir, stir. Grow up you pathetic old witch
Mum is fine, we are fine now but out, get off of her case and leave her alone, you **** stirring pathetic old saddo. Prune face.
Don't worry about it. All the time they are having a go at me they are leaving some other poor sod alone.
If they want to play guessing games about why I have left the forum at the moment..let them get on with it.
They even think I left without telling anyone. I find that very amusing lololololol
We could tell them why...but why should we, it's none of their damn business.
Waves Rosie's Mole
Anonymous said...
Hi Rosie's Mole (if you're still around)
Most of the people on the pink forum have effectively left; of the 113 people they claim are members (lol)only about 17 ever look in to see what's cookin' and far fewer can be bothered to post.
If Mum decided to 'pursue her own interests' or 'spend more time with her family' she could have done the same -- then returned when she felt like it. Why delete herself?
Bet there was a flurry of emails summoning her to say her piece.
April 29, 2009 9:01 PM
Hello Anon....I am afraid you give yourself away time after time. You have a certain way of writing...and it's a style all of your own.
Let us get one thing straight...I WILL be BACK. I have my reasons for deleting my account on a temporary basis and it has nothing to do with the rest of the Admin team..or any falling out. They know why I have had to take a break and they know I will eventually be back. Could be sooner than you think.(lol)
Until then you will have to carry on with your guessing games.
Have fun!
Anonymous said...
Hi Rosie's Mole (if you're still around)
Most of the people on the pink forum have effectively left; of the 113 people they claim are members (lol)only about 17 ever look in to see what's cookin' and far fewer can be bothered to post.
If Mum decided to 'pursue her own interests' or 'spend more time with her family' she could have done the same -- then returned when she felt like it. Why delete herself?
Bet there was a flurry of emails summoning her to say her piece.
April 29, 2009 9:01 PM~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
To Rosie's Mole that only seems to be able to mine information already in the public domain. lolololol
Why is concentrating on our members so fascinating to you? Shouldn't you be more concerned about the state of your own blog and your single figure members? Even those members you do have are you, you silly pathetic deluded wretch.
Oh and just for you, in order that you do not continue to make an even bigger idiot of yourself than you have done to date (if that is humanely possible) We actually have a facility on our forum that allows members to be seen or not seen as they prefer, all members are seen by Admin which is us, why we can even see you and the hundreds of times you log in each day, it seems you are absolutely obsessed with what is on our forum, what a pity that you cannot see what is really being spoken about and even if one of your ridiculous applications to join our forum were to be accepted, you still would not have a clue, so save your time and bugger of back to the 3 A's, they are as washed up and finished as you are.
Talking of the 3A's...how about this wonderful comment from rainbowwarrior. I laughed and laughed and laughed.
rainbowwarrior...you have Claudia well and truly sussed.
rainbowwarrior Post subject: Re: UPDATED: ALL POSTERS - PLEASE READ THIS AND HELPPosted: Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:01 pm
You're Nicked
Joined: Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:45 pm
Posts: 240
[Claudia quote] No, enigma.
But the more the pressure, the better.
And this is the perfect timing to do it in Portugal, politically speaking...[/quote]
So the emails are a complete waste of time unless new evidence is found . Claudia, what's portuguese for "plonker"
Poltically speaking, Mr Amaral is I believe running for some public office. This of course should not be used to question his motives for doing a documentary or planning to write another book.
I wonder how it would look for Mr Amaral's career if Madeleine were found, and the actual criminals found. Not to good I would suspect.
You see, a few of Mr Amaral's supporters are assuming that the only possible outcome to the search for Madeleine is the conviction of her parents. But this is not the case. Catching the actual abductor is something they do not even consider, and if it happened, imagine how the public would react to finding that they have been fed lie and lie for the past 2 years.
So I say, let the case be re-opened. It is after all what the McCanns also want. A strange thing for a supposedly guilty couple.
I suppose it would be too obvious to use the cliche that gonzo would make a good polititian, what with his proven track record of lying through his teeth. He should be carefull what he wishes for, because he may just get it. In the neck!
For those of you who haven't seen it already, please view The Hounding of The McCanns for a Tony masterpiece 'Don't Cry For Me 3Arguidos' it is hilarious!
Rosiepops, can you tell me where on 3 Arguidos it is?
I find their forum very confusing and always manage to get lost on it.
Hi Anon 15.35
It is not on the 3 arguidos, poor old Bren would not have it there.lol
Try this.
Don't Cry For Me 3Arguidos
Zetta said..
Cláudia, the fan from Canada is probably looking here to see if she is missing any news from the place she posts! After all she won't be told anything about people leaving to "rest" or whatever the excuse was.
May 2, 2009 7:54 PM
Oh dear, oh dear Zetta...you fall for ir everytime.
I had a bet with another forum member... if I deleted my membership how you and the Clawdites would react. I said even if I went quietly...with no fuss, you would come up with all sorts way out reasons.
I won that bet...and Zetta, you have been had.
Ugly Yellow Teeth?
Get White Teeth In 6 Days! Risk FreeTrial. Limited Time Only.
This is for Vile from Clawds blog!
And they have the nerve to accuse me of falling out with forum members. Get a grip Clawd and Viv, please.
On Parole
Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:26 pm
Posts: 1489
"viv wrote:
Well are you going to tell us that actually Maddie may have been stashed away in Canada now Claudia? I thought you had always been convinced Maddie suffered a nasty little accident in 5a? I think it was a bit worse than that!"
Viv, I don't intend to tell you anything, actually.
Claudia79 Post subject: Re: Request for cooperationPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 12:02 am
On Parole
Joined: Thu Jul 24, 2008 7:26 pm
Posts: 1489
"viv wrote:
If you had not even heard of Norah Paul Claudia, maybe there is not much you could tell me!"
I'm looking for specific photos.
Since you have no intention of helping, Viv, I'll leave you to chat to yourself.
Boa noite!
viv Post subject: Re: Request for cooperationPosted: Sun May 03, 2009 12:34 am
Mafia Boss
Joined: Sun Dec 30, 2007 10:58 pm
Posts: 2075
Did you send them to Goncalo
Dylan, you obviously cannot read. None of my comments have been deleted...they are still there.
Let me give you a short lesson about forums. If you delete your account your comments remain...but your name changes to "guest".
Rosie's Mole and Zetta....I don't give a flying one whether you believe me or not. What I do care about is putting my energies into promoting the forums new book. Would you like a copy?lolololol
Hi Mum,
let them dwell over there in their extension 3 A's cesspit.
All these months they have been sitting on their idle backsides doing nothing and criticising us for thinking that we were doing nothing!
That is the big difference between us as human beings and they as human beings, we have compassion and the commitment to actually try and do something to help bring Madeleine home, while they would rather sit stinking over there discussing which way they think she died. Making a hero out of some fat pimp that pimps Madeleine, for as much money as he can make out of her name and also has no morality, no compunction about using her name to further his own dirty name in his dirty games of politics.
There is a name for people like Goncalo Amaral and hopefully he will be known by that name.
From the very start of this investigation he got everything hopelessly wrong, so much so, that it is questionable how one man, supposedly in his senior position, could ever get every single thing so so wrong, for most sensible people a niggling doubt starts in the corner of your mind, whether he did managed to make these keystone Kop blunders, or were they something darker and more sinister? It makes me think.
But let them dwell over there, they are all deluded, but the one thing I really object to is how they profess to do and say the most atrocious sub-human things in the name of a little girl, who mostly everyone with more than one brain cell, now realises was abducted.
Portugal has an unchecked paedophile problem and I note it is now being linked in some way to Casa Pia right to the heart of their government.
Watch this space the tsunami I predicted while we still posted on the DX, has begun, but Claudia be very careful, it is coming your way! (And your hero's)
You are right Rosie...let them get on with it. After all we have more important things to think about...and do.
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